FFAR Fellows Program

FFAR Contact

Dr. LaKisha Odom


NC State Contact

Dr. Rebecca Dunning


Applications for 2025-2027 cohort will be available on November 1, 2024.

FFAR established the Rockey FFAR Fellows Fund to make the Program’s professional development opportunities more accessible to all participants. Donate today to honor Dr. Rockey and prepare future scientists to tackle complex food and agriculture challenges.

U.S. food and agricultural systems are regularly experiencing new challenges, including climate change, a growing population and evolving pests and pathogens. Employers need early-career scientists trained to conduct research that helps farms and food systems adapt to these unprecedented changes.

We established the  FFAR Fellows Program, with North Carolina State University, to provide career guidance to the next generation of food and agriculture scientists. Unique to this program, we prepare a career ready STEM workforce by breaking down the disciplinary silos and focusing on professional development and soft-skills.

Fellows receive grants to pursue research that aligns with our Challenge Areas. Additionally, students are paired with industry mentors who provide career guidance. This mentorship equips students with the skills needed to facilitate their transition to the workforce and prepare future food and agriculture leaders.

The flagship component of the FFAR Fellows Program is the annual professional development workshop, where fellows participate in professional and interpersonal skills training. These trainings are complimented by a personalized development plan to help students excel in the workforce.

In partnership with a consortium of industry leaders, this $2.7 million grant prepares the agricultural workforce to optimize impact on the future of the industry.

FFAR Fellow Cohorts

Joy Amajioyi

Colorado State University, Bayer

With continued use, weeds have been developing resistance to herbicidal treatments. The resistance comes from enzymes crucial for herbicide metabolism. Amajioyi's research utilizes tobacco and soybean systems to study metabolic activities in those enzymes to understand where the herbicide resistance is coming from. Results will enhance understanding of herbicide resistance mechanisms and support integrated weed management strategies for both till and no-till farming, thus ensuring the sustainability and resilience of food systems amid climate change.

Olufunke Ayegbidun

Washington State University, Washington Grain Commission

Iron and zinc are among the most common micronutrient deficiencies, particularly in individuals who rely heavily on cereal-based diets for their energy and nutritional needs. Wheat, though an important cereal grain grown and consumed globally, lacks adequate micronutrients in modern varieties, to meet consumers' needs. This insufficient grain micronutrient is mainly due to genetic (a lack of genetic variation) and environmental (soil micronutrient deficiency) factors. Novel sources of genetic variation for these traits are required to improve final grain micronutrient concentrations. Ayegbidum's research focuses on understanding the genetic components that influence grain iron and zinc accumulation.

Sarah Brickman

UC Davis, California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance

Brickman's research focuses on the effects of soil conservation practices on soil physical properties, soil carbon persistence, and nitrogen cycling. Her first chapter is a review of those practices and their role in drought adaptation and resilience in water-limited agricultural systems. The second chapter is an study on how total soil organic carbon along a gradient of soil conservation practice adoption in wine grape vineyards. Finally, for the third chapter, she's conducting a field trial in Placilla, Chile at an organic vineyard to examine how different cover crop management strategies — mowing, tillage, and grazing — impact soil nitrogen pools early in the wine grape growing season.

Selvin Carrillo Ramos

University of Georgia, Office of Industry Partnerships and Department of Horticulture, University of Georgia

U.S. peach production and consumption trends declined in the last decade. Factors contributing to this decline may include inefficient rootstock-scion interactions during grafting, limited root system adaptability, and low fruit quality. This research will focus on fine-tuning peach orchard management practices by determining how modern rootstocks influence real-time water and nutrient transport to scions through conductive tissue analysis and assessing the benefits of commercial foliar fertilizers on fruit quality and shelf life. These findings will allow us to optimize nutrient and water management, reduce soil synthetic fertilizers, provide breeders with root architecture data to develop more resilient trees, enhance fruit quality and extend shelf life.

Laissa Cavallini

North Carolina State University, Syngenta

Cavallini's research aims to mitigate the injury caused by pests such as thrips on cotton plants. Their control traditionally relies on prophylactic use of neonicotinoid insecticides, however, the new Bt cotton ThryvOn (Bayer) is a hopeful alternative with its potential in drought stressed plants. In addition, she is exploring the impact of rainfall on insecticide applications, a common challenge faced by farmers who often need to reapply insecticides after rainfall events, which can be costly and environmentally harmful. These studies provide valuable insights into optimizing insecticide use with the aim to support farmers in making informed decisions, reduce the environmental impact of agricultural practices and foster collaboration betwe-en researchers, farmers, and industry stakeholders.

Debarshi Dasgupta

North Dakota State University, North Dakota State University’s Agricultural Experiment Station

The state of North Dakota has been facing issues related to nutrient runoff, groundwater contamination and eutrophication due to excess losses of nitrogen and phosphorus from cultivated soils, jeopardizing animal and human health. Research on microbiomes in agroecosystems has only hinted at a great potential in reducing our collective dependency on intensive agricultural practices. To further this research, we need a deeper understanding of microbial communities in soil, and the ecosystem services and functions they mediate. Dasgupta's research is looking to unravel the ways cropping practices influence microbial communities and functioning in soil, and what that bodes for soil health and water quality. He aims to identify soil and plant microbiome manipulation strategies to facilitate sustainable agriculture in North Dakota and beyond.

Joseph DeTemple

Iowa State University, PepsiCo

The United States is the global leader in maize production, yielding nearly 400 million tons annually. For maize production to remain stable under increasingly variable climate conditions, we need a better understanding of how maize performs under different sets of weather conditions and how plant breeding can create genotypes suitable for future climates. DeTemple's research dives into breeding maize varieties tested through models that simulate weather changes with growth stages.

Shalini Etukuri

Clemson University, Cotton Incorporated

Enhancing fiber quality has long been a primary objective of cotton breeders. However, improving fiber quality through genetic approaches is a significant challenge due to complex genetics, the influence of environmental factors, and the lack of high-resolution phenotyping capabilities. Etukuri's research focuses on unraveling the genetic basis of cotton fiber quality traits and using this knowledge to develop and release new and advanced cotton varieties that meet demands of both high yield and fiber quality.

Alexander Fast

University of Florida, Mars Wrigley

Phytophthora palmivora is a plant mold with a global distribution and extensive host range, able to infect over 160 plant genera, including economically important crops like cacao, avocado, coconut, nursery plants and more. Despite this pathogen’s worldwide presence and economic devastation, little is known about the genetic mechanisms underlying broad host range. Fast's research aims to answer several key questions about this pathogen’s spread and pathogenicity using population genetics and molecular biology.

Ryan Hamberg

Texas A&M University, Cotton, Inc.

The most common weed management methods in Texas include herbicides and tillage; however, these two management practices have trade-offs. Herbicide resistance has become increasingly prevalent across Texas and the United States. This has limited chemical options for cotton growers, increasing the need for alternative weed control tactics. Hamberg's research focuses on integrating non-chemical weed control tactics into cotton production. The two main technologies of interest are weed electrocution and directed energy. Ultimately, he hopes to improve soil health and moisture retention in conventional and organic systems.

Danielle Hopkins

Saint Louis University, E. & J. Gallo Winery

Hopkins' research is focused on understanding and improving water use efficiency in grapevines by enhancing our understanding of genetics and physiology underlying water stress tolerance. Her area of study focuses on partial root-zone drying (PRD). This irrigation regime induces a stress response which decreases transpiration without impacting the photosynthetic rate. This work will support growers and grape industry members by evaluating PRD irrigation under commercial settings for its applicability in vineyards.

