Nature-based Futures Challenges Grand Finals

8:30 am - ET


62 teams worldwide joined the Nature-based future Challenge. After two selection rounds eleven teams remain in the game. Dr. John Reich, FFAR scientific program director, will lead discussion and kick-off the grand finals.

Join the Grand Finals to find answers to those questions, get inspired and meet bright and motivated minds from all over the world!

The Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR), Wageningen University & Research (WUR) and the University Fund Wageningen partnered to launch the Nature-based Future Student Challenges program (the Challenges) as part of FFAR’s Scientific Workforce Development. The Challenges aim to mitigate climate change effects in delta regions, which are critical for food production.

The Nature-based Future Student Challenges are engaging stakeholders and students to visualize a nature-based future and pathways of implementation. Students will develop maps that illustrate the nature-based, food-secure and biodiversity-positive future for one of the selected locations and surrounding landscapes, including a supportive narrative that substantiates the nature-based future and shows anticipated and potential impacts in the next five to ten years.

Learn More about the Nature-based Futures Challenges

Nature-based Futures Challenges page

FFAR & WUR Launch Nature-Based Future Challenge

ID: 23-000568-MOU