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FFAR and The Organic Center Announce Funding Opportunities to Advance Organic Agriculture 

FFAR Grant Accelerates Climate Resilient Crop Breeding 

Strategic Fallowing for Sustainable Water and Thriving Agriculture 

Year Awarded  2021

FFAR award amount   $970,931

Total award amount   $1,941,862

Location   Las Cruces, NM

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   Elephant Butte Irrigation District, New Mexico State University, New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute, Thornburg Foundation

Grantee Institution   New Mexico State University

Drought risks continue to challenge farmers in the U.S. Southwest. Leaving cultivated land unused—fallowing—represents a potentially crucial water-saving strategy. However, the costs and benefits of fallowing remain uncertain. NMSU researchers are developing a Hydrologic-Agricultural-Economic model that evaluates alternative fallowing strategies. The researchers will integrate the hydrologic modeling with remote sensing data, field measurements and socioeconomic information to inform where fallowing can optimally provide targeted benefits.

FFAR Grant Examines Management Practices Effect on Soil Health 

Year Awarded  2021

FFAR award amount   $9,500,000

Total award amount   $19,000,000

Location   Myrtle Beach, SC

Matching Funders   Noble Research Institute, Greenacres Foundation, The Jones Family Foundation, ButcherBox

Grantee Institution   Noble Research Institute

An international coalition announced a $19 million research project aimed at understanding how a farmer or ranchers’ grazing management decisions impacts soil health on pasture and rangeland (commonly called grazing lands) and – in turn – how soil health can positively impact a producer’s land and well-being.

FFAR Grant Examines Management Practices Effect on Soil Health 

Converting Seafood Byproducts to Food 

RIPE Research Shows Crops Have Drought “Memory” to Help Reduce Yield Loss 

FFAR Participates in AIM for Climate at COP26 

McDonald’s USA Commits $5 Million to Collaboration Accelerating Climate-Smart Farming Solutions