Chidimma Ifeh

Montana State University, Rockey FFAR Fellows

Pulse crops such as lentils and chickpeas, known for their high nutritional value and lower carbon and water footprint than common crops, offer a vital opportunity to enhance food security, promote environmental sustainability, and mitigate climate change. However, their potential in the plant-based product industry has yet to be fully explored, as their off-flavors remain one of the major challenges to product applications. Ifeh's research will establish a machine learning-based model to predict the qualities of pulse products amidst different complex variables. The outcomes of this research will provide valuable insights for manufacturers, enabling them to produce high-quality pulse products, ultimately enhancing their utilization and contributing to a more sustainable food system.

Vipul Kumar

Iowa State University, Corteva AgriScience

The Midwestern U.S. has experienced significant ecological impacts due to the shift from native prairies to intensive monocropping of maize and soybeans. To mitigate these impacts, Kumar's research proposes integrating perennial groundcover (PGC) with annual row crops to provide continuous soil cover and restore ecosystem services. His main cover crop being studied is Sandberg bluegrass, characterized by its summer dormancy, cool-season growth habit, and shallow root system.

Jesse Landesman

UC Santa Barbara, California Avocado Commission

California produces 95% of domestically grown avocados, and salinity is an increasing issue due to the geographic distribution of avocado orchards along the California coast as well as increased pressure for farmers to irrigate with reclaimed water. Most research has focused on the effects of salinity on the avocado trees and their productivity, but not on the soil health and microbiology of soils in avocado orchards. By partnering with avocado growers, Landersman is conducting field-based research and identify how various factors influence avocado production in California.

Hema Lingireddy

Purdue University, Purdue University College of Agriculture

Agriculture accounts for over 70% of freshwater withdrawals worldwide, making it the leading cause of water stress and scarcity. In the current scenario, it is difficult to meet the future food demand by using renewable freshwater resources alone for irrigation purposes. A Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) platform or a hydroponic system with saline water management could be the most effective way to combat freshwater scarcity. Lingireddy's research is about understanding the needs of stakeholders regarding controlled environment cultivation practices and saline agriculture, and offers valuable information regarding the impact of interventions on the adoption of the technology and changing behaviors.

Paiton McDonald

Michigan State University, United Animal Health

The United States dairy industry experiences a high death rate in newborn calves, resulting in approximately 12% of the annual calf crop (~1 million calves) dead before weaning. Developmental processes, such as immune development, require energy. Therefore, animal health is only as good as the animal's feed. McDonald's research focuses on nutritional interventions that enhance the quality of the calf’s first meal and her subsequent nutrition for the first few days of life.

Jessica Mehre

Univeristy of Wisconsin Madison, Rockey FFAR Fellows

Simplified and mono-cropped agroecosystems in the Midwest undermine clean water, soil health, and community vitality. Management-intensive, rotationally grazed pastures can both elevate farm profitability and mitigate agricultural externalities. However, conversion to perennial pastures in the Midwestern landscape is low. Using southeast Wisconsin as a case study, Mehre's research investigates whether perennial pastures can accrue soil carbon, mitigate agricultural externalities, and create vibrant rural communities. This transdisciplinary research lays the groundwork for future conversations in southeast Wisconsin and beyond for envisioning perennial landscapes and provides encouragement and support of public policy that incentivizes pasture-based agriculture.

Megan Mills Singletary

Texas Tech University, Cotton Inc.

If weeds are not managed during the critical period of six to eight weeks after cotton emergence, substantial yield loss can be expected. There are a variety of management tactics to control weeds, but the effectiveness of each management system is dependent on a variety of factors. The first part of Singletary's research investigates the development of herbicide resistance from troublesome weed species across Texas, such as Palmer amaranth, and propose strategies to mitigate resistance issues. The second aspect of her research evaluates options for sustainably reducing tillage in Organic cotton production while effectively managing weeds and improving soil health. Finally, she will assess the weed suppressive potential of advanced cotton breedling lines for utilization in organic production.

Sakshi Paudel

University of Illinois- Urbana Champaign, Syngenta

The Green Revolution introduced significant changes in agricultural practices that markedly increased crop yields. However, these changes also had unintended consequences for soil health and microbial diversity. Paudel's research focuses on understanding how practices from the Green Revolution such as crop breeding and the use of nitrogenous fertilizers, have impacted the performance of microbial communities in the rhizosphere area around the roots of corn plants. Her research group is also pioneering efforts to redesign corn genotypes for more sustainable nutrient management. Enhancements in nutrient retention, when applied across the vast acreage of corn in the Midwest, could substantially improve environmental quality.

Taynara Possebom

North Carolina State University, Syngenta

Stink bugs caused $356 million in soybean losses across the US in 2022. Information on indirect monitoring systems could support current field-based direct scouting techniques. Possebom's research goals are to determine the most precise and accurate pheromone monitoring trap for stink bugs in soybeans, to assess if different traps capture different species of stink bugs in soybeans, and to evaluate whether the IA trap is the ideal trap type to connect with the app, or if a trap adaptation is needed. This research will benefit soybean producers and consultants across the Southeastern by evaluating the precision and accuracy of pheromone traps as monitoring tools for stink bugs.

Haylee Reisinger

Michigan State University, Natural Biologics

A dairy cow's immune system is largely responsible for combatting infections, repairing tissue, and maintaining homeostasis. A practical way of supporting the cow is by providing her with the proper nutrition to support immune function. Reisinger's research concerns utilizing bioactive compounds in dairy cow diets to support overall cow health. These compounds are naturally occurring in many plant species, as well as various animal and bacterial products. By harnessing this potential, we can support healthier and more productive dairy cattle to provide nutritious foods for human consumption.

Beatrice Robson

University of Georgia

One third of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions come from food systems, which in turn are extremely vulnerable to climate change. Robson researches- this bidirectional relationship through the lens of economics and nutrition, particularly focusing on environmental externalities, policy decisions, and market shocks. Her work investigates changes in consumer welfare and dietary emissions resulting from U.S. policy decisions such as subsidization of greener foods and production technologies, taxation of emission-intensive foods, international policy/tariffs and other policy interventions aimed at correcting environmental externalities.

Maria Rottersman

UC Davis, Celiac Disease Foundation

Humans have long utilized the viscous and elastic properties of gluten proteins in wheat to create dietary staples like pasta and bread. However, this same group of proteins elicits auto-immune responses in genetically predisposed individuals. Celiac disease (CD) is a chronic immune disorder triggered by gluten ingestion found in approximately 1% of all adults. Limiting CD-inducing peptides in wheat could have a profound impact on the number of people affected by gluten intolerance. Rotterman's research uses genetic and biotechnological manipulation of the wheat gluten subunit genes to understand how these changes alter their structure/function relationship. Success in her experiments will result in wheat lines with reduced or no immune response and adequate bread-making quality.

Leticia Santos

North Carolina State University, Bayer

Conservation tillage is a pivotal sustainable agricultural practice that enhances soil health and biodiversity by leaving crop residue on the field. However, assessing its adoption accurately on a large scale poses significant challenges due to the time-consuming and labor-intensive nature of traditional ground-level surveys, which also lack scalability. Santos' study utilizes aerial and space-borne sensors, including shortwave infrared (SWIR) satellite imagery combined with machine learning algorithms, to efficiently collect high-resolution data. The outcomes of this research are expected to enhance decision-making processes for stakeholders, policymakers and farmers, and incentivize climate-smart agricultural practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Laura Schulz

Washington State University, Rockey FFAR Fellows

Sweet potato is a nutritious, productive and resilient crop that produces edible roots, leaves and stems. It is considered the seventh most important food crop globally. In the United States, sweet potatoes are typically produced in the southern states and California, though recent studies in northern regions have shown sweet potato yields can be even higher than the national average due to longer day lengths in the summer. Direct-market farmers in western Washington have been experimenting with growing sweet potatoes in recent years with mixed results. Wireworms have emerged as the primary pest of sweet potato in the region and more information is needed about the best production practices. Schulz is testing wireworm-resistant sweet potato cultivars and breeding lines for suitability to western Washington. She is determining the optimal in-row spacing for sweet potato grown in plastic mulch in cool, maritime climates and measuring the impact of harvesting sweet potato greens as a secondary vegetable crop on root yield.

