Contact Us

The Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research office is located at:

401 9th Street NW
Suite 730
Washington, DC 20004

Email to request translation services for any of our written materials.

To get in touch with specific departments:

Media & Legislative Inquiries

The Communications & Legislative Affairs Team is available to arrange media interviews, assist legislative staff and address other concerns.

Development & Partnership Inquiries

The Development Team can address questions about development, sponsorship and partnership opportunities.

Grant Inquiries

Our Grants & Funding webpage includes information for applicants, grantees and reviewers. All grant applications must be submitted through our Grants Management System. The Grants Team is available to address additional questions.

Research Inquiries

Our Open Opportunities page lists all open funding opportunities. The Scientific Programs Team can address any other questions about our research.

Staff Directory

Visit our Staff page for individual contact information.

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