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935 found

FFAR Grant Helps Heat-Stressed Dairy Cows Weather Increasing Temperatures

Year Awarded  2019

FFAR award amount   $736,392

Total award amount   $1,470,000

Location   Ithaca, NY

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   AB VistaAdisseoBalchem CorporationBerg + SchmidtElancoPhibro Animal Health and Vetagro S.p.A.

Grantee Institution   Cornell University

The demand for dairy products and milk globally is expected to increase 57% by 2050. However, rising temperatures are compromising the American dairy industry’s ability to meet these demands because a cow’s milk production can decline up to 70% in warm weather. Holsteins, by far the dominant breed in U.S. dairy farming, begin to suffer heat stress at 75 degrees Fahrenheit. These heat-stressed dairy cows cost the American dairy industry an alarming $1.5 billion annually. Heat-stressed dairy cows also have reduced fertility, are more likely to develop infectious and metabolic diseases and may succumb to premature death.

FFAR and Walmart Foundation Fund Expert Panel to Shrink Consumer Food Waste

2019 FFAR Fellows Cohort Announced

FFAR Launches Plant Protein Enhancement Project

Missing link in algal photosynthesis found, offers opportunity to improve crop yields

Increasing Dietary Fiber in Wheat Crop

Year Awarded  2019

FFAR award amount   $479,997

Total award amount   $959,997

Location   Davis, CA

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   Bay State Milling, California Wheat Commission, Limagrain Cereal Seeds

Grantee Institution   University of California Davis

Diets lacking fiber can lead to life-threatening health concerns. The federal Dietary Guidelines recommends that women consume 25 grams of fiber daily and men consume 38 grams; yet Americans only consume 30 percent of the recommended daily amount of fiber. University of California, researchers are investigating ways to increase wheat dietary fiber using modified starch synthesis enzymes.

OFRF and FFAR Award Two Grants that Tackle Soil Health Challenges

Global Collaborative Launches OpenTEAM™, the First Open Source Technology Ecosystem In the World To Address Soil Health and Mitigate Climate Change

FFAR Grant to USDA-ARS Bolsters Soybean Resiliency to Climate Change

ID: CA18-SS-0000000026