Harrison Smith

University of Arkansas, Rockey FFAR Fellows

In coming decades, climate change will jeopardize production of staple crops in the U.S., highlighting the need for sustainable intensification and improved climate-crop response prediction. This project seeks to address this challenge through the application of machine learning to develop multi-scale (within-field to national scales), pixel-based biophysical suitability maps for maize and soybeans. Dynamic suitability maps from this project will be made available on cloud-based applications for researchers and agricultural producers to use to better address the challenge of sustainable intensification and advance the state of agricultural climate change adaptation.

Hamid Syed

Auburn University, Rockey FFAR Fellows

Manual plant counting is the current method used in nursery management that is time consuming and labor-intensive and often leads to inaccuracies. There is an urgent call for automated system. Syed's research aims to develop a dynamic smart inventory system capable of autonomous plant counting and quality assessment. The integration of robotics and artificial intelligence will be deployed to take on the repetitive boring tasks that humans perform in the field, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks to enhance their proactive management and rapid response to any rising issues.

Rogan Tokach

Auburn University, Project Apis m.

Honey bees face a variety of different stressors leading to colony loss. Parasitic mites present one of the leading causes of colony losses, not just in the United States, but also globally. In the United States, Varroa mites are the beekeepers' self-reported leading cause of colony losses as they prove exceptionally hard to control. Tokach's research aims to provide beekeepers with alternative strategies to using synthetic acaricides that will prove to be effective, sustainable treatment options at all levels of beekeeping whether hobbyist or commercial. His research also aims to determine how the emerging Tropilaelaps mite is dispersing, and is am working to ascertain what treatments can rapidly and effectively eliminate the mite in the event it is introduced to a new region.

Melissa Vergara

Oregon State University, Oregon State University College of Agricultural Sciences

Take-all disease, caused by a fungal root pathogen, Gaeumannomyces tritici (Gt) significantly affects wheat and other cereal crops. A common cultural control for managing take-all is the development of disease-suppressive soils after three to five consecutive planting seasons. This effect is largely attributed to a buildup of a bacteria, that both enhances plant resistance and is antagonistic against the fungal pathogen. Preliminary work from Vergara's lab shows that different wheat cultivars contain distinct bacterial communities in the field, with some cultivars able to establish associations with the beneficial bacterial group. First, her research identifies which cultivars commonly grown in the Pacific Northwest associate with this bacteria, and thus, are better protected against the fungal pathogen, Gt. Then, her work aims to identify the genes associated with beneficial microbial presence through quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping.

Tayin Wang

Colorado State University, Ginkgo Bioworks

Wang's research focuses on advancing our knowledge of the biogeochemical factors that enhance soil organic carbon (SOC) formation. Specifically, he will identify key microbial traits that increase the production of long-term SOC that are bounded by soil minerals, and investigate how microbes interact with minerals to protect SOC from degradation. Expected deliverables of this research include enhancing model accuracy in predicting SOC storage, and developing cost-effective approaches to quantify soil health. The data generated will be used to build a reference spectral library, and advance soil C models by including the empirical effect of microbial physiology and communities on SOC storage. By enhancing the tools to better manage microbial resources and more accessibly obtain precise soil C measurement, these results would increase the capacity of farmers to implement regenerative agricultural practices and their ability to assess the consequent soil health outcomes.

Paul Adunola

University of Florida, Syngenta
  • Production Systems

To increase margins in U.S. blueberry production, modern plant breeding tools such as genomic selection and phenomic selection are used. However, a challenge in using these tools is effectively allocating resources while maintaining accuracy. Breeders currently rely on algorithms to guide their selection decisions. Andunola is studying near-infrared spectroscopy as a viable, more cost effective alternative.-

Enoch Ametepey

University of Arksansas, Rockey FFAR Fellows Fund

Enoch is examining how Cooperative Extension Agents use social media in the dissemination of emerging technologies and ideas for farmers to adopt sustainable practices. He also is documenting how these extension agents deal with misinformation to get a better understanding of how it can be addressed.

R. Caleb Bruhn

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Nutrien Ltd.
  • Agroecosystems

Bruhn’s research analyzes soil properties, water balance, nutrient cycling and crop yields between subsurface drainage and deficit subirrigation, an optimization strategy in which irrigation is applied during drought-sensitive stages of crop growth. Bruhn aims to identify sites where deficit subirrigation can sustainably intensify production with site-specific models and ultimately improve agriculture water management.

Emily Cason

University of Georgia, Ancera
  • Production Systems

Cason studies Salmonella in chicken broiler flocks in differing stages of production leading up to processing. Determining this prevalence throughout bird life cycles will help with pre-harvest screenings and necessary interventions. Her research will establish improved methods for Salmonella surveillance and sampling protocols, resulting in a reduction of Salmonella arriving at processing and a safer supply of nutrient-dense food on the dinner plate.

Oluwafemi Falade

University of California Davis, Select Sire Inc.
  • Production Systems

Although sexed semen technology is available in several countries, its implementation is costly and often not feasible. Falade’s research looks at biotechnological methods of gene editing to eliminate the production of animals of an undesired sex and also produce more disease resistance.

Hector Fajardo

North Carolina State University, Rockey FFAR Fellows Fund
  • Production Systems

Fajardo’s research examines soil and water assessment tool models to understand phosphorous sources in a watershed in eastern North Carolina. His findings will provide insight into where and when there is a higher risk of phosphorous leaching, a process in which phosphorus attaches to soil particles and makes its way to surface water, which can cause algae growth and result in decreased levels of oxygen. This research could lead to improvements in watershed management.

Gwyneth Fredrick

Cornell University, Rockey FFAR Fellows Fund
  • Production Systems

The link between nutrition and physical and emotional health is well-documented.. However, in the U.S., 11% of the total population experiences food insecurity. That rate is twice as high for families recently impacted by incarcerated individuals. Fredrick’s research explores individuals’ navigation of the food system during their re-entry into society.

Delfina Grinspan

Perennial Agriculture Project at the Land Institute
  • Production Systems

Perennial grain crops are seen as a promising tool for addressing agriculture impacts on the ecosystem because their extensive root systems retain nutrients and build soil carbon storage. Their impact may be even more profound if they’re managed with intercropping legumes for increased nitrogen availability, however, more information is needed on microbial exchanges in root systems between the two crops.
Grinspan’s research evaluates root system diversity and function across seven states to get a better understanding of those microbial relationships to inform soil health decisions.

Majorie Hanneman

Cornell Uinversity, Bayer Crop Science
  • Production Systems

Hanneman’s research focuses on two aspects relating to human consumption of staple grains. She is exploring the quantitative genetics of vitamin B3, an essential nutritional compound historically absent in maize, with the goal of making unavailable forms of B3 available for the human diet through genetic breeding. Additionally, Hanneman is examining grain quality of sorghum during milling/processing in Haiti, Senegal and Uganda. Using models for predictive traits and consulting with local women for cooking methods, her research aims to develop a low-cost breeding selection method for desired traits.

Haowen Hu

Cornell University, Cornell University
  • Production Systems

Hu’s research explores the advancement of modeling and computation in revolutionizing farming practices. Hu is combining a Ruminant Farm Systems models with whole-farm dairy systems model to closely monitor effects of management practices on production to environmental outcomes. Hu’s goal is for the tools to enable the evaluation of farm management decisions without actual intervention.

