A common thread in farming is the concern about feeding more people. Yet rarely do we ask: How are we going to continually clothe people?
Cotton, Inc. looks to support researchers and farmers everywhere to continue to grow cotton. They are currently supporting my research at Texas A&M University, where I work to understand how to manage weeds that plague the $5.2 billion cotton industry in Texas.
Currently, herbicides are the main way to control weeds. But resistance to these herbicides has increased by 57% since 2000.
Weeds can be categorized by their prolific seed production, which allows them to spread through space and time, lying dormant until the time is ripe. Farmers face a known enemy — weeds — that has become resistant to one of the easiest ways to be killed: herbicides, meaning farmers need new ways to kill weeds and their seeds.
In some crops, such as soybean and wheat, farmers can inadvertently harvest weed seeds during the harvest of the crop. Farmers use combines which thresh and sieve the trash part of the crop from the wanted parts of the crop. The wanted crop parts are put into a grain cart, which is then taken to a processing facility. The trash parts of the crop are spread back onto the field. While this is effective in recycling nutrients, it also leads to an effective distribution of weed seeds. Currently, the only options to control weeds at harvest is herbicide control or hand removal of weeds.
Some farmers saw an opportunity to change the combine from being a weed seed spreader to a weed killer by manipulating the trash during harvest. Harvest weed seed control (HWSC) presents an option to remove the weed seeds with the combine while harvesting the crop. The crop seed is separated from the weed seed and killed or manipulated before being spread back out onto the field. HWSC has the possibility to manage weed seeds in farmers’ fields; however, there are some challenges in the adaptation of this technology to U.S. agriculture systems. HWSC may only be applicable to certain crops in the U.S. because a specific type of combine header is needed. Climate can also play a complicated role in harvest weed seed control due to the influence of crop moisture content and environmental conditions. Nationally, weed researchers are looking at how to implement different forms of HWSC such as chaff carts, bale direct systems, narrow-windrow burning, chaff or tram lining, and impact mills. More information about these alternatives can be found at https://growiwm.org.
Sarah with cotton stripper in cotton field.