Veterinary Student Research Fellowship
Applications are under review
FFAR Vet Fellows
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA ) is a bacterium that infects cattle, compromising animal welfare, reducing productivity and threatening food security. Bakar is working to identify MRSA in dairy cows. He is recording the bacterium’s susceptibility to various antibiotics, which aims to inform the judicious use of antibiotics.
Staphylococcus haemolyticus is an antibiotic-resistant bacterium that infects dairy cows and humans. By comparing the characteristics and antibiotic resistance patterns of samples collected from both sources, Adebayo is determining if farming practices affect the spread of this bacteria. His research aims to inform better strategies for managing antibiotic resistance and protecting livestock and human health.
Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the vagina, uterus and/or rectum in swine herniate, or drop out of position, creating animal welfare concerns and economic losses. Though data shows that pelvic organ prolapse has increased in U.S. swine over the past decade, the contributing factors remain largely unknown. Aguirre is analyzing data from Midwestern farms to explore the epidemiology, risk factors and dynamics of pelvic organ prolapse in sow populations. Her research is ultimately identifying sustainable mitigation strategies for producers.
Mastitis, or inflammation of the mammary gland, is a primary cause of animal discomfort, production loss and antibiotic use on dairy farms. Choo is evaluating the efficacy of chromogenic agar, a diagnostic tool that identifies mastitis pathogens on site within 24 hours. Providing farmers with rapid test results enables them to select the appropriate narrow-spectrum antibiotic to quickly and effectively treat mastitis. This approach works to improve animal welfare and foster good antibiotic stewardship.
Bovine respiratory disease is a serious animal welfare concern for North American ranchers, resulting in animal deaths, reduced feed efficiency and costly treatments. Histophilus somni, Pasteurella multocida and Mannheimia haemolytica, the bacterial agents most consistently implicated in bovine respiratory disease, create a bacterial biofilm that contributes to antibiotic resistance. Gates is researching three compounds that remove these biofilms to determine their effectiveness in improving antimicrobial efficiency in treating bovine respiratory disease.
SARS-CoV-2, a coronavirus that causes COVID-19, and its variants can pass between animals and humans. In a bid to protect both humans and livestock, Johnson is investigating how the virus and its variants spread, and whether they can infect the cells of food animals, including cattle, swine, goats and sheep . Her research aims to prevent virus transmission within and across species and to maintain animal welfare.
Ovine progressive pneumonia is a chronic, progressive viral infection in sheep that can lead to wasting, arthritis, decreased milk production, pneumonia and death. Jones is surveying Southwest Virginia sheep farmers and measuring ovine progressive pneumonia antibodies in sheep blood samples to determine virus exposure, identify risk factors and assess the correlation of infection to certain farm management practices. Her research seeks to reduce transmission of the disease through better biosecurity protocols for small-scale sheep farms.
The American lobster, Homarus americanus, is an ecologically important and economically valuable crustacean found along the North Atlantic coast of North America that is facing grave threats from epizootic shell disease. The disease produces lesions that degrade the shell, resulting in secondary bacterial infections and potentially death. Toro’s research aims to understand the role of the Aquimarina bacterium, commonly found in the lesions of infected lobsters, in causing the disease to ultimately identify sustainable mitigation strategies.
Shearing, lambing, transportation and other physiological factors can stress sheep, resulting in compromised animal welfare and reduced productivity. Farmers commonly use heart rate measurements to identify stress in sheep. O’Scanaill is measuring iris-to-pupil ratios to determine if this technique is more effective than heart rate measurements. His research seeks to help farmers quickly assess when to implement stress intervention measures to enhance animal welfare.
Stress due to calving, heat, vaccination or other physiological causes can compromise animal welfare and productivity in dairy cows. Scannell is measuring iris-to-pupil ratios to determine if it is more effective than heart rate measurements in helping producers identify stressed cows and expedite intervention measures.
Tritrichomonas foetus is a sexually transmitted parasite in cows that causes tritrichomonosis, a disease that often leads to early fetal death, infertility and abortion. The disease is diagnosed in a lab using a reproductive tract swab from a bull or a cow believed to be infected. Ostrander is evaluating proteins from the cells of the parasite to both vaccinate against the disease and create a diagnostic screening tool that can be used on farms to expedite intervention measures.