Erika Ibarra-Garibay

Iowa State University, Bayer Crop Science
  • Food Systems

Although pollinators provide critical ecosystem services in the pollination of key crops, most key pollinators are wild, native species whose populations are on the decline. Ibarra-Garibay’s research creates a healthy ecological system to test the environmental stressors on native bumble bees to better understand pesticide application, analysis and exposure methods, and how bumble bees can be incorporated with other Integrated Pest Management Tools.

Erin Jackson

Colorado State University, Colorado State University and General Mills
  • Agroecosystems

With an increased interest in soil health in society, there has been increased adoption of conservation practices such as no-till and cover cropping on high plains farms. Jackson’s team of researchers are conducting a comprehensive study on 30 farms across Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska to understand the impact of farmer-led practices transitioning from conventional to regenerative to help inform farmer-centric results and strategies for transitioning to a soil-health-focused system.

Eva Keohane

Colorado State University; American Heart Association
  • Production Systems

Although there is adequate research on the effects of certain foods and diets and our health, there is a knowledge gap about what in our food is causing that downstream effect. For instance, most food composition databases comprise of roughly 150 biomolecules, although there are more than 26,000 known. Keohane’s research uses chemical detections, spectrometry and data analysis to characterize known and unknown biomolecules in food. The impact of her work will be a comprehensive database of food biomolecules, leading to a better understanding on food’s effects of disease management, childhood nutrition, allergies and more.

Nicole Kucherov

Kansas State University; Rockey FFAR Fellows
  • Production Systems

With over 100 crops grown in the U.S. relying on pollinators, insects are playing a vital role in farming systems. However, pest problems continue to be significant threats to yields around the globe. In 2021, 40% of global crop losses were due to pests. Kucherov’s research seeks to understand initial invasive pest invasions, how they move across the landscape and how certain landscapes can deter pests from infesting fields.

Barakatullah Mohammadi

Washington State University; Washington State University
  • Food Systems

Bacillus cereus is a common foodborne pathogen that poses a serious threat to food safety and human health. Past research has often focused on food handling practices for control, but more studies are needed to better control the pathogen and reduce its presence directly on food products. This is especially true for ethnic grain producers whose products lose quality during refrigeration. Mohammadi’s research looks at identifying the most effective food additives to control outgrowth in chickpea and rice flours and will develop new technologies and evaluations to eliminate the presence of bacillus cereus directly on chickpea and rice flours.

Abbeah Navasca

North Dakota State University; North Dakota State University, Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative
  • Production Systems

Crop rotations have been a widely adopted strategy in North Dakota for managing pests and pathogens as well as increasing soil health. However, crop residues can harbor fungal pathogens such as Fusarium, which cause blights, wilts and rots in several common crops. These fungi are highly adaptable to a range of regions which makes it difficult to control. Navasca’s research looks at Fusarium’s ability to acquire and adapt to different crop rotations within these regions. The outcomes will improve crop rotation strategies through a better understanding of their biology in diversified cropping systems.

Theo (Chelsea) Newbold

Pennsylvania State University; PASA Sustainable Agriculture
  • Agroecosystems

Endophytes are a group of fungi that are known for their ability to increase yields and nutrient uptake, and improve disease and pest stress tolerance. However, they can also pose their own risk as a serious crop pathogen. Currently, little is understood about what factors drive endophyte functions and makeup in sustainable production systems. Newbold’s research seeks to understand the biotic and abiotic factors that influence endophyte roles in row cropping systems.

Yamikani Ng’ona

Ohio State University; Bayer
  • Production Systems

Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a corn genetically engineered to produce proteins that have toxiccharacteristics toward specific insects. However, insects like European Corn Borer (ECB) are beginning to develop a resistance to Bt. To understand how quickly ECB’s resistance to Bt is spreading, Yamikani’s research will document DNA mutations in transporter genes of ECB, and will identify molecular markers to track them and understand the frequency of positive resistant alleles.

Graham Oakley

Mississippi State University; Mississippi Water Resources Research Institute
  • Production Systems

Overuse of the Mississippi River Valley Aquifer for rice production has resulted in a decline in surface and groundwater, which has led to increased pumping costs and dried-up wells in the Lower Mississippi River Basin. Current rice production practices involve intensive water use with a constant, 2-4 inches of flooding during pre-harvest. . However, some studies indicate involving alternative wetting and drying demonstrates that nitrogen-use efficiency is improved and water use is decreased by 39 percent. Oakley’s research examines whether the alternative wetting and drying practice can be integrated into automated irrigation systems, and if can can be economically integrated into large scale production systems.

Oluwatuyi Olowoyeye

Iowa State University; Iowa State University
  • Production Systems

Perennial ground cover in cropping systems is a practice that involves planting two different crops simultaneously, to provide constant ground cover on the soil. This provides ecosystem services such as reducing soil erosion, minimizing runoff and enhancing drought resilience. Since traditional methods of monitoring soil erosion are time-consuming and their mathematical models have limitations, Olowoyeye’s research identifies new technological models to replace traditional models and get more accurate data on the effectiveness of intercropping systems in controlling soil erosion.

Kevin Oluoch

University of Deleware; University of Deleware
  • Food Systems

Smallholder farms are predominant across sub-Saharan Africa and Asia and are increasingly prevalent in urban and suburban settings in the developed world. Most smallholder farms are family-owned, grow a heterogeneous mix of crops and sell surplus produce for income. Oluoch’s research uses data and artificial intelligence to inform strategies for improving agricultural practices in smallholder farms, particularly with irrigation and water management.

Erica Patterson

Colorado State University; Quivira Coalitions Carbon Ranch Initiative (CRI)
  • Production Systems

Grasslands and rangelands make up 40% of terrestrial ecosystems and hold an estimated 30% of global carbon stocks. Regenerative grazing management practices have emerged as a possible tool to help mitigate climate change with their ability to use grassland ecosystems as a carbon sink. Patterson’s research contextualizes the impact of livestock management on soil carbon dynamics in three distinct grazing systems: semi-arid, sub-humid and temperate.

Xiomy J. Pinchi-Davila

University of Georgia; Univeristy of Georgia College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
  • Production Systems

Global demand for biofuels is projected to grow by 28% in the next five years. In order for the biofuel industry to reach net zero emissions by 2050, feedstocks used in biofuel production are grown in a sustainable manner to avoid negative impacts on biodiversity, food prices, food availability and freshwater systems. Pinchi-Davila’s research looks at sorghum as a viable genetic model for biofuel feedstocks due to its worldwide use, high productivity, stress tolerance and several other factors. In particular, her research looks at sorghum’s root microbiomes and their fungal interactions as a way to genetically select for drought tolerance.

Katy Smith

University of Tennessee; Rockey FFAR Fellows
  • Production Systems

The U.S. cattle industry loses an estimated $5.7 billion annually to fly and tick parasitism. Aside from several limiting factors these parasites cause on growing cattle, they also are associated with the transmission of diseases such as pink eye, mastitis and blood cell parasites. . Producers need the use of integrated pest management in order to combat these losses without the over-reliance on chemical interventions. Smith’s research looks for an automated system for pest surveillance as well as a study of how producers adopt a new surveillance system.

Kairi Tanaka

North Carolina State University; Hoofprint Biome
  • Production Systems

Methane emissions, a byproduct of microbial fermentation in ruminant livestock like dairy and beef cattle, are also a potent greenhouse gas. The fermentation process in the animals’ rumen also represents a 10% energy loss, leading to feed inefficiency. Kairi Tanaka’s research studies the development of mitigation strategies such as additives that inhibit the methane-producing process in the rumen.

