Featured agricultural insights and education across all challenge areas covered by the Foundation for
Food & Agriculture Research.

We invite members of the food and agriculture community to share their Insights on food and agriculture. Thought leaders from across the food and agriculture community author these Insights, including experts, partners, grantees, funders and farmers. Insights provide an opportunity to share important views, perspectives, research and opinions about current food and agriculture topics.

Opinions reflected in FFAR’s Insights belong to the author of each piece, and do not represent FFAR’s official position on any given issue.

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113 Insights found

How Heat Stress Impacts Swine Health

FFAR Fellow, Lauren Anderson

North Carolina State University

Wetlands: Agricultural Soil & Water Management for a Changing Climate

Chantel Chizen

University of Saskatchewan

Throwing a Wrench in the Pesticide Treadmill

FFAR Fellow, Swati Mishra

University of Tennessee

Building Tools for Plant Genome Editing

FFAR Fellow, Simon Sretenovic

University of Maryland, College Park

Archea, Microbial Superheroes?

Jabeen Ahmad

FFAR Fellows

A Farmers’ Perspective on Farm Labor & Health

Anita & Thomas Roberson in their cut flower garden.

Anita & Thomas Roberson

Botanical Bites & Provisions, Fredericksburg, VA

Tackling Malnutrition with Biofortification

Aichatou Djibo Waziri

Washington State University

The Map of Food: Why We Need a World Atlas of What We Eat

Nancy Brown

Wheat: already delicious and now nutritious

Addison Carroll

FFAR Fellow

ESMC’s EcoHarvest Market Program: Scaling Collective Climate Action in Agricultural Supply Chains

Debbie Reed

Washington, DC