Though the reason is unknown, castrated male swine experience nearly double the mortality rate of females. Puda aims to enhance survival rates in male pigs by examining how genes involved with the immune system work in pigs’ guts and understanding the specific biological mechanisms that influence the immune response in male and female pigs. This research seeks to understanding how sex affects immune function, offering potential solutions to enhance gut immune health and survival rates in male pigs.
Forage efficiency is crucial in helping beef cattle meet their nutritional needs and supporting farm profitability. Schmid is using a computerized cow herd model to quickly generate data that can optimize production efficiency and economic and environmental sustainability on cattle farms. Specifically, her research is evaluating how forage availability interacts with various cow genetics to influence mature body size, pregnancy rates, weaning weights, methane emissions, net profitability and other outputs. Her research aims to optimize production efficiency and economic and environmental sustainability on cattle farms.
Early pregnancy loss in dairy cows adversely affects overall herd reproductive performance and thus the profitability of commercial dairy farms. Skillin seeks to understand why the frequency of early pregnancy loss increases with the number of pregnancies a cow experiences by comparing early embryo development and a blood glycoprotein in cows with first-time pregnancies to those with one or more prior full-term pregnancies. Her research aims to minimize pregnancy loss and more quickly identify cows who failed to get pregnant, allowing for faster re-insemination to improve productivity of the herd.
Dairy farmers often remove cows from their herd to be replaced by potentially more productive and efficient animals. These culling decisions are complex and can negatively impact a farmer’s profitability and mental health. Van Suylekom will interview farmers to understand the factors that influence their culling strategies and how the process psychologically affects them. Her research aims to ultimately improve culling strategies for optimized economic and mental health results.
Caitlyn Burke
Mississippi State University
Dystocia, or difficult calving, contributes to increased risk of cow and calf respiratory and digestive disorders, mastitis, metritis, retained placentae and death. Burke is investigating using the hormone Relaxin to increase maternal pelvic size, which if successful, could reduce mortality and morbidity associated with dystocia in first-time calving heifers.
Kassandra Crissman
Louisiana State University
Artificial insemination is an emerging practice in goat and sheep breeding programs to increase breeding efficiency and much is unknown about how this practice impacts important microbes in the female reproductive tract and fertility. Crissman is investigating these microbes in goat and sheep in heat and correlating her data to pregnancy outcomes to enhance breeding efficiency in these food animal species.
Lauren Nicole Cromwell
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Pigs commonly undergo a variety of medical procedures to remedy injury and disease or for castration, but swine pain management is under-investigated, and providing pain-relief is difficult for many reasons. Cromwell is assessing whether a new, longer acting topical buprenorphine solution could provide an alternative, non-invasive pain-relief option for swine.
Makayla Elliston
Oklahoma State University
Johne’s Disease is a slow-progressing gut infection in goats that often results in death. The disease is not only compromises goats’ welfare but also reduces producers’ bottom line. Johne’s disease is nearly impossible to diagnose before symptoms appear, by which time the infection is usually spread throughout the herd. Elliston is looking for cellular changes that can provide clues to detect the disease before goats develop symptoms and spread it to other animals.
Deanna Gennett
Kansas State University
Gennett is analyzing cattle growth and health metrics in the feedlot to quantitatively document how efficient, healthy cattle emit less enteric methane gas, which negatively impacts the environment. The data will help quantify the relationship between the cattle production system and its impact on greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, this research can contribute to herd management strategies that promote healthy cattle while protecting the environment.
Briana Gleizer
Virginia Tech
Haemonchus contortus is the most economically significant parasite infecting sheep and goats in the U.S. and around the globe. It causes anemia, decreased milk production, poor wool growth and often death in sheep and goats. Gleizer is using digital photographs of sheep and goat eye and oral membranes, as well as blood and fecal samples, to develop an easy-to-use phone app to detect the anemia caused by the parasite and decide if treatment is necessary.
Carla Joseph
Ross University
Researchers have found that donkeys artificially inseminated with frozen semen have low pregnancy rates due to uterine inflammation resulting from the procedure. Joseph is investigating using intrauterine infusions of platelet-rich plasma (PRP), commonly used to treat diverse inflammatory conditions, to mitigate this inflammation and improve pregnancy rates. This research aims to increase reproductive success and recover populations of endangered donkey breeds.
