OpTIS V2.0: New Data, New Regions and New Insights

12:00 pm - ET


  • Agroecosystems
  • Informational Session

Join a free, 1-hour webinar introducing the update release of OpTIS data with new geographies and features. Experts from academia and industry will share how they leveraged the OpTIS dataset to gain new research and business insights.

Satellite-derived data on 2019 conservation practices and wider geographical coverage of residue cover and cover crop adoption mark the latest expansion of the Operational Tillage Information System (OpTIS).  The release of the new data will be celebrated and highlighted in a one-hour webinar on Wednesday, June 16 at 12 pm ET / 11 am CT. Registration for the webinar is free at: nature.ly/OpTIS

The event is hosted by The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC), and Regrow Agriculture whose scientists developed OpTIS. Experts from academia and agribusiness will join the webinar to share research and business insights derived from the data. Speakers will include:

  • Steve Hagen, Ph.D., Chief Research Officer, Regrow Ag
    Introducing OpTIS v2.0
  • Linda Prokopy, Ph.D., Purdue University
    Using OpTIS Data to Inform a Cross Case Comparison of Cover Crop Adoption Rates
  • Margaret Jodlowski, Ph.D., Ohio State University
    Capturing Crop Resilience to Extreme Weather Under Conservation Practices: Evidence from crop insurance indemnities
  • Ian Crawford, Sustainability Manager, Simplot Agribusiness
    An Industry Perspective on the Value of OpTIS Data

OpTIS runs publicly available satellite images through a unique algorithm to track trends in the adoption of conservation tillage and winter cover crops. The original OpTIS database covered the Corn Belt and includes data from 2005 through 2019. The study area has expanded to include 15 years of data from watersheds in most of Kansas and parts of southern Nebraska, western Tennessee, northern Wisconsin and the Saginaw Bay area of Michigan.

Visit https://bit.ly/3ireZ68 to register for the free June 16 webinar. Visit ctic.org/OpTIS to explore the data and visualization tool at the HUC 8 or crop reporting district level.

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