Two men standing together in the middle of a wheat field, both looking down at the laptop computer in the hands of the man on the right Two men standing together in the middle of a wheat field, both looking down at the laptop computer in the hands of the man on the right

University of Wisconsin-Madison Organic Grain Resource and Information Network

Generating Agroecosystems Solutions
Generating Agroecosystems Solutions

Program Contact

Dr. LaKisha Odom

Year Awarded  2022

Total award amount   $100,000

Location   Madison, WI

Matching Funders   The Organic Center

Grantee Institution   University of Wisconsin, Madison, Organic Grain Resource and Information Network

  • Agroecosystems

To Advance Organic Agriculture, Training and Technical Support is Needed

The $350,000 Organic Training for Agricultural Professionals Prize recognizes extraordinary contributions to training farmers, agriculture professionals and community organizations in organic production. In selecting the 2022 prize winners, The Organic Center and FFAR prioritized farmer-led projects with the potential for expansion and multi-regional impact. Organizations were also selected based on their project’s ability to increase diversity, equity and inclusion among participants and on the extent to which they included measurable, in-person and online knowledge exchange between farmers and organic agriculture professionals. Applicants were required to match the award amounts.

Why this research is important

Organic farming is poised to be part of the climate change solution; organic farmers do not rely on fossil-fuel intensive synthetic inputs to manage pests or increase soil fertility and use farming techniques that sequester carbon in the soil. However, more work is needed to understand specific strategies organic growers can adopt to mitigate climate change, while managing the negative effects climate change is having on their farms through drought, flooding, invasive pests and extreme weather events.

Portrait of LaKisha Odom.

Transitioning to organic farming can be confusing, costly and labor-intensive. This partnership with The Organic Center provides a much-needed opportunity for agriculture professionals to educate more farmers about organic farming best practices so we can sustainably meet consumers’ growing demand for organic products and support thriving farms.

LaKisha Odom, Ph.D.
Scientific Program Director
Sustaining Vibrant Agroecosystems

Details About this Research

Matching Funders

The Organic Center's mission is to convene credible, evidence-based science on the health and environmental impacts of organic food and farming and to communicate the findings to the public. The Center is an independent non-profit 501(c)(3) research and education organization operating under the administrative auspices of the Organic Trade Association.

Connect: @OrganicCenter

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Tools, technologies and strategies from the research we fund.

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AI & Supercomputing Can Quantify Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Individual Farms 

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ID: 22-000521-MOU-2021

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