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961 found

Hemp Research Consortium Promotes Opportunities for Versatile Crop 

Mapping Trees in Future Climates: Integrating Knowledge, Data and Tools to Enhance Agroforestry Adoption for Climate Resilience 

Year Awarded  2022

FFAR award amount   $300,000

Total award amount   $642,085

Location   Madison, WI

Program   AgMission

Matching Funders   Canopy Farm Management, Great Lakes Protection Fund, Jeremy and Hannelore Grantham Environmental Trust, Savanna Institute and University-Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Grantee Institution   Savanna Institute

The Savanna Institute is producing high-resolution future climate suitability maps across the Midwestern U.S. that can be incorporated into tools to inform climate-smart agroforestry adoption.

Kansas State University Provides Data on Nitrogen Management Practices in the Great Plains 

Year Awarded  2022

FFAR award amount   $872,560

Total award amount   $1,745,125

Location   Manhattan, KS

Matching Funders   Kansas Fertilizer Research Fund, Kansas State University and the United Sorghum Checkoff Program

Grantee Institution   Kansas State University

Limited data is available that evaluates nitrogen losses and provides producers with the information needed to reduce nitrogen fertilizer application rates for water-limited crops by using climate-smart agriculture practices. Kansas State University researchers are examining the key components of the nitrogen cycle in water-limited grain sorghum production under various climate-smart agriculture practices.

FFAR & AAVMC Open Applications for 2022 FFAR Vet Fellows 

The Nature Conservancy Joins Groundbreaking Effort to Mobilize Agriculture to Fight Climate Change 

Tribal Agriculture Fellowship Inaugural Cohort 

Year Awarded  2022

FFAR award amount   $2,500,000 over five years

Location   Fayetteville, AR

Matching Funders   Farm Credit, Farmer MacJohn Deere and Native American Agriculture Fund

The Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research and the Native American Agriculture Fund created the Tribal Agriculture Fellowship (TAF) program to create opportunities for students to advance their education in agriculture, increase specialized knowledge and promote sustainability of agriculture in Tribal communities. The TAF program selected 10 students to its inaugural cohort to advance their education and careers in an agriculture-related field. TAF is a fellowship program dedicated solely to supporting the educational and professional development of Native American, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian students pursuing technical, undergraduate and graduate degrees in agriculture.

Noninvasive Wellness Monitoring of Broiler Growout Using Continuous Audio Analytics (2022) 

Year Awarded  2022

FFAR award amount   $300,000

Location   Atlanta, GA

Program   SMART Broiler

Matching Funders   Tyson Foods

Grantee Institution   AudioT

This research is developing a scalable, low-cost audio-monitoring tool that tracks bird vocalizations to alert farmers to broiler welfare and behavior. Bird vocalizations can provide insight into flock status and can be a complementary tool to video-based systems.

PIP Consortium Promotes Indoor Tomato Farming 

FFAR Supports Boosting Climate-Resilient Wheat 

FFAR is Accepting Pre-Proposals for 2022 Seeding Solutions Program