Banner image of tomatoes. Banner image of tomatoes.

FFAR Forms Six Advisory Councils

Washington, D.C.

70 Council Members Strengthen the Foundation’s Network of Expertise with Producer, Industry, Government, Academic and Nonprofit Experience.

WASHINGTON—The Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research today announced the formation of six Advisory Councils, composed of leading experts across the food and agriculture industry.  Council members will advise Foundation staff and board members on program development and implementation, potential partnerships and other avenues for advancing the organization’s mission to support innovative science addressing today’s food and agriculture challenges.

Each Advisory Council is led by a Chair, appointed to facilitate discussion and build consensus. The six Advisory Councils cover the topics listed below and are chaired by the following individuals:

  • Food System Innovation: Josette Lewis, Ph.D. | University of California, Davis
  • Nutrition and Healthy Food Choices: Laurian Unnevehr, Ph.D. | University of Illinois
  • Plant Efficiency: Jonathan Lynch, Ph.D. | Pennsylvania State University
  • Soil Health: Doug Karlen, Ph.D. | U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service
  • Sustainable Farm Animal Productivity, Resilience and Health: Harvey Morgan Scott, D.V.M, Ph.D. | Texas A&M University
  • Water Use: Daniel Sonke, D.P.M. | Campbell Soup Company

Council members representing diverse industries, geographic areas and professional backgrounds were selected from a competitive pool of applicants nominated through an open solicitation. They will serve two or three-year terms and meet virtually three times per year.

Portrait of Sally Rockey.

The new Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research Advisory Councils strengthen the Foundation’s expertise in six critical areas of food and agriculture. I am confident that our new Council members, in close collaboration with the staff and Board, will add tremendous value to the Foundation’s programmatic development and continued growth.

Sally Rockey, Ph.D.
Executive Director Emeritus

The Councils will assume a number of roles including participating in the peer review process and making recommendations on application and proposal alignment with strategic and scientific goals of the Foundation.

Advisory Council members were selected based on scientific, industry or other practical experience and knowledge.  View full list of Advisory Council members: