Featured agricultural insights and education across all Priority Areas covered by the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research.

We invite members of the food and agriculture community to share their Insights on food and agriculture. Thought leaders from across the food and agriculture community author these Insights, including experts, partners, grantees, funders and farmers. Insights provide an opportunity to share important views, perspectives, research and opinions about current food and agriculture topics.

Opinions reflected in FFAR’s Insights belong to the author of each piece, and do not represent FFAR’s official position on any given issue.

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130 Insights found

Herbicide-Resistant Weeds: Looking Below the Soil Surface 

Sarah Kezar

2020-2023 FFAR Fellow

Seeding a Resilient Wheat Microbiome 

Portrait of Lindsey Becker.

Lindsey Becker

2018-2021 FFAR Fellow

Systems Thinking for Sustainable Manure Management 

Portrait of Allison Deviney.

Alison Deviney

2018-2021 FFAR Fellow

Farmers & Ranchers Can Help In The Climate Crisis 

Dan Glickman and Bob Stallman

Climate Change Requires Novel Sweetpotato Breeding Approaches 

Camilo Parada Rojas

2018-2021 FFAR Fellow

Fine-tuning photosynthesis 

Portrait of Dhruv Patel smiling.

Dhruv Patel

2019-2022 FFAR Fellow

FFAR’s Pioneering Research is Fighting Global Hunger 

Portrait of Sally Rockey.

Sally Rockey, Ph.D.

Executive Director Emeritus

Diversity & Inclusion in Agriculture: Leading With Intentionality 

Portrait of LaKisha Odom.

LaKisha Odom, Ph.D.

Scientific Program Director Sustaining Vibrant Agroecosystems

Do Cows Count Their Steps? 

Portrait of Miriam Martin.

Miriam Martin

2019-2022 FFAR Fellow

Navigating Diversity in Agriculture & STEM 

Dr. Shefali Mehta & Dr. LaKisha Odom

Washington, DC