Eleanor L. Kharasch
Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
Producers routinely administer medicines to sheep and goats to minimize internal worms, which negatively affect the animals’ health. Resistance patterns to common deworming medications in U.S. Northeast sheep and goats are currently unknown. Kharasch is measuring the efficacy of a common dewormer against sheep and goat gastrointestinal parasites across several New England farms. The resulting regional-specific data can advance parasite management, reduce the use of unnecessary treatment and slow rates of resistance to medically necessary drugs.
Taylor Mortensen
Virginia Tech
Leishmania spp., is an infectious disease carried by Peruvian Amazon sandflies that then infect local domestic animals, wildlife and humans with the disease. To prevent the spread of the disease, Mortensen is collecting, identifying and evaluating the presence of Leishmania spp. and other potentially infectious diseases in Peruvian Amazon sandflies to determine if there are differences in the transmission potential of different sandfly species.
Ali Olsen-Gerlach
Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine
Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) is a major beef industry problem, resulting in animal welfare issues and economic loss for producers. To control it, producers routinely give antibiotics to all cattle arriving at feedlots. Olsen is evaluating how these commonly used antibiotics impact bacteria in healthy cattle—beyond preventing BRD—to provide producers new information to increase their antibiotic stewardship efforts.
Madison Rowe
Texas A&M University
Honey bees are an ecologically and economically important livestock species often overlooked in veterinary agricultural research. Rowe is studying the behavioral and reproductive effects of a detrimental gastrointestinal fungus, Nosema ceranae, in honey bee queens and workers to determine the indirect impacts of infection. This research will inform future treatments and supportive care for the disease, as well as trace potential production impacts that occur prior to colony collapse.
Angelique Velasquez
Texas Tech School of Veterinary Medicine
Cattle ranchers use in vitro fertilization to produce more calves in a shorter period of time and with the most desirable genetics. To improve the success rate of in vitro fertilized eggs becoming embryos for implantation in surrogate cows, Velasquez is manipulating the early in vitro embryo dynamics and observing daily changes in embryo development to predict as early as possible which will be viable.
Courtney Wallner
Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
Honey bees pollinate over 80% of all flowering plants, including many agricultural crops. They play an integral role in ecosystem health and food security but face numerous threats from parasitism to pesticide toxicity. In 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a directive that tasked veterinarians with overseeing their care, yet honey bees are the only food-producing species not traditionally taught in U.S. veterinary schools. To address this knowledge gap, Wallner is designing a honey bee medicine curriculum tailored to veterinary students and professionals to increase the number of veterinarians able to see honey bees as patients.
Dannell Kopp
Kansas State University
Early administration of antimicrobial treatments for respiratory diseases in feeder cattle can improve recovery with fewer long-term effects. Kopp is developing a predictive model with new applications for data-assisted decision making in beef cattle production. This model will allow beef producers to administer antibiotic treatment more effectively, leading to improved animal health and antimicrobial stewardship.
Lizeth Lopez
Iowa State University
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) occurs when bacteria adapt over time and no longer respond to the antibiotics designed to prevent illness. Lopez is assessing the AMR threat in retail raw meat sold at Iowa grocery stores. Increased surveillance activities will provide critical information on AMR in the food chain, which informs developing and implementing mitigation strategies at the local and national levels.
Heather Peterson
Iowa State University
Peterson is conducting a clinical efficacy study for treating respiratory disease in goats. Specifically, Peterson is screening goats for the presence of antimicrobial resistant Enterobacterales and Campylobacter species in fecal samples and monitoring the continued presence of these organisms over time. This study will assess the current state of antimicrobial resistance for important pathogens regularly found in livestock gastrointestinal tracts that threaten human health.
Macy Rasmussen
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Rasmussen is developing classifier tools for Salmonella spp. using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), an analytical technique used to obtain an infrared spectrum from a substance. When analyzing bacteria with FT-IR, a unique spectrum is generated that corresponds to the cells’ outer membrane molecules, which will be used to generate models that may detect antimicrobial resistance.
