Change & Modification Forms

We understand that research does not always go according to plans. Should any aspect of the grant change, Grantees must notice us using the relevant form below.

Grantees should submit all forms through our Grants Management System.
We understand that research does not always go according to plans. Should any aspect of the grant change, Grantees must notice us using the relevant form below.

Grantees should submit all forms through our Grants Management System.

Grant Management

No-Cost Extension Request

If Grantees need additional time to complete their research, we allow Grantees to request a No-Cost Extension (NCE). Upon FFAR’s discretion, Grantees can be approved for up to two NCEs no longer than 12 months each. Additional requests will not be considered.

Change of Scope Request

Should a grant’s programmatic changes during the approved project timeline, this document outlines how to notify us of this change by requesting a Change of Scope.

Changes to Key Personnel

Should a grant’s project director/principal investigator or key personnel on an approved award change during the approved project timeline, this document outlines how to notify us of this change by requesting a Change of Key Personnel.

Revising the Budget

If a Grantee encounters significant changes to their budget, please use this spreadsheet to revise the project’s budget.

Wire Transfer Payment Form

All FFAR payments are made via wire transfer. All Grantees must complete this form if their financial arrangements change.

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