Zachariah Vice

Texas A&M University; Texas A&M University
  • Production Systems

Though there is much research about individual organisms in food processing environments, more data is needed about community interactions pertaining to these organisms. Vice’s research looks at the behavior of microbial communities in meat processing facilities His research will eventually contribute to novel intervention strategies to combat sanitizer resistance and ensure a safer food environment.

Grace Vincent

North Carolina State University; Bayer Global
  • Production Systems

Crop disease detection has conventionally relied on visible symptoms, which is time-consuming and results in yield losses. Vincent’s research is utilizing machine learning algorithms with hyperspectral imagery to establish disease severity. The outcomes will develop a model of hyper-spectral field imagery and machine learning that can be applied to many crops and help improve food security and sustainability.

Emma Waltman

Rutgers University; Rutgers University School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
  • Production Systems

Stink bugs are an invasive pest, a native pest and a beneficial predator in New Jersey peach orchards. Waltman’s research investigates how landscape variables like crop diversity, edge density and percent of forest in the surrounding landscape can predict the abundance of these insects and their egg success rates. Her research will inform growers on how they can utilize the landscape and their agricultural management to control stink bug problems.

Yunqing Wang

California Institute of Technology; Resnick Sustainability Institute
  • Agroecosystems

Wang’s research looks at soil health through the rhizosphere, a nutrient-rich region of soil that surrounds the plant root. Wang is creating a novel sentinel plant platform for monitoring rhizosphere dynamics. The resulting impact of the research will be a greater understanding of the rhizosphere’s ability to cycle nutrients, greenhouse gas emissions and planet health.

Elias Zuchelli

University of Tennesee; Tennessee Soybean Promotion Board Cotton Corporate State Support
  • Production Systems

Soybean disease is a large cause of yield loss in soybean plants. Zuchelli’s research looks at the overall most profitable way to control soybean disease. He does this by developing models to forecast disease occurrence through spores in the environment. Once an accurate forecast is established, evaluating which control method(s) present the most suitable solution will help producers become more efficient with their resources.

Connor Balfany

North Carolina State University; The Leaf Protein Company
  • Food Systems

Rubisco is an enzyme found in most vegetables that has an abundance of nutritional value. The increase in attraction for plant-based foods brings attention to rubisco extraction; however, knowledge gaps still exist for extraction and product formulation. Balfany is extracting rubisco from crop waste to produce a high-quality food product.

Jonathan Beutler

University of British Columbia; Alberta Wheat Commission
  • Production Systems

Plant pathogens have been a long pressing challenges for crop breeders and farmers. Latest technological toolkits help in genotyping crops to mitigate these pathogens yet, there is still limited access to such technology. Beutler’s research is developing a platform to monitor the evolution of fungal pathogens in cereal crops and rapidly mitigate them.

Sujata Bogati

Purdue University; Purdue University
  • Production Systems

Bogati is developing a physiological process-based model for different types of soybeans to improve prediction accuracy under various environmental scenarios. This research helps breeders and producers find the most suitable crops with the highest performance based on region.

Ruth Eunice Centeno Martinez

Purdue University; Purdue University
  • Production Systems

Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is a combination of respiratory diseases or cattle pneumonia in which bacteria and viruses infect the lungs, compromising the immune system and sometimes leading to animal death. Martinez is analyzing ways in which commensal bacteria can be used as an antibiotic alternative to prevent the spread of BRD.

Sarah Chu

Texas A&M; Cotton, Inc.
  • Agroecosystems

Chu is examining harvest weed seed control technologies to control seeds that are harvested at the same time as the crop. This research helps decrease the use of herbicides and tillage which severely impact soil health

Mira Conyers

University of California, Davis; Back of the Yards Algae
  • Production Systems

The California strawberry industry, valued at 2 billion dollars, suffers significant losses from disease. Conyers’s research is investigating if cyanobacterial extract can protect strawberry plants against disease.

Matt Davis

University of California, Davis; California Pistachio Research Board
  • Production Systems

Davis is researching the effects of long-term tissue culture on mutation in wood plants, such a pistachio. This research is also elucidating the genetic locus for salt tolerance in pistachio.

Madeline Desjardins

Washington State University; King County Wastewater Treatment Division
  • Agroecosystems

Synthetic fertilizers can be detrimental to soil health over time. Biosolids are treated wastewater products that can be land applied as an alternative to synthetic fertilizers. Desjardins is focusing on the impacts of long-term biosolids applications and cover crop grazing on soil health and sustainable crop productivity in dryland grain systems.

Lindsay Garcia

Oregon State University; Oregon State University
  • Production Systems

The threat of wildfire smoke to vineyards has predominantly been an issue in the western United States. Smoke exposed grapes result in smoky, ashy and medicinal sensory characters that are undesirable in wine. Garcia is testing the films and determining whether the novel film coatings are a prospective preventative measure to stop wildfire smoke from entering the grapes.

Vinicius Castelli Garnica

North Carolina State University; UPL
  • Production Systems

Fungicides are an important tool for farmers because they help protect against plant pathogens that cause damage to crops; however, overuse of fungicides lead to several problems such as resistance and environmental contamination. Garnica is characterizing the climatic factors associated with the incidence of a common foliar disease in wheat in North Carolina and developing models to help predict the optimal time to spray the crop.

Lushan Ghimire

University of Florida; Dricolls
  • Production Systems

Blueberries have evolved from a regional commodity in the United States to a global specialty crop in a short span of time. Yet, several fungal and bacterial infections are preventing blueberries from reaching their full production potential. Ghimire is identifying genomic regions that regulate response to diseases in blueberries which helps for disease resistance.

Katrina Klett

University of Minnesota; General Mills
  • Agroecosystems

Klett is examining how new crop insurance incentives could help farmers in the Midwest adopt more climate smart land use practices at scale. This research is incentivizing mass adoption of cover crop usage to improve soil health.

Lidia Komondy

Cornell University; New York Farm Viability Insurance
  • Production Systems

Komondy is examining the factors that drive increased pathogen transmission by insect vectors and the implementation of precision agricultural tools to facilitate the intelligent use of insecticides and to forecast pest outbreaks. This research develops a sequential sampling plan for onion thrips in onion production regions

Seldon Kwafo

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; KWS
  • Production Systems

A plant’s access to nutrients in soil is essential for producing an abundance of sustainable crops. Kwafo is understanding the underlying mechanisms affecting nutrient deficiencies in food crops under elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations by exploring soil conditions, reduced distribution and accumulation of nutrient tissues.

Samuele Lamon

University of Georgia; University of Georgia
  • Production Systems

Lamon is identifying techniques to increase genetic diversity in peanut. This research helps peanut companies reduce seed contamination and mitigate the negative effects of diseases and climate change on peanut harvests.

Autumn McLaughlin

University of Tennessee; Syngenta and Tennessee Corn Promotion Board
  • Production Systems

Fungal pathogens that cause corn ear-rots are common worldwide, though the pathogens alone do not consistently result in significant yield loss. McLaughlin is studying the impacts of specific traits in corn hybrids on mycotoxin mitigation, as well as other pre-harvest management strategies to determine effective and sustainable integrated pest management (IPM) to assist growers in managing ear rots and mycotoxin contamination.

Rose Mumbi

Purdue University; Purdue University
  • Agroecosystems

Accumulated soil phosphorus is an important source of agricultural phosphorus loss, and it poses a continuous risk of loss to both surface and ground waters. Mumbi is understanding the concentration patterns and variance of soil phosphorus in agricultural watersheds and how these patterns influence phosphorus delivery to nearby waterways.

