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2 found

Domesticating Saltwater Crops for Future Food Needs 

Genomic foundation for neodomestication and breeding of a halophytic grain crop, Distichlis palmeri 

Year Awarded  2022

FFAR award amount   $985,000

Total award amount   $1,984,237

Location   Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

Matching Funders   King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Grantee Institution   King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Climate change, rising sea levels and depleting freshwater reserves are causing a rapid increase in soil salinization, meaning higher levels of salt in the ground. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology researchers are assessing the domestication potential of Distichlis palmeri (D. palmeri), a saltwater-loving plant found in the tidal plains around the Gulf of California in Mexico and consumed by Indigenous peoples, which would help transition salt-degraded lands into productive, sustainable agriculture ecosystems.