Veterinarian examining pigs. Veterinarian examining pigs.

Rapid Outcomes from Agricultural Research

The Rapid Outcomes from Agricultural Research (ROAR) program deploys urgent funding to support research and outreach in response to emerging or unanticipated threats to the nation’s food supply or agricultural systems.
The Rapid Outcomes from Agricultural Research (ROAR) program deploys urgent funding to support research and outreach in response to emerging or unanticipated threats to the nation’s food supply or agricultural systems.

Program Contact

Dr. Jasmine Bruno
Dr. Kathy Munkvold

Accepting applications

Application Guidelines

Does ROAR fund weather, natural disaster or food safety response efforts?

No, ROAR funds cannot be used for weather, natural disaster or food safety response efforts. ROAR grants aim to support research and coordination to halt pre-farm gate pest or pathogen outbreaks.

Can ROAR funds be used prior to an outbreak?

Yes,  funding up to $150,000 may be available to support diagnostic tool development, outreach, research and other efforts to mitigate, contain or prevent a pest or pathogen outbreak. FFAR determines the funding amount by evaluating several criteria including the geographic range, the number of animals or plants impacted, economic impact and the likelihood of an outbreak occurring. Funding is also contingent upon providing matching funds.

Are international issues eligible for consideration?

Generally, the majority of FFAR’s research grants support the United States; however, FFAR reserves the right to pursue and consider research on international outbreaks with the potential for significant impact. FFAR will pursue these opportunities through direct solicitation. Please do not contact the organization regarding these issues.

Does ROAR support fundamental science and development of general-use diagnostic platforms?

No, diagnostic tools must be specific to an imminent or ongoing disease or pest outbreak and must have a high potential for dissemination to industry.

Does ROAR support research on new application practices and technologies for conventional or organic pesticides?

No, ROAR grants do not support research on new application practices and technologies for conventional or organic pesticides.

Can ROAR funds be applied for at the time of an outbreak?

Yes, applicants are encouraged to submit a one-page concept note via FFAR’s Grants Management portal outlining:

  1. The research team members including researchers, industry representatives and government officials;
  2. The source and amount of matching funds for the project; and
  3. A brief description of the pest or pathogen threat and why it should be considered for rapid funding.

The team must designate a lead organization to enter into the potential grant agreement with FFAR. Based upon the concept note, we may invite the team to submit an application for the ROAR program. Upon invitation, applicants will have 8 weeks to submit their application.

Can federally funded groups participate in ROAR?

Yes, federally funded groups can participate in a ROAR project and can contribute financially to our research programs; however, these funds cannot be used as a match for the release of FFAR funds. Non-federal dollars must be included as a source of matching funds.

What should I know before applying for a ROAR grant?

How to Apply
The application process is designed to provide swift deployment of funding in response to an outbreak. Applicants are required to submit a concept for consideration via FFAR’s online portal. If the concept is accepted, applicants must submit a full application within 8 weeks of invitation.

The ROAR program is open year-round to eligible applicants.

What are the eligibility criteria?

The following types of organizations are invited to apply:

  • Public and private institutions of higher education
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • For-profit organizations

Eligibility Criteria include:

  • Requested funds should not address weather, natural disaster or food safety response efforts.
  • The pest or pathogen should be an emerging or unanticipated threat to the nation’s food supply or agricultural systems.
  • The pest or pathogen will result in a significant negative impact of regional or national significance (Please consider: pathogenicity, potential geographic range, potential economic impact of outbreak, potential for outbreak to occur).
  • The suggested research should be short-term and focused on one of the following: diagnostics, monitoring protocols, coordinating response teams and/or developing prevention/mitigation strategies that will be applied quickly through extension or other outreach methods.
  • If the project includes diagnostic tools, the tools should be specific to an imminent or ongoing disease or pest outbreak and have a high potential for dissemination to industry.
  • Matching funds should be confirmed and able to be certified within eight weeks of concept submission.
Are matching funds required?

ROAR grant recipients must provide equal or greater matching funds from non-U.S. federal government sources. Match should be confirmed at the time of concept submission.

Who can provide matching funds?