Heeduk Oh

North Carolina State University; NCSU Plants for Human Health Institute
  • Food Systems

Blueberries are widely cultivated and consumed throughout the world due to their pleasant flavor and numerous health benefits. Oh is unraveling the physiological and genetic mechanisms underlying fruit softening to improve blueberry shelf-life. This research is working to minimize food loss in blueberries while maximizing shelf-life quality.

Stephen Onayemi

Washington State University; Syngenta
  • Production Systems

The grape mealybug is an insect virus that results in a 60 percent decrease in grape yield and a significant decline in the quality of harvested grapes. Onayemi is analyzing alternative integrated pest management (IPM) methods of mating disruption to control the grape mealybug.

Kevin Orta

North Carolina State University; UPL
  • Production Systems

Stink bugs are devastating and persistent insect pests across much of the Southeastern United States. Focusing on corn, cottonand soybean within various ecoregions across North Carolina, Orta is identifying flora present within the woods surrounding fields as a driver for early-season stink bug colonization.

Mariana Prieto Torres

North Carolina State University; Pickle Packers International
  • Food Systems

Pseudoperonospora cubensis is a pathogen that causes mildew in crops. The pathogen is mainly controlled with weekly fungicide applications, which can cause long term effects to the crops. Torres is developing an ideal disease alert system would warn when to initiate the required weekly sprays at a time when fungicides.

Riley Reed

Washington State University; Bejo Seed
  • Production Systems

Honeybees (Apis mellifera) are the most important agricultural pollinators, used to pollinate everything from apples to pumpkins. When necessary, they will fly several miles in search of forage to meet the nutritional needs of the colony, which can cause cross-pollination between fields. Reed is reducing foraging distance to improve isolation practices.

Olanrewaju Shittu

Penn State University; Bayer
  • Agroecosystems

Shittu is developing a decision support system (DSS) for wheat growers in Pennsylvania. This research helps wheat growers to make disease management decisions relevant to their individual farms.

Nikee Shrestha

University of Nebraska, Lincoln; University of Nebraska, Lincoln
  • Production Systems

Climate change has a direct impact on agriculture, food security and human health. Due to projected increases in temperature and shifts in rainfall patterns, changes in crop yields are inevitable. Shrestha is building genomic prediction models by understanding and utilizing the genetics behind the genotype-by-environment interaction.

Samantha Surber

University of Georgia; University of Georgia
  • Production Systems

Surber is uncovering the function of two xylem-abundant sulfate transporter genes on sulfate metabolism in wood forming tissue. This research providing insight into how tree growth and metabolism will shift and how this will affect biomass production for biofuels.

Federico Tarnonsky

University of Florida; BioZyme
  • Production Systems

Tarnonsky is developing different strategies to increase efficiency in the different phases of beef production and measure their environmental impact (carbon and water footprint), production level and cost effectiveness. This research contributes to reduction in air pollution and source of carbon sequestration, wildlife habitat and water reservoirs.

Destiny Tyson

North Carolina State University; Syngenta
  • Production Systems

Tropical maize is highly important to maize breeding as it is the most genetically diverse maize there is. Tropical maize is thought to have beneficial alleles, not found in temperate maize, that could be exploited to create new and improved maize varieties. Tyson is using biotechnology as a way to potentially improve maize varieties and tropical maize breeding.

Mei Ling Wong

Montana State University; FFAR Fellows
  • Production Systems

Wong is developing and releasing improved spring wheat varieties for Montana spring wheat producers by finding a gene that controls spikelet number per spike in wheat and understanding plant plasticity and interaction effects on grain yield among multiple yield component traits.

Jabeen Ahmad

North Carolina State University; Saliwanchik, Lloyd & Eisenschenk
  • Agroecosystems

As the population increases, food insecurity is also on the rise. One potential solution for addressing agriculture and food security challenges is plant growth-promoting (PGP) microbes. Ahmad is identifying and understanding the microbes that colonize wheat roots and the surrounding soil. This research will reduce agricultural inputs like pesticides and fertilizers while also increasing crop yields and improving soil health. 

Randi Butler

North Carolina State University; NC State University College of Agriculture & Life Sciences and the NIFA National Needs Fellows Program 
  • Food Systems

Sweet potatoes are an essential horticultural crop. Severe weather events, higher humidity and temperatures can increase the crop’s susceptibility to plant pathogens. Butler is analyzing climate, weather, land use and soil data to understand the effects it has on crop yield, size and marketability of the sweet potato. This research focuses on data collected from field to market and will provide insight on how sweet potatoes impact the food system.

Addison Carroll

Kansas State University; Kansas Wheat Commission
  • Production Systems

Domestication of bread wheat has created a lack of genetic diversity in wheat compared to its wild relatives. By using genetic introgression, the transfer of genetics from one species into another, genetic diversity can be reintroduced. Carroll is identifying patterns of genetic introgression using a single genotyping data to help improve bread wheat yield and overall bread quality.

Shiang-Wan Chin

Cornell University; Microsoft
  • Food Systems

Addressing food productivity gaps between supply and demand are critical to ensuring food security. Shiang-Wan Chin is developing a multi-objective decision making software tool to support farmers to profitability manage their farms while sustaining the environment.

Chantel Chizen

University of Saskatchewan; University of Saskatchewan College of Agriculture and Biosciences
  • Agroecosystems

Prairie potholes are depressional wetlands often found in the upper Midwest region on the United States. Prairie pothole wetlands are typically drained to improve crop yields yet, this hinders the benefits that wetlands provide on soil health and water management. Chizen is evaluating how soil carbon storage impacts the type of prairie pothole wetland and overall soil health.

DeShae Dillard

North Carolina State University; Syngenta
  • Agroecosystems

Invasive pests such as the helicoverpa zea can be economically damaging, impacting a variety of essential crops such as soybean, corn and more. Pests are developing resistance to current insecticide usage. Dillard is assessing how current reduced of no-till recommendations can be integrated with pest management. This research provides a site-specific sustainable pest management tool that can replace current short-term insecticide usage.

Andrea Osario Doblado

University of Georgia; Indunor SA
  • Production Systems

Farmers and ranchers are faced with the growing demand for animal protein, while also maintaining overall productivity and animal welfare. Osario Doblado is evaluating the use of astringent biomolecules such as tannins/saponins to increase beef cattle performance while decreasing greenhouse gas emissions.

Elizabeth Ellis

Colorado State University; Post Holdings
  • Agroecosystems

Regenerative agriculture has great potential to improve crop yields, water management and reduce greenhouse gas emissions; however, questions remain about the ability of regenerative agriculture to deliver. Ellis is evaluating the soil health, socio-economic and climate resilience impacts of regenerative agriculture systems to determine sustainable on-farm practices that restore degraded ecosystems.

Jason Graham

Purdue University; Purdue University
  • Production Systems

Heat stress is an increasingly grave concern in swine production due to the impacts of climate change. Genetic selection for pigs at the nucleus level can help provide a sustainable population. Graham is assessing the transgenerational epigenetic effect in-utero heat stress in swine populations.

Caleb Grohmann

University of Missouri, Columbia; The Maschhoffs LLC
  • Production Systems

Morbidity, increasing mortality rates and disease resistance negatively impacting the swine industry. Grohmann is evaluating environmental data derived from smart farms using advanced remote sensors to increase profitability, sustainability and animal welfare in the swine industry.

Rachel Hammer

North Carolina State University; BASF
  • Production Systems

Severe contemporary drought has altered the role of soil health and drought tolerance in plants. Hammer is investigating how microbiome benefits are altered by drought selection, local adaptation and the mechanisms underlying those effects. This research provides the basis for breeding for microbiome-mediated benefits.

