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FFAR Vet Student Fellow Research Spotlight 

Agricultural study in progress.

Anna Schaubeck

2021 FFAR Veterinary Student Research Fellow

AgMission™ Funds Global Producers’ Consultation to Improve Climate-Smart Agriculture Adoption 

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   $192,000

Total award amount   $394,000

Location   Rome, Italy

Program   AgMission

Matching Funders   McDonald’s, PepsiCo, The Nature Conservancy

Grantee Institution   World Farmers Organisation

This grant is developing a novel farmer-driven methodology to consult producers on a global scale and collect unique data and insights on their climate-smart agriculture needs and expectations.

AgMission™ Funds Global Producers’ Consultation to Improve Climate-Smart Agriculture Adoption 

Plant-XR: A New Generation of Breeding Tools for Extra-Resilient Crops 

Year Awarded  2022

Total award amount   $31,948,325

Location   Utrecht, the Netherlands

Matching Funders   CropXR, Dutch Research Council, National Growth Fund

Grantee Institution   CropXR

As the pace of climate change picks up, speeding the development of resilient crops is urgent. CropXR is building, supporting and facilitating a development pipeline for more resilient, sustainable and climate-adapted varieties of agricultural crops. The research combines plant biology, computational modelling and artificial intelligence to create computational, functional plant models to predict and guide rational, targeted breeding and cultivation strategies.

Radiography could transform poultry breeding 

Breakthrough for FFAR Awards $1.4 Million to Purdue University, University of California, Davis and University of Edinburgh Researchers to Improve Health and Productivity of Egg-Laying Hens

World Water Week 2022 Seeing the Unseen: The Value of Water 

Public Conversation Stockholm, Sweden

Man watering plants with a watering can.

Nutrient carrier minerals for efficient and circular use of phosphorus in tropical crop production systems 

Year Awarded  2022

Total award amount   $75,000

Location   Leuven, Belgium

Matching Funders   OCP North America

Grantee Institution   KU Leuven

Dr. Maarten Everaert is assisting sub-Saharan African small-scale farmers to increase their limited access to phosphorus fertilizers through an innovative approach of phosphorus recycling using locally available resources. By improving their phosphorus-depleted soils, this project will help these farmers to safeguard their agricultural productivity to meet local food demands, while also supporting limited use of external inputs, soil regeneration, wastewater treatment and minimal environmental impact.

Periodic Table of Food Initiative: Unlocking Food Composition to Revolutionize Food Systems for Human and Planetary Health 

Informational Session Geneva, Switzerland

Close-up of teff flour.

Flockfocus – Developing Automated Surveillance Tools to Safeguard Chicken Welfare (2022) 

Year Awarded  2022

FFAR award amount   $1,000,000

Location   Belfast, Northern Ireland

Program   SMART Broiler

Matching Funders   Moy Park

Grantee Institution   Queen’s University Belfast

This research, in partnership with Moy Park, is to transferring intelligent surveillance techniques used for tracking humans to provide real time monitoring of individual birds within a flock. This camera-based technology, called FlockFocus, represents a significant improvement to monitoring technology currently available to the industry and has the potential for revolutionizing animal welfare in other sectors.

OPTICFLOCK: Welfare benefits of automated assessment of broiler chicken welfare 

Year Awarded  2022

FFAR award amount   $325,000

Location   Oxford, United Kingdom

Program   SMART Broiler

Matching Funders   Munters and Tyson Foods

Grantee Institution   University of Oxford

This research, in partnership with Munters and Tyson Foods, is refining and extending the testing of a novel camera and computer system called OPTICFLOCKTM. The project is comparing key welfare outcomes, including hockburn, foot pad lesions and lameness, in commercial flocks managed with or without the technology and incorporates strategies to facilitate producer adoption of OPTICFLOCK technology.