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FFAR & FoodShot Global Announce GroundBreaker Prize Winners in Water Research 

Advancing Ecosystem Service Markets for Sustainable Farming 

Portrait of LaKisha Odom.

LaKisha Odom & DJ May

Focus Group Series to Develop Sustainable Beef Research Roadmap 

Informational Session Virtual

Brown and white cows standing in a line across a green field with a lot of blue sky and white puffy clouds above

U.S. Roundtable for Sustainable Beef & FFAR Announce Focus Group Series to Develop Sustainable Beef Research Roadmap 

USDA-FFAR Innovation Challenge: Frequently Asked Questions 

Informational Session Virtual

Two young scientists analyze organic vegetables

AgMission & PepsiCo Grants Bolster Climate-Resilient Farms & Value Chains 

Fast-Track On-Farm Impact from the Cool Soil Initiative to Enhance the Climate Resilience of Australia’s Grain Producers 

Year Awarded  2024

FFAR award amount   $748,394

Total award amount   $3,783,598

Location   Bathurst, Australia

Program   AgMission

Matching Funders   PepsiCo, Cool Soil Initiative

Grantee Institution   Charles Stuart University

Charles Stuart University is examining climate-smart agriculture practices in cropping and enhance the climate resilience of local Australian grain producers. This research builds on the Cool Soil Initiative, a partnership that has built and implemented a scientifically credible framework to support farmers in practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase soil health.

Accelerating the Adoption of Climate Resilient Regenerative Agricultural Practices Across the Wheat and Maize Value Chain in the Mexican Bajío 

Year Awarded  2024

FFAR award amount   $750,000

Total award amount   $1,500,000

Location   Texcoco, Mexico

Program   AgMission

Matching Funders   PepsiCo

Grantee Institution   International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)

CIMMYT is conducting research to accelerate the adoption of regenerative climate-smart agricultural practices in wheat and maize in Mexico. Researchers are using field measurements and modeling to estimate current and potential greenhouse gas emission reductions from climate-smart agriculture adoption in the Bajío region of Mexico.

Co-development of Innovative Prairie Cover Crop Strategies to Drive Adoption of Regenerative Climate Smart Agriculture in Key Sourcing Regions 

Year Awarded  2024

FFAR award amount   $749,346

Total award amount   $1,498,693

Location   Saskatchewan, Canada

Program   AgMission

Matching Funders   PepsiCo

Grantee Institution   South East Research Farm

South East Research Farm is collaborating with University of Manitoba researchers to collect farm-level data that will be used in environmental models to evaluate the suitability of climate-smart agriculture practices and their impact on crop yield, grain quality, soil health and environmental services.

Toward Sustainable Groundwater in Agriculture: Linking Science & Policy 

Panel Discussion San Francisco, CA

Drainage canal