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FFAR Grant Protects Wheat Yields from Wheat Stem Sawfly 

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   $150,000

Total award amount   $300,000

Location   Ft. Collins, CO

Program   Rapid Outcomes from Agricultural Research

Matching Funders   Colorado State University, Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee, University of Nebraska

Grantee Institution   Colarado State University

Wheat stem sawflies are non-stinging wasp-like insects that cause wheat yield losses across the U.S. Sawflies previously targeted spring wheat crops; however, these pests have recently emerged in Kansas, Colorado and Nebraska, suggesting that it is evolving to feed on winter wheat crops as well. Led by Dr. Punya Nachappa, Colorado State University researchers are identifying resistance genes in wheat and developing predictive models that determine the likelihood of wheat stem sawfly infestation.

FFAR Grant Protects Wheat Yields from Wheat Stem Sawfly 

GroundBreaker Prize to Fund Critical Water Research 

2023 AAAS Charles Valentine Riley Memorial Lecture: “Reimagining the Arc to Impact” 

Panel Discussion Washington, D.C. and Virtual

Charles Valentine Riley Memorial Lecture promotion

Charting the Course of Soil Carbon Modeling: Gathering Thought Leaders to Gain Insight into Soil Carbon Sequestration 

Convening Event St. Louis, MO

Decode 6, decoding carbon and ecosystem services

Elucidating the genetic basis for sub-tropical flowering in hemp 

Year Awarded  2023

Total award amount   $840,000

Location   Ithaca, NY

Grantee Institution   Cornell University

Hemp growers have been largely limited to varieties of hemp cultivated in Canada or Europe, but these crops do not thrive in all growing regions of the U.S. Cornell University researchers aim to understand the genetic basis of photoperiod threshold, which is the amount of light a plant needs to achieve flowering and other types of development. Researchers will also use whole genome sequencing to understand the genetic basis for flowering time variation and develop molecular markers to speed breeding for southern-adapted cultivars. These selections will be further bred to produce cultivars with a photoperiod matched to North Carolina, Florida and similar locations.

Breeding and Characterizing New Cultivars of Grain and Fiber Hemp 

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   $750,000

Total award amount   $1,500,000

Location   Ithaca, NY

Matching Funders   International Hemp

Grantee Institution   Cornell University

Hemp growers have been largely limited to varieties of hemp cultivated in Canada or Europe, but these crops do not thrive in all growing regions of the U.S. Cornell University researchers are also developing varieties of hemp that will deliver higher yields, especially at lower latitudes in the U.S. The research team is developing new hemp cultivars using marker-assisted selection that show promise in southern latitudes and have specific desirable traits. Cornell breeders are selecting for late-flowering individuals grown in trials in New York, North Carolina and Florida that also produce high yields of CBD, which has never been achieved before.

Improving Yields & Traits in U.S. Hemp Crops 

Researchers Investigate the Promise of Food Procurement 

Researchers Investigate the Promise of Food Procurement 

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   $954,556

Total award amount   $2,023,732

Location   Fort Collins, CO

Program   Tipping Points

Matching Funders   Colorado State University, Cornell University, Glynwood Center for Regional Food and Farming, NY Farm Viability Institute and The Rockefeller Foundation

Grantee Institution   Colarado State University

Building upon the Tipping Points research, researchers at Colorado State University aim to co-create a replicable and adaptable model that municipalities can use to guide food procurement decisions.