Featured agricultural insights and education across all Priority Areas covered by the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research.

We invite members of the food and agriculture community to share their Insights on food and agriculture. Thought leaders from across the food and agriculture community author these Insights, including experts, partners, grantees, funders and farmers. Insights provide an opportunity to share important views, perspectives, research and opinions about current food and agriculture topics.

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130 Insights found

Can Adding Carbon to the Soil Help us Manage Weeds? 

Portrait of Maria Gannett.

Maria Gannett

2019-2022 FFAR Fellow

Gene Editing is a Real Solution for Climate Change 

Portrait of Nicholas Karavolias.

Nicholas Karavolias

FFAR Fellow 2020-2023

Tools for a Different Trade 

Michael DeSa

Founder/Managing Director of AGD Consulting and the Host of the Vets in Ag Podcast

Turning Protectors into Providers 

Richard Murphy

Executive Director of Veterans to Farmers, and Plant Guy

Taking Science Beyond the Bench: Critical Reflections for Change-Oriented Research 

Portrait of Krista Marshall.

Krista Marshall

2019-2022 FFAR Fellow

Soil is Not Dirt 

Portrait of Prairie.

Aaron Prairie

2020-2023 FFAR Fellow

Reflecting on Agricultural Labor this Labor Day 

Portrait of Dr. Morales.

Dr. Alfonso Morales

Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Planning and Landscape Architecture

Seed giants must collaborate or be dwarfed by climate change 

Dr. Matthew Reynolds, Dr. Jeffrey Rosichan and Dr. Leon Broers

Heavy Metal and Chocolate: Not the Best Pairing   

Portrait of Zachary Dashner.

Zachary Dashner

2018-2021 FFAR Fellow

U.S. Food Insecurity: Findings from Feeding America’s Map the Meal Gap 

Dr. Craig Gundersen

CES Distinguished Professor of Agricultural & Consumer Economics at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

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