Melissa Rodriguez
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Infectious diseases that can pass from swine to humans may be detectable in wastewater from hog farms. Rodriguez is using a rapid, low-cost tool to detect infectious disease in swine to validate packing plant wastewater sampling as a method of surveillance for swine diseases. This rapid method will allow veterinarians and farmers to improve production and herd management decisions.
Dazjah Samuels
Ross University of Veterinary Medicine
A quarter of bat species are facing extinction, and researchers are unsure of the cause. Samuels is analyzing the hair of two species of bats to determine if they are absorbing contaminants like pesticides commonly found within their environment. In addition to improving bat populations, Samuels’ research may also yield insight into zoonotic diseases that are commonly thought to originate in bats.
Nicole Sterzinger
Iowa State University
Bacterial pathogens in the Pasteurellacae family can cause serious and contagious respiratory illnesses in many animals. Sterzinger is screening goats for the presence of Pasteurellacae pathogens as part of a large clinical efficacy study on treating respiratory disease. Sterzinger will then perform antimicrobial susceptibility testing to evaluate antimicrobial resistance in these opportunistic pathogens.
Wei Man Weng
Long Island University
Bacterial biofilms are communities of bacteria that form during chronic infection. Biofilms formed during bovine respiratory disease inhibit antibiotic effectiveness, increasing antibiotic resistance and requiring larger antibiotic doses. Weng is identifying safe, non-toxic bioactive compounds that can dissolve an established biofilm. This research will demonstrate if antimicrobials are significantly more effective when combined with an effective anti-biofilm compound.
Kailey Wichman
University of Madison-Wisconsin
Wichman is using in-vitro assays, a technique to analyze a substance’s composition or quality, to determine drug resistance in ruminant parasites. Wichman will connect her research results with the genetic analysis of Haemonchus contortus to verify there is a genetic cause for the resistance.
Heleen de Wit
Utrecht University
During the dairy cow’s lactation cycle, there is a dry period when the cow and her udders prepare for the next lactation. In the dry period, any abnormality like endometriosis, a common chronic infection of the uterus, can affect the cow's health and milk production after calving. De Wit is examining the effects of different types of outdoor access, including pasture and alternative outdoor areas, on the incidence of transition diseases like endometritis in dairy cows.
Theresa Wong
Western University of Health Sciences
Necrotic enteritis in chickens is a disease attributed to C. perfringens, a bacteria found in soil, dust, feces, feed and poultry litter. Toxins produced by the bacteria damage chickens’ intestines and often result in crippling disease. To curtail this threat, Wong is conducting a study to demonstrate whether the accumulation of bovine lactoferrin, an inhibitor of C. perfringens growth, in the small intestines of affected chickens is a potential alternative to antibiotics.
Jared Young
University of Minnesota
Young is creating a microbial genome database from publicly available swine and cattle respiratory samples to be used as a reference by other researchers who are performing swine and cattle respiratory studies. As the database grows, analysis of the data could provide new information about the cause and risk factors for respiratory disease in these species.
Madeline Zutz
University of Madison-Wisconsin
Timed artificial insemination of dairy heifers is a common tool used to optimize synchrony of their reproductive cycle, thereby enhancing the likelihood and efficiency of attaining pregnancies. Farmers currently use costly, labor-intensive hormone-infused intravaginal implants to achieve synchrony. Previous research shows that using a combination of only two intramuscular injectable hormones can provide similar pregnancy results with less cost and labor. Zutz is investigating how many days apart the injectable hormones should be administered to be most effective for attaining dairy heifer pregnancies.
Corrin Markey
Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine
Brucellosis, Q fever and MERS-CoV are severe zoonotic diseases that affect camels and can spread to humans. Markey is compiling baseline information that local animal health authorities in Samburu, Kenya can use to formulate, implement and evaluate disease control and preventive measures for these infectious diseases in camels. Additionally, Markey is estimating the level of pathogens that can cause these diseases and identifying exposure factors associated with positive brucellosis, Q fever and/or MERS-CoV antibodies in camels.
