Awarded Grants
Below is a listing of our awarded grants that tackle big food and agriculture challenges.

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53 Grants found

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An Open Source Framework and Community for Sharing Data and Algorithms

Year Awarded  2017

FFAR award amount   $1,066,348

Total award amount   $2,134,079

Location   West Lafayette, IN

Matching Funders   Winfield United, Centricity, AgGateway, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) and Purdue University

Grantee Institution   Purdue University

Farmers gather data on millions of acres of active farmland, but much of that data is not integrated into decision-making tools to better manage the land. The industry is unable to take full advantage of the vast amounts of data available today. Purdue University researchers are converting agricultural data and algorithms into actionable tools for farmers. This project is translating this wealth of data into real-world applications in agriculture through a community-driven, open source framework.

A novel desiccant system enables energy-efficient drying to reduce postharvest loss of agricultural commodities and foods

Year Awarded  2017

FFAR award amount   $790,407

Total award amount   $1,580,814

Location   Davis, CA

Matching Funders   UC Davis Innovation Institute for Food and Health and the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Grantee Institution   University of California Davis

Moisture must be removed from agricultural products to preserve them for processing. Inadequately dried commodities account for about 60 percent of postharvest food loss worldwide. Insufficient drying can lead to fungi and negative health outcomes in animals and humans. Current drying methods are also highly energy intensive. University of California, Davis researchers are testing Drying Beads, which absorb water without heat. This technology could reduce energy usage by up to 50 percent and lower costs as the beads are reusable.

Using Eye Tracking to Better Understand Food Choices

Year Awarded  2016

FFAR award amount   $300,000

Total award amount   $600,000

Location   Ithaca, NY

Matching Funders   ADM Animal Nutrition, Evonik Nutrition & Care GmbH

Grantee Institution   Cornell University

When consumers make food choices, they choose between nutritional content and more immediate attributes, such as taste. Cornell University researchers are promoting healthier food choices by highlighting certain attributes of food choices through laboratory and field experiments.