Lowering Livestock Emissions: Innovations in Technologies, Policies & Finance

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm GST
COP 28 Blue Zone
IICA Sustainable Agriculture of the Americas Pavilion

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

  • Panel Discussion

FFAR’s Deputy Director of Communications Colleen Daniel will be speaking on a panel, Lowering Livestock Emissions: Innovations in Technologies, Policies & Finance, at the 28th Annual U.N. Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28).

This panel, hosted by the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), Protein PACT and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), will focus on the importance of collaboration between scientists, funders and farmers to find innovative solutions to livestock emissions. The panel will specifically cover:

  1. Farmers’ role in solutions and their experiences in the field; and
  2. Technological innovations currently being developed and deployed.

FFAR is attending COP28 to highlight the urgent need for pioneering research to help the agriculture sector cope with climate change impacts. FFAR’s public-private partnership model is funding some of this critical research through the Greener Cattle Initiative.