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FFAR » Understanding Impacts of Hub Farm Resources in Expanding Adoption of Regenerative Agriculture Practices
Open Opportunity
Program Contact
Dr. LaKisha Odom lodom@foundationfar.org
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Full Applications Due February 12, 2025 by 5 p.m. EST
Regenerative agriculture practices like reduced tillage, cover crops and diverse crop rotations can sustain healthy agroecosystems by improving biodiversity and soil and water health. To foster broader adoption of regenerative agriculture practices, we need innovative solutions that farmers can easily access and use.
FFAR and Danone North America will grant up to two awards between $225,000 and $450,000 under this funding opportunity, which seeks to promote the use of regenerative practices by understanding the impact hub farms – cooperative locations to share resources and best practices – can have on adopting these practices.
This Request for Applications (RFA) intends to support socio-economic research on both large and small dairy farms that aims to promote replication of hub farm best management practices across the farm environments. The research should also provide guidance for encouraging middle adopters of regenerative agriculture practices to increase and maintain cover crop acres and facilitate the acquisition of appropriate equipment and infrastructure to scale these practices. Such activities aim to stimulate more resource sharing opportunities for new and middle adopters of regenerative agriculture practices. These new and middle adopters will include underserved producers that may identify as Mennonite and Amish.
Matching funds are optional but encouraged for this funding opportunity.
The work funded through this RFA will support socio-economic focused research that will lead to a successful, sustainable, scalable, and replicable initiative. A successful application may include drivers for hub farms to implement this type of program and influencing factors of farmer participation and adoption. Successful proposals will also provide project analysis and an innovation dissemination and communication plan to leverage learning and achieve widespread impact. This includes establishing clear metrics for success, identifying potential barriers to adoption, and outlining strategies to overcome these challenges to ensure the benefits reach the intended audience effectively.
This funding opportunity seeks projects that will support socio-economic research on both large and small dairy farms and will aim to (1) promote replication across the farm environments and (2) lead middle adopters to increase and maintain cover crop acres and facilitate the acquisition of appropriate equipment and infrastructure to scale RA practices. Such activities aim to stimulate more resource sharing opportunities for new/middle adopters of RA practices.
The project should also contribute to the goal of sustainable food and agriculture, defined as practices that “satisfy human food and fiber needs; enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agricultural economy depends; make the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls; sustain the economic viability of farm operation; and enhance the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole.” (Food and Agriculture, Conservation and Trade Act of 1990, Public Law 101-624, Title XVI, Subtitle A, Section 1603).
Any individual(s) with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to conduct the proposed research as Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) may apply to the RFA through their home institution or organization.
The Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research welcomes applications from all domestic and international higher education institutions, non-profit and for-profit organizations, and U.S. government-affiliated research agencies. The following principles guide FFAR’s international engagement under this RFA:
FFAR will not support research that addresses a challenge primarily limited to another country or region outside the U.S. or where the technology or solution is not broadly relevant to the U.S.
Proposed projects that also demonstrate the following characteristics will receive preference:
Up to two awards between $225,000 and $450,000 will be granted under this funding opportunity. The performance period for completing the proposed work will be two years.
Matching funds are optional but encouraged for this funding opportunity. The funded applicant will receive annual disbursements contingent upon meeting reporting requirements.
A budget justification is required for this funding opportunity. Applicants are encouraged to contact FFAR’s Grant Team to discuss any questions or concerns.
A maximum of 10% of the total award may be used for indirect costs. FFAR’s indirect cost allotment is not an indirect cost rate applied to the total modified direct costs; instead, it is an overall allotment from the Total Funds Request, also known as the Total Project Costs. This requirement means at least 90% of the total funds requested must go directly to the proposed research.
All proposals must be submitted by the deadline date through FFAR’s online application Grant Management System, BBGM. Applications submitted outside of BBGM will not be considered. To start a new application, please click here. If you are a new user, register for an account by clicking “Create Account” button located under the email address field on the left side of the home page. Once you log in, you may begin working on your application. Please be sure to save your work often by clicking on “Save and Finish Later.” To access a saved application, please do so through your Grant Management Account.
Only full proposals submitted by the deadline through FFAR’s Grant Management System will be accepted and considered eligible for evaluation. To be fair to all our applicants, FFAR will not grant extensions to applicants who missed the deadlines posted in the Key Dates section.
For questions related to the online submission system, please contact FFAR’s Grant Management team at grants@foundationfar.org.
For all other questions related to the funding opportunity please contact Scientific Program Director LaKisha Odom (lodom@foundationfar.org)
FFFAR strives to respond to inquiries within two business days, but our response time depends on the volume of questions received and the complexity of the questions asked. Please note that we do not monitor mailboxes on evenings, weekends or federal holidays.
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