Greener Cattle Initiative Awards

Generating Production Systems Solutions
Generating Production Systems Solutions

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Dr. Jasmine Bruno

  • Production Systems

Reducing Enteric Methane To Help Dairy & Beef Sectors Meet Sustainability Goals

While efforts are underway to advance the sustainability within the livestock industries, most of these efforts do not specifically target reducing enteric methane emissions. Methane and carbon dioxide are both greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced by the beef and daily sectors that contribute to global warming. Unlike carbon, which remains in the atmosphere for upwards of 1,000 years, methane lasts in the atmosphere for about 12 years and is approximately 28 times more potent, presenting an opportunity for near short-term, significant positive impact. Simply put, the dairy and beef sectors cannot meet their sustainability goals without addressing enteric methane emissions.

Cows and other ruminant animals produce enteric methane as part of their natural digestive process. This methane is the single largest source of direct greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the beef and dairy sectors. The global demand for animal products, such as milk and meat is expected to increase by more than 60% in the coming decades. Livestock production will need to expand to meet demands, which could further increase enteric methane emissions. Reducing enteric methane emissions is critical to slowing the effects of climate change and allowing the dairy and beef sectors to meet their ambitious climate neutrality goals by 2050.

While the dairy and beef sectors are working to increase sustainability, researchers still must determine how to safely, sustainably and productively reduce the amount of methane beef and dairy cattle produce.

Dr. Juan Tricarico

Mitigating enteric methane emissions is a major focus of farmer-led voluntary efforts by the dairy sector to meet environmental stewardship goals. Research resulting from these and future GCI awards will provide more options for farmers to choose from to mitigate methane emissions.

Dr. Juan Tricarico
Senior Vice President for Environmental Research at the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy

Developing Novel Enteric Methane Inhibitors 

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   $324,519

Total award amount   $758,776

Location   State College, PA

Matching Funders   Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, ADM, the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB), Elanco, Genus plc, JBS USA, the National Dairy Herd Information Association, Nestlé and the New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre (NZAGRC)

Grantee Institution   Penn State

Penn State’s Distinguished Professor of Dairy Nutrition Dr. Alexander N. Hristov is developing new enteric methane inhibitors, naturally occurring or synthetic compounds that when ingested by cows can decrease enteric methane emissions. The research is also assessing the most effective delivery methods for these inhibitors.

The research team is focusing on inhibitors that have already been shown to reduce methane by at least 30% in laboratory tests and studying the efficacy and feasibility of these inhibitor compounds in cows. Additionally, they are identifying and optimizing dietary conditions required to maximize enteric methane emission reductions.

Goals & Objectives

  1. Complete and summarize the data from preliminary laboratory work with promising enteric methane inhibitor compounds.
  2. Test the most effective inhibitor(s) from the preliminary laboratory work on lactating dairy cows to collect methane mitigation data, as well as measure the effects of the inhibitor(s) on lactational performance, milk fatty acid profile, ruminal fermentation and microbiome, nutrient digestibility and blood chemistry.
  3. Test the most effective inhibitor(s) from the preliminary laboratory work on lactating dairy cows to measure long-term effects of treatment on enteric methane emission, rumen fermentation and microbiome, lactational performance and animal health and present these findings at scientific conferences and in peer-reviewed journals.
Researcher Dr. Alex Hristov, distinguished professor of dairy nutrition, with cows in the enteric methane mitigation study. Credit: Michael Houtz/Penn State / Penn State. All Rights Reserved. 

The GCI funding we have received is allowing us to fast-track the transformative research necessary to advance our understanding of rumen methanogenesis to mitigate these environmentally important enteric methane emissions. This research investment represents the forward thinking we need to develop novel ways to move the dairy and beef industries toward low emission systems and help these industries meet their sustainability goals.

Dr. Alexander N. Hristov
Dr. Alexander N. Hristov
Penn State’s Distinguished Professor of Dairy Nutrition 

Targeting Rumen Hydrogen Production & Utilization

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   $1,066,820

Total award amount   $3,221,254

Location   Champaign, IL

Matching Funders   Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, ADM, the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB), Elanco, Genus plc, JBS USA, the National Dairy Herd Information Association, Nestlé, the New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre (NZAGRC) and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Grantee Institution   University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Microorganisms in the rumen, the large fermentation vat that serves as the first compartment of the ruminant stomach, use hydrogen and carbon dioxide to produce large volumes of methane. Dr. Roderick Mackie, professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, is leading an international research study on how diets and different additives affect hydrogen production and utilization in the rumen of both beef and dairy cattle and how these changes in hydrogen dynamics affect the amount of enteric methane produced. By the conclusion of the three-year project, the researchers aim to be able to recommend specific amounts of additives or dietary strategies that reduce methane emissions while maintaining or even improving production performance.

