Aerial view of a sprawling solar farm alongside wind turbines in a green landscape Aerial view of a sprawling solar farm alongside wind turbines in a green landscape

Greenhouses in Transition

Open Opportunity

Program Contact

John Reich, Ph.D.

Sub-proposals Due: October 29, 2024
  Full-proposals Due: June 5, 2025

About Greenhouses in Transition

Greenhouses in Transition focuses on collaborations between sectors within the food-energy-water nexus that enable increased regional sustainability of the Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) sector.

  • Transitioning CEA to become more environmentally sustainable requires effective resource allocation that considers the competition for land, water, nutrients and variable renewable energy resources across industries and society.
  • Sectors within the Water-Food-Energy nexus, including CEA, are often socially and economically embedded in a region. Changes within these can impact regional systems as a whole.
  • An integrated, transdisciplinary approach is needed to create a more sustainable CEA sector.

Learn more by visiting the NWO Greenhouses in Transition program page.

Greenhouses in Transition FAQ

Who are FFAR applicants and NWO applicants?

FFAR applicants are applicants from U.S. institutions. NWO applicants are applicants from institutions based in the Netherlands. FFAR applicants and NWO applicants will apply through the NWO-based application portal (ISAAC) as detailed in the call.

What are main and co-applicants?

Applicants submit a sub-proposal. The applicant that submits the proposal via a personal ISAAC account will become the main applicant, main beneficiary, the project leader and first point of contact. The other applicants on a proposal will become the co-applicants. Main applicants that submit a sub-proposal must include a co-applicant and a cooperation partner — these are relationships that are to be developed by the applicants.

What is a cooperation partner?

A cooperation partner is a party that receives no funding and contributes no co‐funding to the research proposal but is closely involved in the realization of the research and/or knowledge utilization. Possible examples are companies, public and private organizations, and other institutions. The role that these parties play in the preparation, realization, and translation of the research to society should be described in the research proposal. For the sub-proposal, a cooperation partner could be a potential co-funder for the full proposal phase.

For the sub-proposal NWO applicants must have at least one cooperation partner based in the Netherlands and FFAR applicants must have at least one cooperation partner based in the U.S. Full-proposal applicants must have at least one cooperation partner based in the Netherlands and one based in the U.S. 

Applicants can have more than one cooperation partner from the Netherlands or the U.S. as long as the above conditions are met. 

How do partnerships in the application process work?

Applicants must submit a sub-proposal. Selected sub-proposals and their sub-consortium will jointly develop one full proposal.

For the sub proposal phase:

  • For FFAR applicants, must include at least one cooperation partner based in the U.S. For NWO applicants, must include at least one cooperation partner based in the Netherlands.
  • In case of a sub-proposal in which a Dutch applicant and a FFAR applicant collaborate, at least one cooperation partner based in either the Netherlands or in the U.S. should be included in the sub-consortium.

More details can be found in Section 3 of the Call for Proposals.

Will partners who submit a sub-proposal be separated from one another during the full proposal stage?

No. Full proposal development will incorporate selected sub-proposals and the partnerships already developed. Please note that relations/agreements within the sub-consortium should be flexible enough to accommodate for the synergy workshops and full proposal development with other selected sub-proposals.

Can partners from the Netherlands and U.S. submit subproposals together?

Yes. A sub-proposal can be submitted by a main applicant and co-applicant based in the U.S. and the Netherlands. This sub-consortium should include at least one cooperation partner based in either the U.S. or the Netherlands.

Is the Call for Proposals limited to just U.S. and Dutch applicants?

In general, only applicants who meet the conditions set out in 3.2 can apply. An exception is made when specific research expertise is not available in the U.S. and the Netherlands at the level necessary for the project. Applicants must provide rationale how the researcher from a foreign knowledge institution will contribute specific expertise to the research project.

For NWO applicants the financial conditions as set out in the Money Follows Cooperation budget module apply (Section 7.1 of the Call for Proposals).

Co-applicants from the participating foreign knowledge institution must meet the conditions set for co-applicants in Section 3.2.1 of this Call for Proposals, with the exception of the condition that the co-applicant must be employed in a U.S. or Dutch institution.

How is this Call for Proposals being funded?

FFAR and the NWO are providing equal funding for this Call for Proposals.

Are awards made in U.S. dollars?

U.S. awarded institutions will receive awards in U.S. dollars. European institutions will receive awards in euros.

Which institution will successful applicants be receiving money from?

U.S.-based institutions will be receiving funding from FFAR and Dutch-based institutions will be receiving funding from the NWO.