Grant Policies & Procedures

FFAR Grantee must meet all requirements listed in the Grant Agreement.
FFAR Grantee must meet all requirements listed in the Grant Agreement.


Grants Management

While the Grant Agreement requirements are specific to your project, you must complete the following:

1. Coordinate Public Communications

Coordinate with our Communications and Legislative Affairs Team before discussing your grant publicly, regularly inform us about results and cite FFAR in all publications.

2. Submit Initial Required Forms

Provide the required forms and reports, including annual financial and project reports.

3. Submit Forms about Changes to your Project

Notify our Grants Management Team about any changes to your project using the Change & Modification forms.

Grant Transfers:

To transfer a FFAR grant, the original grantee institution and the Principal Investigator (PI) should take the following steps:

  • The original institution must finish and submit the year-to-date financial and progress reports.
  • The original institution must send FFAR a letter on their letterhead requesting to relinquish the grant and transfer it to the new institution.
  • The original institution will need to relinquish any un-spent FFAR funds back by check.
  • The new institution will need to submit a new project budget for the remaining funds and time.
  • After these components have been submitted and approved, FFAR will issue a new Grant Agreement to the new institution. Once it is executed, the grant will proceed as normal.
  • This process usually takes more than a month to complete.

4. Publish & Maintain a Pre-Analysis Plan

Agree to publish a pre-analysis plan, which includes the abstract, hypothesis, project personnel (PI and key personnel), project duration, expected outcomes and award amount in a publicly accessible location. During the study, notify FFAR of significant deviations from the pre-analysis plan.

5. Publishing Data

Make the full dataset, the code used to analyze it and any other necessary materials publicly available within six months of publishing the study.

6. Publishing Results

Post a pre-print or working paper version within 8-12 weeks of submitting the study for publication, if journal allows pre-prints to be posted online.


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