Anna Schaubeck
Long Island University
The American lobster is an economically important commodity for the U.S. shellfish industry. Epizootic shell disease (ESD) is an infection on the shell, which can lead to secondary infections or death. This emerging disease is associated with warming seawater temperatures, caused by climate change. Schaubeck is using computational tools to identify ESD-associated microbiota changes in American lobsters and genes that are associated with protection against ESD. This work protects a valuable industry from changing climate impacts.
Derek Jantzen
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Imaging technology and artificial intelligence may predict mammary gland (responsible for milk production) growth and milk production of heifers, female calves, prior to their first lactation. Jantzen is further developing a radio frequency identification (RFID)-camera system to evaluate image-based body weight modeling for heifers and developing an automated system to analyze ultrasound images from the mammary grand. He is combining body measurements and the ultrasound image assessment of mammary glands with genomic information to predict reproduction and production performance.
Ashley Rasys
University of Georgia
Current gene editing methods are often expensive and time-consuming. Rasys developed a more efficient and affordable gene editing approach that she used to successfully create the world’s first genetically modified reptile. Rasys is adapting this technique to mutate a gene to cause albinism in chickens, which involves microinjecting CRISPR, a technology to edit genes, directly into adult female unfertilized eggs. Editing genes in birds has been notoriously difficult using CRISPR or other genome editing tools, yet these technologies have huge potential for improving animal health and welfare in poultry, the food animal species with the fastest growing global demand.
Bailey Carpenter
University of Pennsylvania
Food production in West Africa relies on rain-fed agriculture, which is a challenge considering climate change, informal and sometimes unreliable markets and competition with imported food products. Strategies to reduce production and economic risks can improve financial returns for smallholder farmers. Carpenter is creating a model for poultry production that captures poultry health, nutrition, biosecurity and commercial sales, as well as related financial projections for testing, at a teaching and research farm in The Gambia.
Carmen-Maria Garcia
Michigan State University
Livestock are exposed to a multitude of environmental and social stressors, which impact health, wellbeing and performance. Early weaning (EW) in swine production is linked with increased disease risk and reduced performance over the pig’s lifetime. How EW practices lead to long-term disease vulnerability is unknown and targeted interventions are lacking. Garcia’s research is examining whether EW pigs’ immune systems exhibit stress-induced glucose use, which could drive inflammation and increased disease risk.
Chalise Brown
North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine
Salmonellosis is an infection of the digestive tract caused by the bacterium Salmonella enterica that can cause illness in cattle and humans. Neutrophils, a type of white blood cell, causes inflammation that can enable salmonella to colonize the digestive tract. Brown is assessing how blocking a host protein that regulates neutrophil function will alter salmonella-induced neutrophil inflammatory functions. This research is determining if the host protein is a viable therapeutic target for combating tissue damage resulting from diseases like salmonellosis.
Courtney Wangler
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Influenza A virus (swine flu) is an endemic pathogen of pigs that can cause significant illness and is difficult to control. Wangler’s research seeks to develop a rapid, low-cost test to determine the presence of influenza A in swine herds, enabling appropriate disease control interventions.
Daniella Burleson
Texas A&M University
Nontyphoidal salmonella infections, caused by the bacterium Salmonella enterica, are a significant public health problem in the U.S.. Characterized by symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea and vomiting, nontyphoidal salmonella infections can spread to humans who eat contaminated animal products. Burleson is using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) technology, a technique that partitions nucleic acid samples into thousands of droplets and amplifies DNA or RNA targets, to detect and quantify antimicrobial resistance genes in nontyphoidal Salmonella enterica from cattle fecal samples. This work helps researchers better understand antimicrobial resistance in animals and the environment.
Hannah Knight
Mississippi State University, College of Veterinary Medicine
Macrophages are specialized immune cells that detect and respond to harmful bacteria. Knight is analyzing whether exposure to beta-glucans boost macrophage function in fish to achieve immunity equivalent to vaccination. Knight is using next generation sequencing, a technique that reads DNA sequences in small fragments and reassembles them to create a complete sequence, to evaluate gene expressions that strengthen immunity. Methods to boost innate immunity can enhance disease resistance, improving animal health and production efficiency.
Jayden McCall
Kansas State University
African swine fever virus (ASFV) causes a highly contagious and deadly disease of swine for which there is no vaccine. McCall is identifying protective antigens, viral proteins that produce a protective immune response in the body, within the ASFV genome. This information is critical to developing an efficient vaccine against ASFV, greatly benefitting global pork producers.
