Grants & Funding

We award grants to support bold food and agriculture research.
Applications, form and reports must be submitted on our Grants Management System.

We award grants to support bold food and agriculture research.
Applications, form and reports must be submitted on our Grants Management System.


Grants Management

Applicant Resources

FFAR Office Hours

Grants Office Hours: Applicants


A woman using a computer. A group of people are meeting in the background.

Grants Office Hours: Post-Award


A woman using a computer. A group of people are meeting in the background.

Recently Awarded Grants

What is the cost of disease for grow-finish producers?

Year Awarded  2024

Total award amount   $171,985

Location   Pipestone, MN

Program   Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Program

Matching Funders   Swine Health Information Center and the Pork Checkoff

Grantee Institution   Pipestone Research

Investigating waterless decontamination and application potential in transportation biosecurity

Year Awarded  2024

Total award amount   $102,283

Location   St. Peter, MN

Program   Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Program

Matching Funders   Swine Health Information Center and the Pork Checkoff

Grantee Institution   Swine Vet Center

FFAR Vet Fellows Sixth Cohort

Year Awarded  2024

Total award amount   $10,000 per student

Location   Washington, D.C.

Matching Funders   American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC)

Fast-Track On-Farm Impact from the Cool Soil Initiative to Enhance the Climate Resilience of Australia’s Grain Producers

Year Awarded  2024

FFAR award amount   $748,394

Total award amount   $3,783,598

Location   Bathurst, Australia

Program   AgMission

Matching Funders   PepsiCo, Cool Soil Initiative

Grantee Institution   Charles Stuart University

See All Awarded Grants

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All applications undergo a rigorous review process, including reviews by External Peer Reviewers and our Advisory Councils. Our Peer Reviewers play a critical role in reviewing research proposals for scientific merit, potential impact, relevance, feasibility and innovation.