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412 News found

In Largest Grant to Date, FFAR Joins $45 Million Project to Increase Staple Crop Yields by Harnessing Photosynthesis

FFAR Awards $1 Million Grant to AeroFarms for Research to Improve Quality of Leafy Greens

FFAR Grant to Measure On-Farm Nutrient Management Practices

FFAR Awards Funds to Researchers at University of Wyoming to Develop Test for Brucellosis in Swine and Cattle

WWF, FFAR and Walmart Foundation Team Up with Producers to Study Food Rescue Opportunities on Farms

FFAR Awards Emergency Funds to Researchers at Colorado State University to Combat Bacterial Leaf Streak of Corn

Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research Launches Multi-Million-Dollar International Effort to Accelerate Development of Crops of the Future

Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research Awards Grant to University of Illinois Researcher Developing Cutting Edge Plant Simulation Models

Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research to Invest Up to $5 Million in Strengthening the American Aquaculture Economy

Michigan State University Researchers Awarded Grant to Combat Invasive Pest in Tart Cherry Trees