Awarded Grants
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27 Grants found

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Decreasing Pulmonary-Associated Mortality in Feedlot Cattle Using Refined Case Definitions & Predictive Analytics, Emphasizing Acute Interstitial Pneumonia & Late Day BRD 

Year Awarded  2024

FFAR award amount   $1,223,474

Total award amount   $2,446,948

Location   Manhattan, KS

Matching Funders   Colorado State University, Innovative Livestock Services, Five Rivers Cattle Feeding K-State Mississippi State University, Nanostring, Texas A&M University and Veterinary Research & Consulting Services

Grantee Institution   Kansas State University

Bovine respiratory disease (BRD), commonly called “shipping fever,” is a serious animal welfare concern and costs U.S. ranchers about $900 million annually. BRD infected cattle generally die from late day pulmonary disease triggered by secondary bacterial diseases, like acute interstitial pneumonia. A multi-disciplinary team is researching how to prevent late day pulmonary disease from developing in these cattle to provide veterinarians and producers with information to make informed prevention and treatment decisions and help the beef industry use antibiotics more judiciously.

Modeling for genomic, blood & microbiological markers for liver abscesses in fed beef cattle 

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   $300,000

Total award amount   $633,462

Location   Lubbock, TX

Matching Funders   Genus ABS, Hy-Plains Feedyard, LLC, Texas Tech University, Veterinary Research & Consulting Services, LLC

Grantee Institution   Texas Tech University

Liver abscesses in cattle are a significant problem for beef and dairy cow producers, jeopardizing animals’ health and costing producers approximately $30 million annually. The condition occurs when bacteria cross from an animal’s gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream and accumulate in the liver. This research is investigating genetic markers and biomarkers that contribute to the formation of liver abscesses to allow producers to make more informed breeding and management decisions to reduce susceptibility in cattle and reduce reliance on antimicrobial treatments.

Understanding liver abscess pathogenesis & risk-factors of feedlot cattle reared in conventional beef versus dairy management systems 

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   $300,000

Total award amount   $600,340

Location   Canyon, TX

Matching Funders   West Texas A&M University

Grantee Institution   West Texas A&M University

Liver abscesses in cattle are a significant problem for beef and dairy cow producers, jeopardizing animals’ health and costing producers approximately $30 million annually. The condition occurs when bacteria cross from an animal’s gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream and accumulate in the liver. This research is evaluating liver abscess development in feedlot cattle reared in conventional beef versus dairy management systems to provide insight into liver abscess pathogenesis and identify biomarkers that assess the risk of liver abscessation.

Metabolomic analysis of blood plasma to identify unique biomarkers indicative of liver abscesses 

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   $248,641

Total award amount   $497,282

Location   Manhattan, KS

Matching Funders   Cargill, Kansas State University, Tyson Foods, United Animal Health

Grantee Institution   Kansas State University

Liver abscesses in cattle are a significant problem for beef and dairy cow producers, jeopardizing animals’ health and costing producers approximately $30 million annually. The condition occurs when bacteria cross from an animal’s gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream and accumulate in the liver. This research is evaluating a comprehensive ‘biochemical fingerprinting’ in blood plasma collected from beef cattle with and without abscesses in the liver. Unique biomolecules in the blood of cattle with liver abscesses can help detect the onset and progression of liver abscesses and can aid evaluating antibiotic alternatives for prevention.

Associations between feeding & management practices of beef-on-dairy cattle from birth to harvest with liver abscesses 

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   300000

Total award amount   600000

Location   Manhattan, KS

Matching Funders   Animal Welfare Consulting and Research, Cargill, Deer Creek Feeding, LLC, Hy-Plains Feedyard, LLC, Syracuse Dairy, Tyson Foods, Veterinary Research & Consulting Services, LLC

Grantee Institution   Kansas State University

Liver abscesses in cattle are a significant problem for beef and dairy cow producers, jeopardizing animals’ health and costing producers approximately $30 million annually. The condition occurs when bacteria cross from an animal’s gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream and accumulate in the liver. It is commonly controlled by treating entire groups of animals with antibiotics – including healthy ones – because it is difficult to determine which animals are infected. This research is evaluating the associations between feeding and management practices of beef-on-dairy cattle for which it is commonly believed the rate of liver abscesses is two to three times greater than beef cattle crossed with other beef cattle.

Promoting antimicrobial stewardship through improved understanding of how feedlot cattle are classified based on BRD risk 

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   $124,948

Total award amount   $249,911

Location   Manhattan, KS

Matching Funders   Kansas State University, Beef Marketing Research, Cactus Research, Five Rivers Cattle Feeding, Hy-Plains Feedyard, Innovative Livestock Services, Veterinary Research & Consulting Services, Zoetis

Grantee Institution   Kansas State University

The livestock industry is plagued by bovine respiratory disease (BRD), an infectious condition that can spread through a herd and comprises an estimated 80% of antibiotic treatments. Kansas State University researchers are collecting data to improve understanding of how feedlot cattle are classified based on BRD risk. The data can be used to comprehensively assess health risks and interventions, and as a result, optimize health management strategies for specific cattle populations, improve animal well-being and encourage more efficient antimicrobial use.

Acoustic Monitoring to Support Mass Cattle Treatment Decisions 

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   $50,000

Total award amount   $104,128

Location   Atlanta, GA

Matching Funders   Cactus Research, Ergense, Five Rivers Cattle Feeding, McDonald’s Corporation, Veterinary Research & Consulting Services

Grantee Institution   Ergense Inc.

The livestock industry is plagued by bovine respiratory disease (BRD), an infectious condition that can spread through a herd and comprises an estimated 80% of antibiotic treatments. The standard procedure for cattle arriving at a feedlot is to isolate and observe them, after which workers decide if the entire pen should receive antibiotic treatment based on various animal health factors. To reduce treatment subjectivity, this research is developing an audio monitoring technique that uses machine learning to analyze acoustic signatures of animal vocalizations to inform the BRD treatment decision.

ICASA: Antimicrobial Use Monitoring and Benchmarking in U.S. Feedyards 

Year Awarded  2022

FFAR award amount   $200,000

Total award amount   $400,022

Location   Manhattan, TX

Matching Funders   Cargill, Kansas State University, Tyson Foods and Yum! Brands

Grantee Institution   Kansas State University

Kansas State University researchers are developing a sustainable, practical system for individual beef producers to evaluate and report their antimicrobial usage in context of others across the beef feedlot industry.

ICASA: Defining the contribution of acidosis to the liver abscess complex using novel challenge model to delineate impacts of diet composition and feeding management on liver abscess pathogenesis 

Year Awarded  2022

FFAR award amount   $266,748

Total award amount   $542,475

Location   Canyon, TX

Matching Funders   Cactus Feeders and West Texas A&M University

Grantee Institution   West Texas A&M University

West Texas A&M University researchers are developing a unique, repeatable method that induces liver abscesses in feedlot cattle to further investigate the relationship between acids in the rumen, the first chamber of a cow’s four-chamber stomach, and liver abscesses.