Jimmy Guan
Western University of Health Science
Administering enzyme supplements in poultry is a longstanding practice thought to increase meat and egg production. Guan is evaluating enzymes that break down non-starch polysaccharides (NSPases), complex carbohydrates that that can improve energy use and feed efficiency of broiler chickens. An Aspergillus spp. known to produce these NSPases were fed to a group of chickens in addition to the purified enzyme. Guan is evaluating how purified NSPases and Aspergillus-produced NSPases impact the gut microbiome, research that could improve animal performance without the use of antibiotics.
Kim Nguyen
University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine
The Center for Animal Health and Food Safety at the University of Minnesota developed an event-based biosurveillance system that helps prevent the introduction of foreign pathogens into the U.S. by gathering and analyzing data on environmental health sources. Nguyen is evaluating the impact of this system and contrasting its sensitivity to other global surveillance systems used for monitoring emerging animal diseases.
Stefan Keller
University of Missouri
Ticks can transmit several different pathogens to cattle and other livestock, which cause diseases that impact economic livelihoods and nutritional security globally. Keller’s work aims to use an experimental tick-borne bovine anaplasmosis model system to better understand how bovine immune responses to tick vectors can interfere with tick transmission of the etiologic agent, Anaplasma marginale, with the goal of identifying tick molecules targeted by antibodies from protected cattle.
Alec Lucas
Mississippi State University
As policies and regulations on antimicrobial use become more restrictive, the cattle industry – including producers, veterinarians and industry representatives – must together prepare to implement these policies and regulations. Lucas is using stock and flow value-chain models to understand how cattle markets would adapt to various antimicrobial-use policies.
Allie Andrews
University of Tennessee
Bovine anaplasmosis, an infectious blood disease in cattle usually spread by ticks, causes severe anemia and significant economic losses for producers; however, no recent prevalence estimates exist, making it impossible to account for exact production losses. Andrews is tracking the prevalence of bovine anaplasmosis in Tennessee beef cattle herds, which helps producers understand the economic impacts of the disease and adopt better preventative and control measures.
Cassandra Barber
Mississippi State University
Not only are zoonotic diseases a significant threat to humans, but in some cases these microorganisms can also be resistant to antimicrobials. Alternative treatments for antimicrobial-resistant zoonotic microorganisms are needed to protect human and animal health. Increased expression of naturally occurring antimicrobial proteins (AMP) by an animal’s cells could be a novel strategy for treating some infections. Barber is using bovine coronavirus and Pasteurella bacteria as models for viral and bacterial zoonotic pathogens to investigate whether AMPs may be effective in combating infectious agents in humans and animals.
Dayna Kinkade
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Researchers hypothesize that the influenza A viruses (IAV), also known as the flu, can be transmitted between species, including between humans and pigs. Kinkade is examining the transmission of influenza A subtype H3N2 virus, a strain of the flu, between humans and pigs from 2014 to 2019. These genetic-analysis tools can determine which strains of the virus are spreading between species and if this transmission is occurring in any specific pattern, information necessary to better monitor the movement and evolution of the influenza virus.
Eddy Cruz
University of Wisconsin
The intestinal pathogen Salmonella enterica causes disease in many animal species, including humans, but it is unclear how the gut environment primes Salmonella for transmission. The gut microbiota of mammals produces a diversity of sulfur-containing metabolites, some of which enhance Salmonella infection, survival or severity. Cruz is assessing the effect of these sulfur metabolites on Salmonella gut colonization and environmental survival to provide key targets for anti-Salmonella strategies based on sulfur metabolites.
Faazal Rehman
University of Pennsylvania
Swine health and illness significantly impacts productivity and economic losses worldwide. Rehman is identifying a swine health signature in Pennsylvania swine farms by studying the gut, lung and skin microbiomes, as well as characterizing white blood cell populations of healthy and sick animals. Identifying a swine health signature will improve global animal health and productivity.
