
Breakthroughs highlight any successes or accomplishments resulting from FFAR-funded grants. Our Breakthroughs discuss how this research enhances our food supply, increases environmental resilience and/or improves human health.

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23 Breakthroughs found

Documenting Adaptive Multi-Paddock Grazing’s Benefits 

Breakthrough for Quantifying the Advantages of Multi-Paddock (AMP) Grazing in the U.S. Southeast & Northern Great Plains

RIPE Researchers Prove Bioengineering Better Photosynthesis Increases Yields in Food Crops for the First Time 

Breakthrough for Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency (RIPE) Reinvestment

Launch of Eco-Harvest, a program rewarding producers for regenerative agriculture practices 

Breakthrough for Ecosystem Services Market Consortium

Radiography could transform poultry breeding 

Breakthrough for FFAR Awards $1.4 Million to Purdue University, University of California, Davis and University of Edinburgh Researchers to Improve Health and Productivity of Egg-Laying Hens

Research Pinpoints Why Dairy Cows Produce Less Milk in Warm Weather and Develops Nutrition-Based Solution 

Breakthrough for FFAR Grant Helps Heat-Stressed Dairy Cows Weather Increasing Temperatures

The Irrigation Innovation Consortium & Parallel 41 Network: Building a path to data-driven management 

Groundwater Fluctuations Impact Grain Yields 

Breakthrough for FFAR Awards $2.4 Million to Eight Early-Career Research Faculty Members for Innovative Research Projects

Getting to the Root of the Problem: Fastidious Pathogens 

Breakthrough for A Novel Bioassay for Culturing and Characterizing Fastidious Phytopathogens

Report on Interventions to Reduce Consumer Food Waste 

Breakthrough for Understanding & Reducing Consumer Food Waste

Feed Additives Stop Viral Disease Spread, Researchers Find 

Breakthrough for FFAR-Funded Research Finds Feed Additives Stop the Spread of Viral Diseases

ID: ROAR-0000000024