Farmers market with fresh produce. Farmers market with fresh produce.

How to Apply

Below is information about applying for our Open Opportunities.
Below is information about applying for our Open Opportunities.

You must apply to an open funding opportunity through our online Grants Management System. Only applications submitted through this portal will be evaluated. FFAR will not accept applications submitted by any other mechanism.

To apply: 

  1. Access the application through the link shared by FFAR.

    If you are a new user, register for an account by clicking the “Create Account” button under the email address box on the left side the home page. You will have access to the application once the application cycle opens in the RFA page.

  2. Save Your Work

    Once you access the application, save your work consistently. To access a saved application, log into your Grant Management System account and you will see the open opportunity under Applications.

  3. Deadlines

    Be mindful of the application deadlines, which appear in the first tab of each online application. Applications that are not submitted by the deadline will not be accepted, and extensions will not be granted in fairness to all applicants.

  4. Application Confirmation

    Once you submit a complete application, you will receive an automated response confirming that we received your application. The automated response will provide a copy of the Application submitted and the data provided.

  5. Decision Notification

    An email notifying you of our final funding decision will be sent after we review your application. Be aware that the proposal evaluation process takes approximately nine months. Please be patient. We will contact you regardless of the success of your proposal.