Banner image of tomatoes. Banner image of tomatoes.

Food Waste and Loss – Opportunity to Provide Feedback

Washington, D.C.

Thank you for your interest in FFAR’s From Food Waste to Food Security and Beyond Convening Event. We are pleased to share key outcomes from the meeting with you in our summary report. Help us continue this important conversation and inform our research program by sharing your thoughts on challenges in the food waste and loss area that could be addressed through research, or let us know about your research on food waste in the comment box below. Please leave your name and contact information as a chance to build professional connections in the scientific community and drive future research opportunities in food waste and loss.

If you would like to reach FFAR directly, please email us your comments at We look forward to hearing from you!

To stay up to date on  FFAR Food Waste and Loss programs and opportunities, please join the FFAR Food Waste and Loss email list.

Summary Report

Download the full report
of FFAR’s From Food Waste to Food Security and Beyond Convening Event.