Building the Foundation: Inaugural Public Conversation

10:00 am - MT
Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU)
1307 New York Ave NW Washington, DC

  • Public Conversation

In accordance with the Farm Bill, we host a Public Conversation to update the public and members of the food and agriculture community about our work. This annual event includes a forum for the public and members of the food and agriculture community to address our leadership.

During the inaugural Public Conversation, we hosted an interview with our Executive Director Dr. Sally Rockey and then Board Chair and former Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman.

Eleven guest speakers from a diverse group of food and agriculture research community members shared insight and ideas on our leadership approach, as we began addressing food and agriculture’s pressing challenges.

The following guest speakers delivered remarks during the 2015 Public Conversation:

  1. Jay Akridge, Purdue University
  2. American Society of Animal Science
  3. Ed Anderson, Iowa Soybean Association
  4. Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges
  5. Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities
  6. Mark Friedman, Nutrition Science Initiative
  7. Gina Luke, American Veterinary Medical Association
  8. Thomas M. O’Connell, Dairy Management, Inc.
  9. Ron Obermoller, Agricultural Utilization Research Institute
  10.  Dallas Peterson, Weed Science Society of America
  11.  Joanna Rosene-Mirvis, AGree Food & Ag Policy
  12.  Norman Scott, Cornell University
  13.  Brian Steffenson, University of Minnesota

Thank you to the speakers and attendees for joining us. A special thank you to the Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU), who generously provided the space for this event.

General image related to agriculture or research.
Executive Director Dr. Sally Rockey and former Secretary of Agriculture and then Board Chair Dan Glickman at FFAR’s inaugural Public Conversation.
Farmer irrigating a field.
Executive Director Dr. Sally Rockey and former Secretary of Agriculture and then Board Chair Dan Glickman at FFAR’s inaugural Public Conversation.
Fieldwork during a research study.
Executive Director Dr. Sally Rockey and former Secretary of Agriculture and then Board Chair Dan Glickman at FFAR’s inaugural Public Conversation.
Sally Rockey announcing inaugural FFAR initiatives.
Executive Director Dr. Sally Rockey and former Secretary of Agriculture and then Board Chair Dan Glickman at FFAR’s inaugural Public Conversation.

Executive Director Dr. Sally Rockey and former Secretary of Agriculture and then Board Chair Dan Glickman at FFAR’s inaugural Public Conversation.

Read more about our first Public Conversation