Awarded Grants
Below is a listing of our awarded grants that tackle big food and agriculture challenges.

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53 Grants found

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Modeling the Future of Food in Your Neighborhood

Year Awarded  2020

FFAR award amount   $100,000

Total award amount   $100,000

Location   Cleveland, OH

Program   Tipping Points

Grantee Institution   Case Western Reserve University - School of Medicine

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is highlighting food system deficiencies. Producers are struggling to reach consumers due to concerns with processing, distribution and demand. We provided supplemental funding to the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine research team to model the effects of COVID-19 in neighborhoods with high, medium and low food security before March 2020. Their findings will be used to tailor food system solutions to diverse neighborhood contexts.

Evaluating Food Access Strategies in Austin To Improve Healthy Food Consumption and Food Security

Year Awarded  2020

FFAR award amount   $83,356

Total award amount   $83,356

Location   Austin, TX

Grantee Institution   University of Texas Health Science Center

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is highlighting food system deficiencies. Producers are struggling to reach consumers due to concerns with processing, distribution and demand. We provided supplemental funding to FRESH Austin to examine the impact of the pandemic on access to fresh, nutritious food in the Austin area.

Integrating Community and Modeling Efforts to Evaluate Impacts and Tradeoffs of Food System Interventions 2020

Year Awarded  2020

FFAR award amount   $100,000

Total award amount   $2,000,718

Location   Fort Collins, CO

Program   Tipping Points

Grantee Institution   Colarado State University

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is highlighting food system deficiencies. Producers are struggling to reach consumers due to concerns with processing, distribution and demand. We provided supplemental funding to the Colorado State University research team to evaluate how food is provided through emergency feeding programs, who uses these services, the costs of these services, the food provided and its dietary quality

Food and Agricultural Vulnerability Index

Year Awarded  2020

FFAR award amount   $221,743

Total award amount   $506,743

Location   West Lafayette, IN

Matching Funders   Microsoft

Grantee Institution   Purdue University

Purdue University researchers are creating a series of open-access online dashboards that help quantify and illustrate potential disruptions to the food supply chain. The dashboards will focus on COVID-19 but have the flexibility to be tailored to suit future market disruptions.

Enhancing Human Health and Nutrition from Soil to Society Using Quinoa as a Model Crop Species

Year Awarded  2020

FFAR award amount   $1,000,000

Total award amount   $2,044,872

Location   Pullman, WA

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   Lundberg Family Farms, Washington State University

Grantee Institution   Washington State University

Despite its popularity and nutritional content, quinoa is still underutilized because it is imported, even though nutritious, high-quality varieties can grow and thrive in this country. Washington State University researchers are growing new quinoa varieties and analyzing them for amino acid and micronutrient concentrations. The researchers are testing soil and nutrient management practices that enhance the crops’ nutritional values while also improving yield. Thousands of quinoa varieties are being evaluated in diverse soil types and unique environments.

FFAR Funds Novel Supply-Demand Technology, Connecting Institutional Buyers to Specialty Crop Farmers

Year Awarded  2020

FFAR award amount   $2,000,000

Total award amount   $4,000,000

Location   Memphis, TN

Matching Funders   AgLaunch, Mississippi State University, The Seam, Tennessee State University, Wallace Center at Winrock International, Tennessee Department of Agriculture

Grantee Institution   AgLaunch

The COVID-19 pandemic illustrated that greater tools are needed to ensure flexibility in the food supply chain during major crises to ensure both economic security for farmers and food security for consumers. The Open Market Consortium (OMC)is developing and piloting an open-source, public-access blockchain system to connect small and mid-size farmers to institutional buyers and minimize supply disruptions. OMC, led by AgLaunch Initiative, includes founding members Mississippi State University, The Seam, Tennessee State University and the Wallace Center at Winrock International.

FFAR Funds Dashboards to Track Food Supply Chain Vulnerabilities

Year Awarded  2020

FFAR award amount   $221,743

Total award amount   $506,743

Location   West Lafayette, IN

Matching Funders   Microsoft

Grantee Institution   Purdue University

Food processing disruptions caused by COVID-19 outbreaks highlight the need for better real-time monitoring and reporting of the status of the food supply chain to prevent or mitigate food crises. Purdue University researchers are creating a series of open-access online dashboards that help quantify and illustrate potential disruptions to the food supply chain. The dashboards will focus on COVID-19 but have the flexibility to be tailored to suit future market disruptions.

Understanding & Reducing Consumer Food Waste

Year Awarded  2019

FFAR award amount   $336,000

Total award amount   $673,000

Location   Washington, D.C.

Matching Funders   Walmart Foundation

Grantee Institution   National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine

The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (National Academies) is conducting a study to identify how consumers behave toward food and opportunities for system changes. The multidisciplinary, expert committee is examining existing data, information and research on consumer food waste. The resulting report includes recommendations that institutions – such as industry associations, schools and government agencies – can implement to help consumers reduce food waste.

Increasing Dietary Fiber in Wheat Crop

Year Awarded  2019

FFAR award amount   $479,997

Total award amount   $959,997

Location   Davis, CA

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   Bay State Milling, California Wheat Commission, Limagrain Cereal Seeds

Grantee Institution   University of California Davis

Diets lacking fiber can lead to life-threatening health concerns. The federal Dietary Guidelines recommends that women consume 25 grams of fiber daily and men consume 38 grams; yet Americans only consume 30 percent of the recommended daily amount of fiber. University of California, researchers are investigating ways to increase wheat dietary fiber using modified starch synthesis enzymes.

A community-based microfarm aggregation model for transforming agricultural production and enhancing asset-based economic development in post-industrial urban areas

Year Awarded  2019

FFAR award amount   $962,600

Total award amount   $2,068,336

Location   Mansfield, OH

Matching Funders   Mind and Body Align and Braintree Business Solutions, North End Community Improvement Collaborative, Fran and Warren Rupp Donor Advised Fund of the Richland County Foundation,  Sustainability Institute at Ohio State University

Grantee Institution   Ohio State University at Mansfield

Ohio State University researchers are launching an urban sustainable food system project to increase access to fruits, vegetables and other specialty crops while supporting the local economy. The microfarm network will progress over three years, allowing  researchers and growers to calibrate the growing, harvesting and marketing processes for the local setting. A parallel interdisciplinary research team will measure the ways in which this embedded local production system impacts a range of local issues from food insecurity, to urban beautification, to food literacy and educational achievement.