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Fireside Chat with the Kirchner Fellows: Reflections from the Inaugural HBCU Cohort

Application Deadline Virtual

Diversifying the Future of Venture Capital

The first cohort of the HBCU Kirchner Fellows are Bryana Pittman, Kwame Jackson and Martin Adu-Boahene who co-wrote this Insights piece to share the value of this fellowship and its potential impact.

Kirchner Food Fellowship Inaugural HBCU Cohort (2021-22)

Year Awarded  2021

FFAR award amount   $75,000

Total award amount   $273,000

Location   Jacksonville, FL & Washington, D.C.

Matching Funders   The Kirchner Impact Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation and Burroughs-Wellcome Fund

The Kirchner Fellowship HBCU cohort is part of a $1 million five-year collaboration between the Kirchner Impact Foundation and the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research to increase diversity within the venture capital industry by training HBCU students to become agriculture technology venture capitalists. Kirchner HBCU fellows invest capital in early-stage food and agriculture companies applying ground-breaking technologies to provide sustainable solutions to address global food challenges.

Kirchner Food Fellowship Announces Inaugural HBCU Cohort

Kirchner Food Fellowship 2020-21 Cohort

Year Awarded  2020

Location   Birmingham, AL & Washington, D.C.

Matching Funders   Kirchner Impact Foundation and the Kirchner Group

The Kirchner Fellowship HBCU cohort is part of a $1 million five-year collaboration between the Kirchner Impact Foundation and the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research to increase diversity within the venture capital industry by training HBCU students to become agriculture technology venture capitalists. Kirchner HBCU fellows invest capital in early-stage food and agriculture companies applying ground-breaking technologies to provide sustainable solutions to address global food challenges.

Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research and Kirchner Food Fellowship Renew Collaboration

Kirchner Food Fellowship 2019-20 Cohort

Year Awarded  2019

Location   Birmingham, AL & Washington, D.C.

Matching Funders   Kirchner Impact Foundation, North Carolina State University and the Kirchner Group

The Kirchner Food Fellowship, an initiative of the Kirchner Impact Foundation, is a program supporting young agriculture financiers. This cohort represents the second year of successful collaboration between the Kirchner Impact Foundation, the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research and North Carolina State University to prepare the fellows to make critical agriculture business investment decisions.

Kirchner Food Fellowship 2018-19 Cohort

Year Awarded  2018

Location   Birmingham, AL & Washington, D.C.

Matching Funders   Kirchner Impact Foundation, North Carolina State University and the Kirchner Group

The Kirchner Food Fellowship, an initiative of the Kirchner Impact Foundation, is a program supporting young agriculture financiers. This cohort represents the first year of collaboration between the Kirchner Impact Foundation, the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research and North Carolina State University to prepare the fellows to make critical agriculture business investment decisions.