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961 found

Crop Modeling Project Awarded $5M 

FFAR Grant Establishes Pacific Bluefin Tuna Egg Hatchery 

Open Technology Ecosystem for Agricultural Management (OpenTEAM) 

Year Awarded  2019

FFAR award amount   $5,000,000

Total award amount   $12,008,763

Location   Freeport, ME

Matching Funders   The Stonyfield Foundation, Stonyfield Organic, Wolfe's Neck Center, Our.Sci, Regen Network, UBC, MSU, AGS, CSU, Cool Farm Alliance, Soil Health Partnership, CU Boulder, General Mills

Grantee Institution   Wolfe's Neck Center for Agriculture and the Environment

OpenTEAM, the first open source technology ecosystem in the world to address soil health and mitigate climate change, is projected to provide quantitative feedback on millions of acres of farmland by 2024. The platform offers field-level carbon measurement, digital management records, remote sensing, predictive analytics and input and economic management decision support in a connected platform that reduces the need for farmer data entry while improving access to various tools.

FFAR Seeks Pre-Proposal Applications for 2019 Seeding Solutions Grants 

FFAR Grant Combats Climate Change Through Soil Health Practices 

Year Awarded  2019

FFAR award amount   $748,836

Total award amount   $1,513,612

Location   Washington, D.C.

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   Hudson Carbon and Dagan

Grantee Institution   American Farmland Trust

Farmers and ranchers are facing increasing challenges from climate change, such as more frequent droughts and flooding, which can devastate crops. Extreme weather imposes drastic changes that ultimately threaten food security. The grant’s research team, led by AFT’s Climate Initiative Director, Dr. Jennifer Moore, is developing a data-driven decision platform that can be used at various capacities to analyze current global warming potential (GWP) for major agronomic systems with the ability to prioritize key areas within states or regions.

FFAR Highlights Food and Agriculture Innovation At Inaugural Foster Our Future Event 

Kirchner Food Fellowship 2019-20 Cohort 

Year Awarded  2019

Location   Birmingham, AL & Washington, D.C.

Matching Funders   Kirchner Impact Foundation, North Carolina State University and the Kirchner Group

The Kirchner Food Fellowship, an initiative of the Kirchner Impact Foundation, is a program supporting young agriculture financiers. This cohort represents the second year of successful collaboration between the Kirchner Impact Foundation, the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research and North Carolina State University to prepare the fellows to make critical agriculture business investment decisions.

FFAR Launches International Consortium for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Agriculture 

Join us in congratulating Elizabeth Ainsworth 

FFAR Grant Provides Technical Training to Enhance Soil Health 

Year Awarded  2019

FFAR award amount   $284,436

Total award amount   $569,037

Location   Columbia, MO

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   Walton Family Foundation, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, North Carolina State University, American Seed Trade Association

Grantee Institution   University of Missouri

Cover crops are essential to preserving nutrient-rich soils for cultivating health foods and improving overall soil health. Although there are various training programs for farmers on how to use cover crops, there is a dire need for technical training for industry agronomists and other farm advisors who influence farmers’ management decisions.