Food being packed in clear, disposable food packages. Food being packed in clear, disposable food packages.

Sustainable Packaging Innovation Lab

Open Opportunity

Program Contact

Constance Gewa

Track 1 & 3 Inquiries:
James Sternberg

Track 2 Inquiries:
Vonnie Estes

Grants Team

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Applications due February 12, 2025 by 5 p.m. EST

About the Sustainable Packaging Innovation Lab

Worldwide, emergent restrictions on the use of single-use and plastic packaging will limit access of specialty crops to global markets1. Therefore, Clemson University and The Foundation for Fresh Produce (FFP) of the International Fresh Produce Association are partnering with the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) to implement the Sustainable Packaging Innovation Lab of the Assisting Specialty Crop Exports program (ASCE-SPIL)2 by the United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS).

FFAR is accepting applications, on behalf of Clemson University and FFP, for the Sustainable Packaging Innovation Lab program to develop packaging and packaging alternatives for specialty crops compliant with the emergent packaging regulations in the EU, UK, Canada, Japan and other key markets.

We seek novel sustainable packaging or packaging alternatives that can replace single-use packaging and single-use plastic packaging but can offer at least some of the same functions in an economical manner.

The Sustainable Innovation Packaging Lab consists of three distinct tracks:

  1. Track 1 (Applied R&D) seeks proposals aimed at bringing a solution for specialty crop exports that is still at the laboratory stage but shows high promise to be implemented in pilot-scale manufacturing with minimal further effort.
  2. Track 2 (Technology Accelerator) seeks proposals aimed on scaling innovations in sustainable packaging for the fresh produce industry.
  3. Track 3 (Scale-up and pilot) seeks proposals to run pilot-scale manufacturing projects aimed at commercializing a packaging solution for specialty crop exports.

For inquiries related to:

Full track requirements are detailed in the RFA.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the program priorities and requirements?

All research activities must be structured to answer, directly or indirectly, at least two of the following questions before, during, and after the development and dissemination of research and development or commercialization outputs:

  • How does the activity advance the goals of maintaining or increasing U.S. exports of specialty crops?
  • How does the activity enable U.S. exporters to comply with emerging regulatory requirements (see Footnote 1) for packaging and labeling?
  • How does the activity support the development of packaging materials that are alternatives to single-use plastic packaging?
  • How does the activity support the development of reusable packaging systems for the export of specialty crops?
  • How does the activity support the export of specialty crops that will be sold at retail without packaging?
  • How does the activity reduce food loss and waste of exported fresh produce?
  • How does the activity promote the implementation of novel sustainable packaging at a commercial scale for exports of specialty crops?
Who is eligible to apply?

Clemson University and FFP welcome applications from institutions of higher education, non-profit and for-profit organizations, government-affiliated researchers, and domestic and international organizations. Applications from international entities are invited as long as there is a clearly described collaboration with US-based researchers, packaging companies or exporters of specialty crops.

Any individual(s) with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to carry out the proposed research as Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) is invited to work with their organization to develop an application for support.

What is the funding availability?

Funding will be provided for up to twenty (20) awards of between $50,000 and $250,000 each. The performance period for awards will be 12 months. In addition to funding, awardees will gain access to collaboration and networking opportunities, fresh produce industry and consumer insights, LCA analyses and legal reviews of emergent packaging regulations.

Are matching funds required?

No matching funds are required.

How can I apply?

All proposals must be submitted by the deadline date through FFAR’s online application Grant Management System. Applications submitted outside of this System will not be considered. To start a new Sustainable Packaging Innovation Lab application, visit the Grants Management System. If you are a new user, register for an account by clicking “Create Account” button located under the email address field on the left side of the home page.

Once you log in, you may begin working on your application. Please be sure to save your work often by clicking on “Save and Finish Later.” To access a saved application, please do so through your Grant Management Account.

Only submissions received by the deadline through FFAR’s Grant Management System will be accepted and considered eligible for evaluation. To be fair to all applicants, FFAR will not grant extensions to applicants who missed the deadlines posted in the Key Dates section.

Only applications submitted by the deadline through FFAR’s Grant Management System will be accepted and considered eligible for evaluation. To be fair to all our applicants, FFAR will not grant extensions to applicants who missed the deadlines posted in the Key Dates section.

Who can I contact for more information?

For questions related to the online submission system, please contact FFAR’s Grants Management team at

For questions related to the Sustainable Packaging Innovative Lab, please contact FFAR’s Scientific Program Director, Constance Gewa at

FFAR strives to respond to inquiries within two business days, but our response time depends on the volume of questions received and the complexity of the questions asked. Please note that we do not monitor mailboxes on evenings, weekends, or federal holidays.