ICASA is soliciting research concepts on understanding the etiology and pathogenesis, and developing new models, for liver abscesses in beef cattle. Applicants should describe how their research enhances responsible antibiotic use, reduces the potential for resistance and/or provides actionable information that can be used by stakeholders.
Full application details are available on FFAR’s website. Applicants must submit their letter of intent by January 27, 2021. Matching funds are required for this program. Applications will be reviewed by ICASA participants and will be evaluated on a variety of factors including potential for supply chain implementation, potential for impact, likelihood for successful completion, originality, key personnel qualifications and strength of partnerships.
FFAR created ICASA in 2019 to facilitate research that promotes the judicious use of antibiotics, advances animal health and welfare and increases transparency in food production practices. ICASA improves antibiotic stewardship by building cross-sector partnerships among participants representing all stages of the U.S. livestock supply chain.
About the International Consortium for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Agriculture
The International Consortium for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Agriculture (ICASA) is a public-private partnership created by the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) to advance research on antimicrobial stewardship in animal agriculture. ICASA’s research promotes the judicious use of antibiotics, advances animal health and wellness and increases transparency in food production practices.