Masterclass | Challenge accepted: Imagining a nature-based future for Bangladesh

8:00 pm - 10:00 pm EDT


  • Scientific Workforce
  • Food Systems
  • Informational Session

Join the Wageningen University & Research (WUR) for an informational webinar about nature-based solutions.

The Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) and WUR are partnering to launch the Nature-based Future Student Challenges program (the Challenges).

Ready to explore the possibilities for #naturebasedfutures compatible with a complex and challenging reality?

We know that a #climateresilient and #naturepositive future is possible with #naturebasedsolutions but to go from ideas to the drawing board is another story.

How does one go about imagining the Future? We know that a climate resilient and nature positive future is possible with Nature-based Solutions, but to go from ideas to the drawing board is another story. We want to help you explore possibilities for nature-based futures that are compatible with a complex and challenging reality. By taking the case of the Bengal Delta in Bangladesh, we walk you through the do’s and don’ts of the whole process.

FFAR & WUR Launch Nature-based Futures Challenge

Nature-Based Future Challenges

ID: 23-000568-MOU