Featured agricultural insights and education across all Priority Areas covered by the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research.

We invite members of the food and agriculture community to share their Insights on food and agriculture. Thought leaders from across the food and agriculture community author these Insights, including experts, partners, grantees, funders and farmers. Insights provide an opportunity to share important views, perspectives, research and opinions about current food and agriculture topics.

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130 Insights found

Feedback Loops & Food Access 

Portrait of Gwen Donley.

Gwendolyn Donley

2019-2022 FFAR Fellow

Research is Critical to Preventing the Next Pandemic 

Portrait of Tim Kurt.

Tim Kurt, DVM

Scientific Program Director, October 2016- September 2022 Advanced Animal Systems

Vitamin A, Healthy Cows and Less Antibiotics 

Portrait of Strickland.

Jaime Strickland

2018-2021 FFAR Fellow

Can biochar help adapt agriculture to a hotter, dryer climate? 

Portrait of Shelby Hoglund.

Shelby Hoglund

2018-2021 FFAR Fellow

Food for the Future: How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Drought Resistance 

Portrait of Xie, FFAR Fellow.

Kevin Xie

2018-2021 FFAR Fellow

Milkweeds: Medicine for Monarchs? 

Portrait of Krueger.

Annie Krueger

2018-2021 FFAR Fellow

Farmers and Researchers: Growing Food for Life 

Portrait of Sally Rockey.

Sally Rockey, Ph.D.

Executive Director Emeritus

OpTIS: Where Technology Drives Conservation Results 

Pipa Elias and Dr. LaKisha Odom