June 26, 2023 RIPE researchers determine chloroplast size unlikely option for improving photosynthetic efficiency
National Academy of Sciences Prize in Food & Agriculture Research: Huaijun Zhou Year Awarded 2023 Total award amount $100,000 Location Davis, CA Matching Funders Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grantee Institution University of California Davis Dr. Huaijun Zhou was awarded the 2023 National Academy of Sciences Prize in Food & Agriculture Research for his multidisciplinary approach to animal and poultry genome research, which supports improved global food security through genetic enhancement of poultry health and production efficiencies.
Documenting Adaptive Multi-Paddock Grazing’s Benefits Breakthrough for Quantifying the Advantages of Multi-Paddock (AMP) Grazing in the U.S. Southeast & Northern Great Plains
June 14, 2023 Unveiling the secrets of green pods: The role of soybean pods and seeds in photosynthesis