Field of hemp used for textiles Field of hemp used for textiles

Evaluating Biopesticides for the Treatment of Hemp

Generating Thriving Production Systems Solutions
Generating Thriving Production Systems Solutions

Program Contract

Dr. Kathy Munkvold

Dr. Christine Smart

Cornell University

Year Awarded  2024

FFAR award amount   $210,000

Total award amount   $420,000

Location   Geneva, NY

Matching Funders   BioWorks

Filling Gaps in Hemp Research

The economic importance of hemp is increasing both globally and in the United States. However, because federal laws restricted hemp cultivation and research until recently, commercial hemp production lacks best practices, including effectively and safely managing pests and diseases.

Now, academic and industry partners are collaborating to identify biopesticides – biologically derived crop protection products – that can control hemp’s major pest and disease threats. Researchers at Cornell University, BioWorks and University of Kentucky, led by Dr. Christine Smart, director of Cornell AgriTech, are studying the effectiveness of biopesticides, their compatibility with other crop protection products and the ability of hemp plants to tolerate biopesticide applications. In addition, the team is examining how long the microbes in bioproducts remain on the plant, which is important for product application timing and post-harvest hemp microbial testing required for some hemp products.

Hemp growers are looking for information on pest and disease control, and I am enthusiastic that this project will enable improved management strategies. Dr. Christine Smart
Director, Cornell AgriTech

Developing Best Practices for Hemp Production

Hemp producers, researchers and technology providers are in the early stages of collaborating to address challenges in hemp production, including the lack of best practices and protection from major plant diseases and pests. Companies developing crop protection products currently focus on fruit, vegetable and commodity crops, such as corn and soy, rather than newer crops like hemp.

This research is overcoming these obstacles by expanding valuable knowledge for hemp production, including:

  • Broadening our understanding of how to best manage hemp pest and disease threats;
  • Developing disease and insect control recommendations;
  • Providing clear labeling for the proper use of biopesticide products; and
  • Using findings to shape future research and development activities.

Details About This Research

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