Gambhir Lamsal

Virginia Tech; Virginial Tech College of Engineering
  • Agroecosystems

Water scarcity is a rising challenge as population increases and the effects of climate change intensifies. Lamsal is developing a model that quantifies water consumption at fine spatial and temporal resolution for the United States. This research provides and understanding of how past water use and projected future crop water requirements will impact agriculture.

Enrique Pena Martinez

North Carolina State University; NC State University College of Engineering and the NIFA National Needs Fellows Program 
  • Production Systems

Sweet potatoes vary in size to a great degree across individual potatoes. For this reason, many sweet potatoes are discarded for not meeting local and international market regulations. Enrique Pena Martinez is using optical sensors to predict sweet potato growth parameters. This research will improve the efficiency and sustainability of sweet potato production.

Conor McCabe

University of California, Davis
  • Production Systems

Cattle stomach fermentation of plant matter is a large producer of methane emissions. This methane is then belched out by the animal and makes up almost half of a dairy farm's emissions. McCabe’s is examining feed additives that are provided to cows to reduce their enteric fermentation emissions.

Alexa McDaniel

Washington State University
  • Food Systems

McDaniel’s is conducting research on alternative pest management technologies in vineyards. The technologies she is pursuing include heated horticulture oil, ozonated water and ultraviolet C light (UVC) as pest management for powdery mildew and grape mealy bug in vineyards.

Shana McDowell

North Carolina State University
  • Food Systems

A profitable sale of sweet potatoes oftentimes depends on a preferred appearance as consumers purchase sweet potatoes of a desired look and size. McDowell is optimizing the sweet potato supply chain in North Carolina by analyzing data and providing insight on how to produce more of the desired sweet potatoes, improving sweet potato harvests and decreasing food waste.

Swati Mishra

University of Tennessee, Knoxville
  • Production Systems

Ingestion and subsequent cellular uptake of double stranded RNA (dsRNA) molecules triggers the RNA interference gene silencing mechanism resulting in sequence-specific suppression of the target gene. Silencing of essential insect genes by a complementary dsRNA can result in growth inhibition, abnormalities or insect death. Mishra is focused on understanding resistance to insecticidal dsRNA in the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata). 

Nicolas Morales

Cornell University
  • Production Systems

Morales is examining an image-derived phenotype known as the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) which is a measure of canopy coverage and plant photosynthetic activity. His goal is to understand the stability of this phenotype across genotypes (maize hybrids and alfalfa accessions) and across environments.

Paul Oladele

Purdue University
  • Production Systems

During weaning, piglets are exposed to a variety of infectious agents as they are transported and housed with other piglets. This often leads to post-weaning diarrhea (PWD) during the first two weeks post weaning, a serious challenge to the swine industry causing significant economic loss.  Fecal transplant therapy might be effective in the treatment of PWD. Oladele’s research explores the relationship between the microbiome and the host, using this understanding to develop fecal transplant therapy for the prevention and treatment of PWD.

Augustin Olivo

Cornell University
  • Agroecosystems

Olivo’s research is testing and comparing multiple whole-farm evaluation tools for assessment of environmental outcomes on a range of New York dairy farms. He is also developing key performance indicators and benchmarking strategies for a holistic assessment of a farm’s environmental performance.

Sujan Paudel

University of Georgia
  • Food Systems

Paudel’s research is focused on the onion, one of the important agricultural produce in Georgia and the U.S., and the effects of the bacterial pathogen Burkholderia gladioli pv. allicola (Bga). Disease mechanisms, survival, dispersal and host interactions aspects of this soil-borne pathogen are relatively understudied. Paudel’s goal is to understand the genetic determinants of virulence in this pathogen using a functional genetics approach.

Shreena Pradhan

University of Georgia
  • Food Systems

50% of cultivable lands will be lost by the middle of the 21st century due to soil salinity. Traditional breeding and genetic engineering approaches using glycophytic (salt-sensitive) plants have had only limited success in developing salinity-resistant plants, despite significant efforts. Pradhan is unraveling the genetics of salt tolerance traits in halophytic (salt tolerant) turfgrasses by including a comparative approach with salt sensitive crop relatives like sorghum and finger millet. This may help pave the way for breeding salt tolerant cereals to combat food insecurity caused by yield loss due to saline soils. 

Tyler Thomas

Colorado State University
  • Production Systems

Liver abscesses occur in 12-32% of the cattle in most feedlots. Thomas is designing a model to study liver abscesses more accurately and in more detail. Additionally, he is examining the effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical and traditional liver abscesses prevention strategies.

Alex Batson

Washington State University; Pop Vriend Seeds, Rijk Zwaan and Sakata America
  • Production Systems

The maritime Pacific Northwest is the only region suitable for spinach seed production in the U.S.. However, Fusarium Wilt, a fungus caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Spinaciae, limits the potential of spinach in this region. Batson’s research identifies and characterizes unique regions F. oxysporum f. sp. spinaciae to understand what makes spinach susceptible to this fungus.

Linda Beckett

Purdue University; ADM
  • Production Systems

Traditional corn-based diets fail to provide lactating dairy cows enough methionine and lysine, two essential amino acids. Without these nutrients, cows cannot reach their full potential for milk production. Beckett is determining the optimal combinations of feed for lactating dairy cows at several lactation stages and developing technologies to deliver these nutrients in a digestible form.

Scott Cosseboom

University of Maryland; Maryland Wineries Association
  • Food Systems

The emerging grape industry in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic is facing fungal diseases, which have not been well characterized. The lack of understanding is threatening yields of this increasingly important commodity. Cosseboom is examining the fungal pathogens causing these diseases to better understand and manage these diseases.

Gwendolyn Donley

Case Western Reserve University; Stephen J McHale Family Foundation
  • Food Systems

Massive resources have been invested into nutrition interventions, programs and policies. However, long-term, concrete changes in the target communities are few and far-between. Donley is reassessing nutrition programs, incentives and interventions through a systems lens. Donley’s research examines the effects of specific actions on the food system to understand where interventions have the greatest impact.

Karlinton Flores

North Carolina State University; Nicholas Aviagen Turkeys
  • Production Systems

Flores is working with poultry, manufacturing their feed, processing the birds and analyzing large data sets. Flores aims to prove that artificial intelligence tools can advance agricultural research and the poultry industry.

Maria Gannett

Cornell University; American Vanguard Company

Weeds are an ever-present challenge for farmers, as they draw on the same nutrients the plants need. Current weed management strategies are overly reliant on chemical herbicides, which has led to an increasing number of herbicide resistant weeds. Gannett is researching alternatives to chemical weed control.

Danielle Gelardi

University of California, Davis; Almond Board of California
  • Agroecosystems

Biochar, a charcoal-like substance created by burning organic agriculture material, is added to soil to enhance plant growth and reduce the need for water and fertilizer. Gelardi is investigating the effect biochar has on crop performance, environment and human health.

Natalie Goh

University of California, Berkeley; BASF and the Chan-Zuckerberg Foundation
  • Production Systems

More advanced, scalable technology is needed to increase agricultural sustainability. Goh’s research is developing technology that delivers genes to plants to improve crop performance.

Nate Korth

University of Nebraska; Neogen and the University of Nebraska Food and Health Center

The human gut microbiome is a collection of bacteria, viruses and fungi in the human body that contributes to both health and disease. Korth’s research is identifying components of agricultural products, with a focus on crop plants, that alter the state of the microbiome. Korth is characterizing bacteria associated with health traits to develop diet supplements that improve human health.

