Fertilizer application Fertilizer application

Efficient Fertilizer Consortium

The Efficient Fertilizer Consortium is a public-private partnership that funds research to advance enhanced efficiency and novel fertilizer products and practices that improve crop production and decrease environmental impact.

Working to Address the Global Fertilizer Challenge
The Efficient Fertilizer Consortium is a public-private partnership that funds research to advance enhanced efficiency and novel fertilizer products and practices that improve crop production and decrease environmental impact.

Working to Address the Global Fertilizer Challenge

Program Contact

Dr. Sarah Lyons

Partnerships & Development Contact

Sarah Zoubek

The Efficient Fertilizer Consortium is a 4.5-year public-private partnership that is funding applied research that accelerates development and wider adoption of novel fertilizers that increase nutrient-use efficiency and reduce loss to the environment through nitrous oxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, leaching, and/or runoff. The Consortium is a vehicle for collaboration and exposure to new ideas that also leverages resources, de-risks research and development and accelerates solutions for end users.

Research priorities include:

  • Improve nutrient management, increase fertilizer efficiency and develop fertilizer alternatives to alleviate pressure on both food and fertilizer supply as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Quantify the environmental impact of current and novel fertilizers, provide support for farmers and retailers making management decisions and conduct independent assessments to ground industry claims.
  • Improve emissions factors for nitrogen fertilizers to distinguish alternative types and managements and improve accuracy in government and corporate emissions reporting.
  • Advance the development of alternative fertilizers to improve efficiency and global access.
  • Establish common protocols for field trials looking at agronomic performance and environmental impact.
  • Conduct field trials to evaluate enhanced efficiency fertilizers and novel products across a range of geographic locations, climates, soil types and cropping systems.

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Efficient Fertilizer Consortium Seeks Research to Evaluate Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer Impact Globally

FFAR & Eight Member Organizations Commit $8.45 Million to Efficient Fertilizer Consortium

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