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935 found

FFAR Awards Emergency Funds to Kansas Wheat Commission Research Foundation and Kansas State University Researchers to Protect Wheat Yields in Kansas

FFAR Awards $2.7 Million to Create Fellowship Program to Foster the Next Generation of Food and Agricultural Scientists

Rodolphe Barrangou Awarded the 2018 NAS Prize in Food and Agriculture Sciences

Stopping A New Threat to The Lettuce Industry in Florida: Fusarium Wilt

Year Awarded  2018

FFAR award amount   $67,892

Total award amount   $135,806

Location   Gainesville, FL

Program   Rapid Outcomes from Agricultural Research

Matching Funders   University of Florida

Grantee Institution   University of Florida

Fusarium Wilt is a fungus that threatens the $70 million Floridian lettuce industry. University of Florida researchers are developing disease management practices and training lettuce growers to better manage cross contamination to reduce the spread of this disease.

Improving Dairy Feed Efficiency, Sustainability and Profitability by Impacting Farmer’s Breeding and Culling Decisions

Year Awarded  2018

FFAR award amount   $1,000,000

Total award amount   $1,999,999

Location   East Lansing, MI

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding

Grantee Institution   Michigan State University

Feeding dairy cows accounts for more than half of total dairy farm costs. Dairy farmers could significantly reduce feed costs by selecting cows that produce the same or more milk while consuming less feed. Michigan State University researchers are monitoring dairy cows’ body temperature, feeding behavior and locomotion, along with milk spectral data, to predict feed intake and gather data from thousands of cows to allow farmers to select the most efficient cows.

Value-Added and Nutritionally Superior Extruded Foods from Agricultural Waste Streams

Year Awarded  2018

FFAR award amount   $539,962

Total award amount   $1,080,767

Location   Ithaca, NY

Matching Funders   New York Apple Association, Cornell University

Grantee Institution   Cornell University

Much of fruit and vegetable skins, seeds, cores and stems left behind after food processing becomes a form of agricultural waste known as pomace, which has limited utility and harms the environment. Cornell University researchers are developing a technology to convert this waste into snack foods.

Toward Responsible Pacific Bluefin Tuna Mariculture in the United States: Captive Reproduction, Hatchery Research and Product

Year Awarded  2018

FFAR award amount   $945,735

Total award amount   $2,978,942

Location   West Des Moines, IA

Matching Funders   Ichthus Unlimited, LLC, Texas A&M, Spanish Institute of Oceanography, Illinois Soybean Foundation, San Diego Port

Grantee Institution   Ichthus Unlimited LLC

At only three percent of its original population, Pacific Bluefin Tuna are on the verge of being placed on the endangered species list. Ichthus Unlimited, LLC is cultivating Pacific Bluefin Tuna eggs to grow juvenile fish, which can then mature on tuna farms. Acquiring tuna eggs from hatcheries, rather than the wild, would reduce overfishing and help stabilize the wild population.

Towards Production of Residue-Free Healthy Fruit Crops

Year Awarded  2018

FFAR award amount   $300,000

Total award amount   $600,000

Location   Prosser, WA

Matching Funders   WSU-Center for Precision and Automated Agricultural Systems, WSU- College of Agricultural, Human and Natural Resource Sciences (CAHNRS), WSU-CAHNRS Biological Systems Engineering Department, WSU Graduate School

Grantee Institution   Washington State University

Timely insect pest management is critical for quality tree fruit and wine grape production. However, consumers are increasingly alarmed by synthetic pesticide, which leave residues on produce and contaminates the environment. Washington State University researchers are developing and evaluating alternative pest management technologies that aid conventional and organic growers in reducing their reliance on broad spectrum pesticides.

Sustainable Control Tactics for Spotted Wing Drosophila in Tart Cherry

Year Awarded  2018

FFAR award amount   $150,000

Total award amount   $300,000

Location   East Lansing, MI

Program   Rapid Outcomes from Agricultural Research

Matching Funders   Michigan State University Project GREEN, Michigan State University Ag Bio Research

Grantee Institution   Michigan State University

Spotted wing drosophila (SWD) is an invasive pest that attacks a wide range of fruits, including blueberries, cherries and raspberries. Michigan State University researchers are optimizing insecticide programs against SWD, evaluating other control tactics, refining monitoring tools and developing a real-time reporting system of trapping efforts.

Red Seaweed

Year Awarded  2018

FFAR award amount   $50,000

Total award amount   $291,000

Location   New York, NY

Matching Funders   Elm Innovations, Schmidt Family Foundation/The 11th Hour Project, Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Skaaren Trust, Silicon Valley Community Foundation

Grantee Institution   University of California Davis

During digestion, cattle emit methane, which contributes to climate change. University of California, Davis researchers are evaluating whether feeding cows red seaweed reduces methane emissions and if the additive impacts milk production and quality.