Communications & Results

The resources below can help you navigate our Communications requirements.
The resources below can help you navigate our Communications requirements.

Grants Contact

Grants Management Team

Communications Contact

Sarah Goldberg

Once a grant is finalized, we ask that grantees, their institutions and funders work with our Communications & Legislative Affairs Team to coordinate public announcements about the grant.

Communication is Crucial

Your research is addressing a critical problem and it is imperative that we communicate about your research consistently and accurately. We rely on you to keep up informed about updates, media opportunities and results.

The Public Reporting section of your Grant Agreement generally requires the following:

  1. Once the grant is signed, you and your institution must coordinate with our Communications & Legislative Affairs Team before discussing your grant publicly. We ask that you wait until we have announced the award before discussing it with the media or in presentations.
  2. You must secure approval before using our name, trademarks or other logos publicly and we will do the same.
  3. In all public statements concerning your grant, you must mention FFAR as a funder and please refer to us using our full name: Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research.
  4. You must inform us about any public statements written about the grant.
  5. All publications, press releases and documents about research funded by a FFAR Grant must include the following:

A. Specific acknowledgment of grant support from FFAR; and

B. A disclaimer indicating “The content of this publication is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR).”

Communicating Results & Breakthroughs

Per the Grant Agreement, you must notify us about any publications, results and media related to your research.

Specially, our Communications and Legislative Affairs Team can promote results and we want to hear about:

  • Results – even those that are preliminary
  • News and media about your project
  • Pictures, videos, infographics and other media content related to your grant
  • Blog posts you authored and/or want to post on our Insights section
  • Any social media content published on your accounts related to the grant so that we can also promote on our platforms
  • Awards
  • Any congressional engagement
  • Any updates that you think are exciting

For any updates, questions or concerns, please contact the Communications & Legislative Affairs Team at, or contact the press contact listed in your Grant Agreement.

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