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McDonald’s USA Commits $5 Million to Collaboration Accelerating Climate-Smart Farming Solutions

Taking Science Beyond the Bench: Critical Reflections for Change-Oriented Research

Portrait of Krista Marshall.

Krista Marshall

2019-2022 FFAR Fellow

FoodShot Global Challenge #2 Precision Protein, Deep Dive GroundBreaker Prize (Netherlands)

Year Awarded  2021

Total award amount   $150,000

Location   Wageningen, Netherlands

Program   FoodShot Global Challenge

Matching Funders   FoodShot Global

Grantee Institution   Wageningen University

FoodShot Global’s GroundBreaker Prize recognizes rising scientific stars whose research has identified technological and ecological tools that enable farmers to optimize yields and the long-term health of the land. Dr. Hannah Van Zanten, Associate Professor in Farming Systems Ecology at Wageningen University, received $150,000 for developing a European circular food systems model (CiFoS), which is now extending to a global model.

FoodShot Global Challenge #2 Precision Protein, Deep Dive GroundBreaker Prize (South Carolina)

Year Awarded  2021

Total award amount   $200,000

Location   Clemson, SC

Program   FoodShot Global Challenge

Matching Funders   FoodShot Global

Grantee Institution   Clemson University

FoodShot Global’s GroundBreaker Prize recognizes rising scientific stars whose research has identified technological and ecological tools that enable farmers to optimize yields and the long-term health of the land. Dr. Dil Thavarjah, Associate Professor of Pulse Quality and Nutrition and Clemson University School of Health Faculty Research Scholar at Clemson University, received a $200,000 for developing an integrated process for organic plant protein productions from the field to isolation.

Global Climate-Smart Practices Assessment

Applications are currently under review

FFAR & Syngenta Foundation Seek Applications for Global Climate-Smart Practices Assessment

Soil is Not Dirt

Portrait of Prairie.

Aaron Prairie

2020-2023 FFAR Fellow

Dynamic Photosynthesis Model Simulates 10-20 Percent Yield Increase

OpTIS V2.0: New Data, New Regions and New Insights

Convening Event Virtual

Close-up of water droplets on plants.

RIPE Project: Rubisco Production Can Enhance CO2 Acquisition