Institutions involved in the project include:

  • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign as the project lead
  • Grasslands Research Centre, AgResearch of New Zealand
  •  University of British Columbia; the Lethbridge Research and Development Centre; and Agriculture and Agi-Food Canada – all of Canada
  • Norwegian University of Life Sciences of Norway
  • Queen’s University Belfast of Northern Ireland
  • Ben-Gurion University of the Negev of Israel
  • ProAgni of Australia

Why Focus on Hydrogen?

During the fermentation process, hydrogen produced in the rumen is used to convert carbon dioxide into methane. The research team believes if methane production is reduced, hydrogen will accumulate and inhibit glycolysis, the important fermentation process that generates energy for the animal from food. Therefore, scientists are investigating alternative ways to utilize this excess hydrogen that will benefit cattle growth or production when methane production is inhibited. They believe these benefits will provide the economic incentive necessary for widescale, commercial adoption of methane reduction strategies.

The team’s research strategy combines bioreactor studies in the lab with whole animal studies of beef and dairy cattle to investigate hydrogen production and its utilization within the rumen system. By examining rumen microbial communities from high and low emitting phenotype cattle on both high and low forage diets, they aim to uncover how dietary adjustments with promising inhibitor compounds impact fermentation in the rumen and on animal performance.

Since beef and dairy cattle consume different diets, the scientists hypothesize they will need to adjust methane inhibitor methodology to develop recommendations for both types of cattle that are effective, yet don’t hinder production.

Naturally occurring hydrogen and carbon dioxide within the rumen are used to produce methane. If you inhibit the formation of methane, what happens to all the hydrogen in the system? What we would like to be able to do is redirect that hydrogen from being a waste of energy to something productive.

Dr. Rod Mackie
Dr. Roderick Mackie
Professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

An Integrated Approach to Mitigating Enteric Methane Emissions

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   $2,301,499

Total award amount   $3,301,496

Location   Madison, WI

Matching Funders   Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, ADM, the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB), Elanco, Genus plc, JBS USA, the National Dairy Herd Information Association,  Nestlé and the New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre (NZAGRC)

Grantee Institution   University of Wisconsin–Madison

All cows produce methane, but not every cow is alike. According to preliminary research conducted by Dr. Francisco Peñagaricano, assistant professor in the University of Wisconsin–Madison Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences, and his team, some cows release around 600 grams of methane per day, while others average around 300 grams. This result is informing the selective breeding of U.S. dairy cattle that release lower methane emissions.
Peñagaricano, the project’s principal investigator, is leading a research team that includes three faculty members in the University of Wisconsin–Madison Department of Animal and Dairy Sciences: Dr. Kent Weigel, who focuses on breeding and genetics, Dr. Heather White, who studies nutritional physiology; and Dr. Hilario Mantovani, who specializes in rumen microbiology.

The team is taking a three-pronged approach to reducing enteric methane emissions.

  1. Using genetics to selectively breed cattle that produce fewer methane emissions.
  2. Developing a milk-based test to predict a cow’s methane emissions.
  3. Understanding microorganisms in cows’ rumen, a large fermentation vat in the first compartment of cows’ stomach, to inform possible dietary or other interventions.


First, the research team is measuring how much methane 4,000 individual Holstein cows exhale using portable GreenFeed systems that capture all the air exhaled by a cow while eating. The team will then study the genetics of these cows, identifying various traits, such as the quantity and intensity of methane production. Once these traits are better understood, the team can pursue selective breeding for cows that produce less methane.

Milk Testing

The second prong of the project is developing a low cost, non-invasive tool that farmers can use to measure herd methane emissions. Using milk spectrometry technology to explore if infrared light can identify specific chemical compounds in the samples that would indicate methane emissions. Dairy farmers usually send monthly milk samples to a lab to monitor overall quality, protein and fat levels. The research team aims to test their tool on these milk samples to also inform farmers about their herds’ methane emissions.

Understanding Rumen Microbes

The third prong of the project focuses on better understanding the relationship between the rumen, the microbes that live within it and methane production, as well as how diet or genetics impact them. Using GreenFeed systems emissions data, the team will identify the 10% highest and lowest methane-producing cows from the 4,000 tested and examine their rumens and microbes within to determine differences. The data will be used to inform future dietary methane inhibiting intervention research strategies, like inserting specific bacteria into the rumen before lactation to reduce enteric methane.

Variability is crucial, [and] part of that variability is due to genetics. We can use that variation to improve cows in the next few generations through genetic selection.

Francisco Penagaricano headshot
Dr. Francisco Peñagaricano
Assistant Professor in the Animal and Dairy Sciences Department at the  University of Wisconsin–Madison

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Greener Cattle Initiative is Game Changer for Dairy’s Future 

Dr. Juan Tricarico

Dr. Juan Tricarico

Senior Vice President, Environmental Research, Dairy Management Inc.

Reducing Enteric Methane Emissions from Dairy Cattle 

Francisco Penagaricano headshot

Dr. Francisco Peñagaricano and Dr. Guillermo Martinez Boggio

Insight on Livestock Methane Mitigation 

Dr. Rod Mackie

Dr. Rod Mackie, Professor, Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 

Champaign, IL


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