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935 found

Determining the economical & epidemiological benefit of cleaning & disinfecting market haul trailers within the U.S. swine industry

Year Awarded  2023

Total award amount   $28,875

Location   Mahomet, IL

Program   Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Program

Matching Funders   Swine Health Information Center & Pork Checkoff

Grantee Institution   Lowe Consulting, Ltd.

Trailers hauling pigs to market have the potential to transmit diseases. Yet, transportation vehicles are not always cleaned and disinfected to prevent contamination, thereby threatening wean-to-market biosecurity. This study is using modeling to determine the minimum number of transport vehicles that need to be decontaminated to stop specific pathogens from spreading.

SHIC Wean-to-Harvest Biosecurity Program Funds Additional Research

Climate Week Event: Public Food Procurement

Informational Session NYC, NY

Fresh produce in a grocery store.

Climate Week Event Featuring Newlab

Hybrid Brooklyn, NY

Climate Week Event Featuring Newlab

FFAR Renews ESMC Partnership to Grow Ecosystem Services Market Program 

Scaling Quantified and Verified Soil Health, Climate and Natural Resources Outcomes from U.S. Agriculture in an Innovative Ecosystem Services Market Program

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   $5,150,000

Total award amount   $10,300,000

Location   Falls Church, VA 

Matching Funders   Ecosystem Services Market Consortium

Grantee Institution   Ecosystem Services Market Consortium

The agriculture sector contributes about 11% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, which impacts climate change. FFAR invested in the Ecosystem Services Market Consortium for research that creates sound social, economic and environmental outcomes to benefit producers, local communities, supply chain companies and consumers through the expansion of Eco-Harvest, an ecosystem services market program.

FFAR Board of Directors 2023 Public Conversation

Public Conversation Washington, D.C.

FFAR Board of Directors group photo.

Using Solar Panels to Enhance Groundwater

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   $881,526

Total award amount   $1,763,053

Location   Lawrence, KS

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc.

Integrating On-farm Solar Arrays to Enhance Groundwater Resources, Produce Energy & Diversify Farm Income

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   $881,526

Total award amount   $1,763,053

Location   Lawrence, KS

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc., Kansas State University, Michigan State University, Wheatland Electric Cooperative, Inc.

The High Plains Aquifer provides irrigation to support a $3.5 billion agricultural economy across eight states, but due to decades of groundwater extraction, water levels have fallen dangerously low across much of the aquifer. Researchers at the University of Kansas are studying the integration of solar panel arrays outfitted with rain collection gutters on farmland to recharge groundwater and provide marketable electricity to growers.

Evaluation of the Efficacy, Agronomic Fit & Environmental Fate of Biopesticides for Management of Economically Important Diseases & Arthropod Pests of Hemp

Year Awarded  2023

FFAR award amount   $210,000

Total award amount   $420,000

Location   Geneva, NY

Matching Funders   BioWorks

Because federal laws restricted hemp cultivation and research until recently, commercial hemp production lacks best practices, including effectively and safely managing pests and diseases. Academic and industry partners are collaborating to identify biopesticides – biologically derived crop protection products – that can control hemp’s major pest and disease threats. Researchers are studying the effectiveness of biopesticides, their compatibility with other crop protection products and the ability of hemp plants to tolerate biopesticide applications.