Lauren Herd
Kansas State University
Decades of use in the cattle industry may have impacted the efficacy of the only FDA-approved drug, chlortetracycline (CTC), to control bovine anaplasmosis, Anaplasma marginale. Bovine anaplasmosis is an infectious blood disease in cattle that causes severe anemia and economic losses for producers. To evaluate the efficacy of CTC, Herd is infecting cattle with a strain of A. marginale, treating some cattle with CTC and monitoring for signs of the disease to better understand antimicrobial resistance.
Maia Laabs
University of California, Davis
Toxoplasma gondii is widespread parasite that causes reproductive challenges in small ruminants. Laabs is investigating the prevalence of T. gondii in U.S. goat herds and identifying risk factors associated with T. gondii-positive herds. Her research is informing management strategies and future preventive measures.
Matt Boulanger
University of Pennsylvania
Lameness is a major detriment to sow productivity and welfare; however, lameness scoring can be subjective and needs to be done manually. Boulanger’s research is using infrared cameras to automatically evaluate lameness in swine. He is using a novel algorithm, as well as machine learning, to process the images and comparing the predictions to standard visual assessment tools.
Sarah Botkin
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Rotavirus is a small intestinal disease that is infecting piglets in increasing frequency in commercial swine breeding herds. Conventional control methods of vaccination and high-pressure washing with disinfectants have been ineffective. Botkin is evaluating the effectiveness of conventional and alternative cleaning methods to reduce the incidence of diarrhea in neonatal pigs.
Xinyi Xu
University of Georgia
As environmental change brings wild and domestic animals in increasingly close contact, disease transmission between wildlife and livestock is an emerging threat to food production. Xiu is studying critical factors related to how the virus interacts with the host to predict viral spillover between wildlife and livestock.
Roel Becerra
University of Georgia
Using existing specialized technology, Becerra will develop tools that accurately and efficiently diagnose diseases like Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) and Salmonella spp in food-producing animals.
Preston Cernek
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Digital Dermatitis (DD) affects about 90 percent of U.S. dairy herds and is associated with decreased milk production, lameness and infertility. Early detection and prompt treatment offer better prognosis but early detection of DD on commercial dairy farms is difficult. Cernek is using computer vision technology to create a digital tool for early DD detection on commercial dairy farms.
Shelby Crump
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Infertility or limited fertility jeopardizes the efficiency and longevity of dairy cows. Crump is examining several pregnancy-signaling pathways in cows, research that improves reproductive performance.
Melody Koo
Western University of Health Sciences
Current tests for detecting animals carrying Piroplasmosis, a blood-borne disease that affects wild and domestic animals in Africa and Europe, are not effective. Koo’s research uses next-generation genetic sequencing technology to improve the test based on Piroplasmosis species’ DNA.
Hayley Masterson
Kansas State University
Masterson is researching Babesia bovis, a tick-borne parasite that infects cattle in tropical regions and causes significant economic losses for farmers. Masterson’s research is identifying proteins common to different microorganisms that may be used for vaccine development.
Sarah Krueger
Kansas State University
Anaplasmosis is the most prevalent tick-transmitted disease in cattle worldwide. Krueger is assessing whether the Lone Star tick, the most common tick found on cattle, contributes to the spread and development of anaplasmosis. Her research could inform disease management and treatment strategies.
Cara Newberry
University of California, Davis
Antimicrobial resistance can cause life-threating infections in humans and livestock. Newberry’s research in Iringa, Tanzania is assessing the prevalence of antimicrobial resistant E. coli in local chickens and evaluating risk factors that could influence transmission to humans.
Macon Overcast
Ohio State University
Livestock and wildlife, land-use patterns and other factors influence the development and spread of antibiotic resistance in agricultural environments. Overcast is using computer models to better understand how to mitigate this public health threat.
Laura Raines
Auburn University
Bovine viral diarrhea virus is an infectious viral disease in cattle that negatively impacts reproductive performance and causes high mortality in calves. Raines is examining prenatal testing methods to identify pregnant cattle that carry the virus and control disease spread.
Lauren Riggs
Colorado State University
Bluetongue virus and epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus are both transmitted by insects and infect ruminant animals. Riggs is examining two strains of a similar virus to determine how simultaneous infections affects their evolution and replication rate. This research will inform our current understanding of insect-borne diseases in ruminants.