Annemarie Krug

University of Illinois; Kellogg’s
  • Food Systems

Probiotics are the bacteria that live inside our bodies and benefit health and prebiotics are the fiber that these probiotics eat to survive. Krug is analyzing changes in the GI microbiota, cognitive function, sleep quality, mental health and 24-hour urinary free-cortisol concentrations. This study expands the literature and knowledge about the role of prebiotics and probiotics in human health.

Krista Marshall

University of California, Davis; Almond Board of California
  • Agroecosystems

Marshall is measuring how various management practices in 13 orchards influence water conservation, nutrient use efficiency, nitrogen cycling, soil structure, carbon accumulation and storage and soil microbial communities. This research improves knowledge of soil health in orchard systems.

Miriam Martin

Kansas State University; Merck
  • Production Systems

In the U.S., animal surgical procedures, such as castrations and dehorning, are often performed in ways that negatively impact animal welfare. Martin is investigating the role of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in controlling pain to assist veterinarians in administering pain control.

Sihui Ni

North Carolina State University; Syngenta
  • Production Systems

Meeting future global food production demand requires enhanced tools and technologies. Ni’s research is developing technology to increase long-term crop yield.

Dhruv Patel

University of California, Berkeley; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Production Systems

With the growing threats of climate change and diminishing natural resources, farmers must do more with less – and fast. Patel’s research is using genetic engineering to improve photosynthetic efficiency, improve water use and maximize crop yield.

Kelsey Peterson

University of Minnesota; The Land Institute
  • Production Systems

The sunflower-like perennial, Silphium integrifolium, which provides numerous ecosystem services, is losing its pest and pathogen resistance traits. Peterson is conducting a survey of the natural genetic variation of wild Silphium integrifoliu populations to assess where variation for pest and pathogen resistance exists.

Innocent Ritte

Tuskegee University; BASF
  • Production Systems

Cowpea is widely cultivated as a vegetable crop and a dry bean in semi-arid regions of the world. Cowpea productivity may be hindered by increasing temperatures and diseases. Ritte is identifying cowpeas with drought-tolerance and disease resistance to improve yields in a changing climate.

Danielle Stevenson

University of California, Riverside; Corigin
  • Production Systems

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on plant roots can improve yields, reduce the need for water and fertilizers and protect crops from pathogens. Stevenson’s research is addressing knowledge gaps preventing the fungi’s most effective use and application.

Abigail Barker

Colorado State University; Valent USA

Weeds can cause up to 45 percent yield loss when left unchecked in a crop. Herbicides are often the most cost-effective weed control, but herbicide resistance reduces their effectiveness. Barker aims to understand herbicide resistance in weeds and develop recommendations for sustainable herbicide management practices.

Lindsey Becker

North Carolina State University; Novozymes

Becker is examining the beneficial relationship between Mortierella elongate, a fungus that breaks down organic matter in soil and tomato plants.

Francesco Cappai

University of Florida; Gourmet Blueberries Ltd.
  • Production Systems

Blueberries are expensive because they must be hand harvested, which accounts for up to 90 percent of production costs. Machine harvesting blueberries can decrease costs by 60 percent, but machines only work if the berries are firm. Cappai is using new breeding techniques to develop blueberries that are machine harvestable to lower production costs.

Zachary Dashner

Pennsylvania State University; Mars Wrigley Confectionery
  • Production Systems

Dashner aims to understand iron uptake from soil in cacao plants and improve farmers’ ability to grow crops in iron-deficient environments.

Alison Deviney

North Carolina State University; Waste 2 Green, LLC
  • Production Systems

One of the biggest challenges in manure management is identifying economically feasible methods of volume reduction. Deviney is concentrating nutrients into a storable and transportable product by removing up to 90 percent of the excess water. Her research improves manure management in livestock operations through nitrogen recovery and understand barriers to adoption of sustainable technologies.

Jeremie Favre

University of Wisconsin-Madison; Perennial Agriculture Project, the Malone Family Land Preservation Foundation and The Land Institute.
  • Production Systems

Kernza is the grain of Intermediate wheatgrass and was bred to increase grain yield. While researchers are working on the basic agronomics of this crop, the decline in seed yield after the first production year has not yet been addressed. Favre is exploring best management practices to maintain Kernza seed yield.

Ananda Portela Fontoura

Cornell University; Vetagro

Dairy cows develop metabolic stress when transitioning from gestation to lactation, which can cause metabolic disease. Heat stress can also compromise health in early lactation dairy cattle. Metabolic and heat stress in cows causes at least $1.5 billion in yearly economic losses. Fontoura is defining nutritional therapies to improve the metabolic health and productivity of dairy cows at the onset of lactation and when exposed to heat stress.

Shelby Hoglund

University of Arizona; TAB AG Group
  • Agroecosystems

Composting recycles waste from landscapes, animals and food waste. Biochar is a product of recycling carbon-rich landscape waste. Hoglund studies the effects of compost and biochar on the water-holding capacity, nutrient availability and physical stability of dryland soils. This research aims to improve soil health, conserve irrigation water and improve agricultural productivity.

Annie Krueger

University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Monsanto
  • Agroecosystems

The Monarch butterfly population is declining rapidly. Krueger is developing agricultural land management practices to improve the health of Monarch butterfly populations.

Morgan Mathison

Michigan State University; McDonald’s USA
  • Agroecosystems

Mathison is exploring how Adaptive Multi-paddock (AMP) grazing influences the health and wellbeing of farmers who adopt the practice

Maci Mueller

University of California, Davis; Recombinetics
  • Production Systems

The dairy cattle industry has widely adopted artificial insemination (AI), yet practical challenges have limited the use of AI in more extensively raised beef cattle systems. Mueller's research examines the potential for combining advanced breeding technologies, including AI, to improve the distribution of elite cattle genetics.

Mary Ortiz Castro

Colorado State University; Colorado Corn Administrative Committee
  • Production Systems

Bacterial leaf streak in corn is an emerging disease in North and South America. Recently, the disease has began infecting sweet corn, popcorn and grain corn in the U.S. and Argentina. Ortiz Castro is developing solutions to combat bacterial leaf streak in corn by understanding the ecology of the disease and creating an integrated management program.

Camilo Parada Rojas

North Carolina State University; The North Carolina Sweet Potato Commission
  • Production Systems

In 2014, black rot reemerged, threatening sweet potato production in North Carolina and other U.S. states. Sweet Potatoes are not resistant to this disease in part because cultural practices have managed black rot since the 1950s and breeding for resistance in sweet potatoes is a slow process. Parada Rojas is developing back rot-resistant sweet potato varieties.

Suneru Perera

University of Saskatchewan; POS Bio-Sciences
  • Production Systems

Canary seed contains higher protein content than other commonly used cereals. This grain was approved for human consumption by the USDA and Health Canada in 2016 and is a potential plant-based protein source. Perera is exploring processing techniques to expand the uses of canary seed.

Lovepreet Singh

University of Maryland; KeyGene
  • Production Systems

Fusarium Head Blight (FHB), also known as head scab, is a devastating crop disease that reduces the yield potential in wheat and barley. Singh is examining the mechanism behind Fusarium Head Blight resistance in wheat and developing management practices to help mitigate this disease.

Jaime Strickland

Michigan State University; Elanco
  • Production Systems

Uncontrolled inflammation in dairy cows is associated with infectious and metabolic diseases. Strickland explores how micronutrients, like vitamin A and E, affects inflammation and immune function. This research aims to investigate the use of supplements to prevent disease, decrease antibiotic use and improve cow welfare.

Jiayang (Kevin) Xie

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; Monsanto
  • Production Systems

Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide over the last few decades mean that the carbon dioxide concentration inside plants cells is now higher than is needed to achieve maximum rates of photosynthesis. By focusing on a plants’ photosynthetic abilities, Xie is increasing drought tolerance in plants through methods that do not decrease productivity.

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