FFAR accepts matching funds from non-federal sources, including state, university, industry and private organizations. We cannot count U.S. federal funding as matching funds; however, federal funds can still be used to supplement the budget for a ROAR project.

Are collaborations allowed?

We encourage applicants to form broad-based coalitions that include industry participation to increase research collaboration and maximize the adoption of outcomes by the agriculture sector.

What application materials are needed for consideration?

In the event of a pest or pathogen outbreak, submit a one-page concept note outlining:

  1. Your research team, including academic scientists, industry representatives and/or government officials;
  2. The source and amount of matching funds for the project; and
  3. A brief description of the pest or pathogen threat and why it should be considered for rapid funding.

Based on the concept note, we decide whether to invite a full application. If the concept is accepted, applicants must submit a full application within 8 weeks of invitation.

The ROAR program does not support research on food-borne diseases or weather-related disasters. The pest or pathogen outbreaks must be imminent, detected within 1-2 years or re-emerging at significantly greater prevalence. These issues must present a threat to a multi-state region of the U.S. with the potential to cause significant losses and economic harm.

How do I submit a concept note?

For applications concerning both plant and animal pests and pathogens, submit your concept note via FFAR’s Grants Management portal here . For any questions related to the ROAR program, contact Dr. LaKisha Odom, scientific program director for the Soil Health Research Priority at

Awarded Grants

Addressing On-Farm Bird Flu Outbreaks Linked to Wild Waterfowl

Year Awarded  2024

FFAR award amount   $148,111

Total award amount   $300,222

Location   Davis, CA

Program   Rapid Outcomes from Agricultural Research

Matching Funders   AgriNerds Inc.

Grantee Institution   AgriNerds Inc.

Rapid Response to Novel Resistance-Breaking Strain of Pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum in Cultivated Strawberry

Year Awarded  2024

FFAR award amount   $149,662

Total award amount   $299,323

Location   Davis, CA

Program   Rapid Outcomes from Agricultural Research

Matching Funders   University of California, Davis

Grantee Institution   University of California, Davis

FFAR Grant Addresses Emerging Pine Needle Diseases

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   $74,111

Total award amount   $148,237

Location   Athens, GA

Program   Rapid Outcomes from Agricultural Research

Matching Funders   Southern Pine Health Research Cooperative, University of Florida Board of Trustees, University of Georgia Research Foundation

Grantee Institution   University of Georgia

The Latest


The latest news and updates from FFAR.

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FFAR Research Addresses On-Farm Bird Flu Outbreaks Linked to Wild Waterfowl

ROAR Funding Protects Strawberries from Dangerous Pathogen

FFAR’s Rapid Response Program Welcomes Avian Flu Research Proposals

FFAR Grant Addresses Emerging Pine Needle Diseases

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FFAR Grant Protects Wheat Yields from Wheat Stem Sawfly

FFAR Grant Combats Disease in Lettuce Crops

FFAR Grant Protects Coffee From Leaf Rust Disease

FFAR and National Pork Board Develop Tools to Detect and Understand Spread of African Swine Fever Virus

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FFAR Combats Deadly, Costly Swine Viruses in Contaminated Feed

FFAR Awards Emergency Funds to Combat Lettuce Disease in Florida

FFAR Awards Emergency Funds to Develop Tool to Mitigate Bird Flu

FFAR Awards Emergency Funds to Kansas Wheat Commission Research Foundation and Kansas State University Researchers to Protect Wheat Yields in Kansas

FFAR Awards Emergency Funds to Combat Invasive Weevil Threatening California’s Palm Trees and Date Industry

FFAR Awards Funds to Researchers at University of Wyoming to Develop Test for Brucellosis in Swine and Cattle

FFAR Awards Emergency Funds to Researchers at Colorado State University to Combat Bacterial Leaf Streak of Corn

Michigan State University Researchers Awarded Grant to Combat Invasive Pest in Tart Cherry Trees

Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research Offers Matching Funds to Accelerate First Response to Future Agricultural Emergencies

Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research Aims to Mitigate Potential Threats to Food Safety and Supply by Funding First Responders


Tools, technologies and strategies from the research we fund.

See all Breakthroughs

Diagnosing Coffee Leaf Rust & Slowing Its Spread

Breakthrough for Protecting Coffee from Leaf Rust Disease

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