Awarded Grants
Below is a listing of our awarded grants that tackle big food and agriculture challenges.

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62 Grants found

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High protein aquatic plants for controlled environment indoor farms

Year Awarded  2021

Total award amount   $1,500,000

Location   Cold Springs Harbor, NY

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory; Crop One Holdings, Inc.

Grantee Institution   Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Plant-based protein is a low-carbon, accessible option to diversify dietary intake. Most of the plant-based proteins on the market today are produced from seed-based crops such as soy and nuts, which are often deficient in one or more key amino acids. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, in partnership with Crop One Holdings, is adapting high-protein, amino-acid rich aquatic Lemnaceae plants for controlled environments to improve nutritional value and increase production.

Mitigating antibiotic use in aquaculture through vaccination

Year Awarded  2021

Total award amount   $1,305,838

Location   Starksville, MS

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   Mississippi State University and University of California, Davis

Catfish are an economically important agricultural commodity for several southern U.S. states, with total sales of $360 million in 2018. However, the emerging pathogen, E. piscicida bacterium, is causing infections in catfish and other farm-raised fish, leading to increases in antibiotic use and severe economic losses in aquaculture. There are no commercial vaccines available to prevent E. piscicida. This research aims to develop a vaccine to mitigate E. piscicida in farmed-fish, thereby reducing the number of infected fish and the need for antibiotics.

AgMission/Precision Conservation Management MOU

Year Awarded  2021

FFAR award amount   $79,966

Total award amount   $159,933

Location   Bloomington, IL

Program   AgMission

Matching Funders   PepsiCo

Through AgMission, FFAR entered in MOU with PCM to implement the Sustainable Farming Program improvement plan focused on regenerative agriculture in Gothenburg, Nebraska.

Strategic Fallowing for Sustainable Water and Thriving Agriculture

Year Awarded  2021

FFAR award amount   $970,931

Total award amount   $1,941,862

Location   Las Cruces, NM

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   Elephant Butte Irrigation District, New Mexico State University, New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute, Thornburg Foundation

Drought risks continue to challenge farmers in the U.S. Southwest. Leaving cultivated land unused—fallowing—represents a potentially crucial water-saving strategy. However, the costs and benefits of fallowing remain uncertain. NMSU researchers are developing a Hydrologic-Agricultural-Economic model that evaluates alternative fallowing strategies. The researchers will integrate the hydrologic modeling with remote sensing data, field measurements and socioeconomic information to inform where fallowing can optimally provide targeted benefits.

FFAR Grant Examines Management Practices Effect on Soil Health

Year Awarded  2021

FFAR award amount   $9,500,000

Total award amount   $19,000,000

Location   Myrtle Beach, SC

Matching Funders   Noble Research Institute, Greenacres Foundation, The Jones Family Foundation, ButcherBox

An international coalition announced a $19 million research project aimed at understanding how a farmer or ranchers’ grazing management decisions impacts soil health on pasture and rangeland (commonly called grazing lands) and – in turn – how soil health can positively impact a producer’s land and well-being.

More Beans (MB): A Next Generation Legume for Healthy Urban Food

Year Awarded  2021

FFAR award amount   $338,039

Total award amount   $676,095

Location   Nashville, TN

Matching Funders   Agricenter International, Bush Brothers & Company, Caney Forks LLC, Corteva Agriscience, Tennessee State University

Mung bean is an underutilized pulse in the United States that can add to crop diversity. Mung bean has health, economic and environmental advantages and is suitable to the climate conditions of the Southeast. Tennessee State University researchers are optimizing mung bean genetics and cultivation techniques for growth in the Southeast and promote its consumption, especially among people of color and low-income individuals.

High dimensional phenomics and automation to transform cost and timeframe of early stage domestication of wild plants

Year Awarded  2021

FFAR award amount   $999,957

Total award amount   $2,543,829

Location   St. Louis, MO

Program   Seeding Solutions

Matching Funders   The Danforth Center, Danforth Center Field Research Site at Planthaven Farms, The Land Institute, Perennial Agriculture Project and Saint Louis University

Grantee Institution   The Danforth Center

To ensure a plentiful food supply in the face of future climate-related challenges, scientists must diversify food crops by domesticating new species. Early farmers domesticated many annual plant species, those planted yearly, in part due to their quick growing cycles; however, these crops require agricultural practices that can harm the soil. Perennial crops, which live for multiple years, offer a more sustainable option. The challenge is that successfully and rapidly domesticating promising perennial crops relies on genetic screening of seeds, an expensive and time-consuming process. This grant is accelerating the development of perennial crops. The researchers are predicting breeding success based on the seedlings’ physical attributes.

FoodShot Global Challenge #2 Precision Protein, Deep Dive GroundBreaker Prize (Netherlands)

Year Awarded  2021

Total award amount   $150,000

Location   Wageningen, Netherlands

Program   FoodShot Global Challenge

Matching Funders   FoodShot Global

Grantee Institution   Wageningen University

FoodShot Global’s GroundBreaker Prize recognizes rising scientific stars whose research has identified technological and ecological tools that enable farmers to optimize yields and the long-term health of the land. Dr. Hannah Van Zanten, Associate Professor in Farming Systems Ecology at Wageningen University, received $150,000 for developing a European circular food systems model (CiFoS), which is now extending to a global model.

FoodShot Global Challenge #2 Precision Protein, Deep Dive GroundBreaker Prize (South Carolina)

Year Awarded  2021

Total award amount   $200,000

Location   Clemson, SC

Program   FoodShot Global Challenge

Matching Funders   FoodShot Global

Grantee Institution   Clemson University

FoodShot Global’s GroundBreaker Prize recognizes rising scientific stars whose research has identified technological and ecological tools that enable farmers to optimize yields and the long-term health of the land. Dr. Dil Thavarjah, Associate Professor of Pulse Quality and Nutrition and Clemson University School of Health Faculty Research Scholar at Clemson University, received a $200,000 for developing an integrated process for organic plant protein productions from the field to isolation.

Improving Protein Content & Quality in Peas

Year Awarded  2021

FFAR award amount   $612,257

Total award amount   $800,000

Location   St. Paul, MN

Program   Plant Protein Enhancement Project

Matching Funders   Benson Hill, Keygene, Syngenta, University of Minnesota

Plant protein is an important part of the global diet, but there are barriers limiting plant protein’s potential. Some amino acids, which are essential to diets, are missing or less abundant in plant protein. Also, a popular plant protein, soy, is an allergen for many. One alternative to soy is pea protein, but its nutritional value lags soy. University of Minnesota researchers are studying pea protein, develop methods for screening peas with superior protein nutrition and quality and breed these traits to cultivated peas.