Wheat field in the sun Wheat field in the sun

AgMission CIAT Grant Evaluates the Risk of Climate Disruption for Key Crops across Geographies

Generating AgMission Solutions
Generating AgMission Solutions

Program Contract

Allison Thomson

Year Awarded  2022

FFAR award amount   $100,000

Total award amount   $200,000

Location   Palmira, Colombia

Program   AgMission

Matching Funders   PepsiCo

Grantee Institution   International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)

  • Agroecosystems

Providing producers with calculated risk of climate disruption and adaptation strategies

Extreme events are increasing in frequency and severity and have impacted key agricultural crops globally. Unpredictable and severe weather is a constant threat to agriculture as droughts, floods and storms can wreak havoc on crops and producer profitability.

AgMission awarded a grant to the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) that is identifying and assessing the likelihood of future climate risks and extreme events, and their potential impacts on yields and quality of key crops in North America, South Africa, Egypt and Brazil.

Climate model data can be used to identify major climate risks for agriculture and provide adaptation options.

This data synthesis project will develop a risk assessment tool designed to be used by decision makers developing practical interventions with specific farming communities on climate adaptation.

Data provided from this project will help translate detailed technical information into guidance for agricultural producers and supply chain stakeholders on near term risks from climate extremes.

Details about this research

Producers and other supply chain actors can eventually use this publicly available web dashboard to:

  • Identify what production areas are most likely to see yield and/or quality impacts with more stressed or favorable climate conditions
  • Recognize what production areas and crops are going to be increasingly impacted by near-term temperature extremes or water stress
  • Determine adaptation strategies to build climate resilience and maintain productivity

The methods, code and data used in the project will be archived in public repositories according to the FAIR data principles, and the results will be publicly available via a web dashboard.

The risk assessment tool developed in this project will be provided as a resource for a 2023 PepsiCo RFA on climate adaptation implementation with agricultural producers. It will enable applicants to access science-based guidance to design climate-smart agricultural practice adoption strategies for communities of farmers. This resource is intended to help agricultural supply chains and communities identify risks to inform adaptation action by providing access to the most advanced climate science and modeling in a tailored and accessible format.

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ID: 22-000309

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