Innovative Packaging Lab Webinar

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm EST


  • Food Systems
  • Informational Session

Event Contact
Constance Gewa

FFAR and Clemson University discussed the details and requirements of the Sustainable Packaging Innovation Lab program Request for Applications (RFA) during this webinar. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions.

FFAR, Clemson University and The Foundation for Fresh Produce of the International Fresh Produce Association (FFP) are partnering to implement the U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service’s Sustainable Packaging Innovation Lab to Assist Specialty Crop Exports (ASCE-SPIL). The Sustainable Packaging Innovation Lab program aims to develop packaging and packaging alternatives for specialty crops that are compliant with emergent packaging regulations in the European Union, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan and other key markets.

FFAR hosted this webinar to provide additional information about the Sustainable Packaging Innovation Lab, including the research criteria and application requirements. FFAR and its partners also addressed questions during the webinar

Full RFA details are available on the Innovative Packaging Lab Open Opportunity page.